• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


Female Writer, Bisexual Writer, Smolder X Mare Crackship Connoisseur. Creator of the Smolderverse, and writer of many other kinds of clop and SFW stories (Commissions temporarily OPEN)

More Blog Posts85

  • Tuesday
    More Time on my Hands (+18 fanfic poll)

    Hello everybody, I've been keeping up with writing! This week I even plan on having Jack of All Trades completed with a 10K chapter coming out!

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  • 8 weeks
    Full Swing: Summer of Pony

    I'm very proud to announce that Driving Her Batty now has a custom-made cover by the talented Welost, with the last two chapters coming out by mid-June. I've kept up with constant story updates as I set out to do, and plan on doing so for the rest of the summer 🌞

    Expect new stories with cover art from Uuforya as well as Pridark over the next several months!

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  • 9 weeks
    Looking for Feedback (G5 Fanfics)

    I've been mulling over this for a while, ever since the ending of Make Your Mark. I want to make G5 fanfics that have only the movie and MYM as canon, not TYT. As I refuse to watch TYT on principle of it being too low-effort to be a main series, this is how my new G5 fics would be going forward.

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  • 16 weeks
    Camp NaNoWriMo Update

    So while I did get sick over the past few days, I'm very happy and relieved to announce that I've started and still intend on finishing +30K for commissions as my Camp NaNoWriMo project. The story that I said I'd publish before the end of March wasn't published because the very talented artist is still working on the cover art, but once they are done, you all will be seeing at least

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  • 18 weeks
    March/April Update: Return to Pony

    Yo yo yo, it's been a while since I've done one of these posts and while I've been updating stories every couple weeks at least, it's still not as much as I would like. I had huge burnout as well as being sick towards the end of last year, as well as personal responsibilities that I've been taking care of. And of course, I've recently come to find how hard it has been that I've let both matters

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Upcoming Birthday! · 8:34pm May 25th, 2023

My birthday is not tomorrow, but next Friday! I'm really excited for my first birthday since moving out, and hope to release a new chapter of Smolder’s Cake Catering Order on that day. Thanks to everyone that has supported me in my writing. I'm happy to keep writing and give back to this lovely community!

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