Update: Waiting for approval/denial · 11:37am Jul 28th, 2023
So I submitted the story yesterday and it seems to be stuck longer than I anticipated.
I expected that a few hours, I guestimated 5-7 hours, would be long enough for the approval to either be accepted/denied so I send the story to be approved with the length of period before the deadline. But as you can see, it's now been 11 hours and a half past the promised deadline. Hopefully, the moderator team will give me the answer within the next 24 hours or I might have to abandon the attempt after all....
Maybe it takes a while for them to go through the story, longer than the last time I did so back in 2018. Let me know if that's the case.
Anyhow, please be nice and don't harass the mod to speed things up, even if I don't have that much influence on people and very likely will never do. Just be civilized and let them do their things.
That's all the update, I hope that the story will get approved and you all can read them as soon as possible, or at the very least, I get the denied and fix the mistake quickly so that it can be re-approved within this weekend or next week. Thank you for reading my small blog post!
P-S, an amateur writer
Stories nowadays take a few days to be approved
Thank you, good to know.