• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
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Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?

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Post-July, Early August 2023 Update · 2:17am Aug 5th, 2023

I made it faster than a monthly update!... about more than half a week late. This'll be a short one, though.

Writing (or, rather, brainstorming) has been rather murky as of late, especially since, having essentially abandoned the Screwball fic in lieu of a longer fic, I'd have to start from scratch. Well, not totally from scratch: [VOYNICH]'s premise involves Princess Cadance's encounters with Nightmare Moon in a NMM-victory timeline. This will certainly be a five-digit word-count run, though somewhere before 30k, I hope. I will tell you next update if I've made significant enough progress in the Snowflake Method stage.

While part of the slower writing here is due to work, I think a bigger part of it is my continued involvement with the Equestria at War mod (fan fic of that aside). I'm still quite enthusiastic about the projects I'm working on, and that doesn't seem to be abating any time soon. However, I think a better balance can be struck. I'll see about that sooner or later, too. (If I speak in vague terms, that's my fault.)

As for reading: I'm slowly making headway through MagicS's Rainbow Dash Around the World in parallel with UnknownError's The Princess and the Kaiser. I've abandoned reading Henry Waugh's The Universal Baseball Association about 2/3s of the way through, and I am still going through The Moviegoer by Walker Percy (inspired by a side mention in this writing article).

That will be all for now. I hope to bring some more fruitful news later in the month. May God be with you today!

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Good to hear from you!

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