Human. Still human. ["with sentences [...] reads like they were written by a drunk, stoned, and autistic disorganized schizophrenic", as one said]
I only had good smile over fact I clicked on it due to curious title and out of the blue it referenced My Little Pony-themed game at 1:30 ;)
Have lovely time with your loved ones!
Sorry, right now PM system seems to have trouble, but I invite you to my page so we can continue our sidetalk I started on Chatoyance's page!
edit: shout, not shot! But probably this typo says something about my subconscious ;) :(
in russian, but I guess you can guess who is who there ....
.. not just about playing old games now, but also playing/developing new games for old consoles.
Caught this in big Sega Genesis review on youtube:
Cute protagonist and thankfully not shooting-based ;)
Mmm, this dragon-like being in one game for some reason remind me friendly hyena face ...
"The Gesture of Nature #3 | Animated Short Film 2021"Hawdy 하우디