• Member Since 1st Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen Oct 21st, 2023

Dead End

I have tried but so much can be done, I'm sorry.

More Blog Posts11

  • 73 weeks
    Update: What's the opposite of writer block?

    Hello reader!

    Sorry for no updating for a while, and when there is, IE this, it's not the best one.

    I intended to write two stories this week, as I told in the last post but things get a bit out of hoof...

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    0 comments · 68 views
  • 75 weeks
    Update: I need a breather

    Hello, dear reader

    I’d like to apologise that I probably won’t be able to write the third story this week, or the week after if the trend continues, due to real life and personal online drama, it’s hard to really focus. I should still be able to make a few steps towards the story so I hope to at least publish 2 stories by 25th.

    Sorry for all the delays and hiccups

    PS, an amateur writer.

    0 comments · 82 views
  • 76 weeks
    Update: the starts is here

    Hi Again!

    It's officially been a week since I published the story and now, after a long wait expecting it to be denied, it's been approved! Hazzah!

    The story is out now, it's called "Fragment of a Mirror" you can search for that or just see the tagged story along with the post.

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    0 comments · 94 views
  • 77 weeks
    Update: Waiting for approval/denial

    So I submitted the story yesterday and it seems to be stuck longer than I anticipated.

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    2 comments · 120 views
  • 77 weeks
    A rant: Writing is hard

    Okay so. As promised, I've been writing the story but didn't realize how hard it is until I throw myself into the pool, deep end head first.

    Oddly enough, my writing skill has improved significantly, which is great! I even think my story makes sense when I read through them the second time and there's no real solid mistake to be easily seen for the most part.

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    0 comments · 129 views

A rant: Writing is hard · 12:41pm Jul 26th, 2023

Okay so. As promised, I've been writing the story but didn't realize how hard it is until I throw myself into the pool, deep end head first.

Oddly enough, my writing skill has improved significantly, which is great! I even think my story makes sense when I read through them the second time and there's no real solid mistake to be easily seen for the most part.

The problem is, for my life, I don't know how to pace it, at one moment it'd be as slow as a day at the beach then whammo! A series of even happen that hits you like a rollercoaster and I can feel the whiplash from thinking about it.

I guess it's two issues at once, one being that I struggle to really write a lot of descriptions of things since my vocabulary is still very limited. Like the smell, the sounds, the description of the object around the room can be a hassle to think of something, anything to describe those. The second one is the wording I use. They tend to give off the same emotion and vibe that might be a bit off for the various story time I'll be writing, unfortunately.

Nonetheless, if you have any guide to avoid those, I'd love to hear it and if you don't, I'd like to thank you for reading this post anyway, that means you care enough to read some amateur writer trying to do things they aren't good at or even comfortable writing.

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

P S, an Amateur Writer.

Report Dead End · 129 views · #rant #stressed #thisisfine
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