
The Blender Crusade: ASSAULT ON THE ELDERLY (A Financial Horror) - Hunter: The Parenting Audiologs · 8:56pm Dec 26th, 2022

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Item #: SCP 9613
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
As SCP 9613 is immovable, cover site has been built above it, resembling local chain of 99p store staffed with Foundation employees in cooperation with Local Arcanum office, legally employed in the store, proxy company of SCP Foundation.
It is mandatory that cover site continues operation as 99p store, as interruption of functionality longer than 24 hours results in [EXPUNGED]
At no point are allocated agents to leave the store unattended except for 2:00 AM to 5:AM GMT, where cover site is to be abandoned and unobserved. All recording are forbidden at the site after incident SCP 9613 - gamma, and are allowed only for purpose of testing only with 0-5 approval.

SCP 9613 is Anomalous building located at ロロロロロロロロ In England, in mineshaft that has been abandoned in 1854. The access point is currently covered by cover site and appears as breached mineshaft with indeterminable depth. Measurements has been so far inconclusive and electronic measurement has been unsuccessful. Exploration logs attached.
SCP 9613 resembles for all intents and purposes 99p store, with observable but subtle difference in store front, being in fact labeled as 99P store. It exerts reality warping effects in area currently approximately 300 m in radius, making in impossible to leave the area until purchase has been made. This marks 50m increase since 19ロロ.
SCP 1913 is staffed with various products vaguely reminiscent of high value home produce, electronic, house appliances and [EXPUNGED], all of which exhibit anomalous properties once leaving SCP 1913, and all of which are marked for 99P, from now on referenced as SCP 9613-C.
SCP 9613 is empty, staffed with only one entity, henceforth SCP 9613-B, appearing as blue skinned elderly male wearing yellow tinted glasses. SCP 9613 seems incapable of communicating vocally directly, but is able to produce voice out of local store speakers when using microphone and always refers to itself as "Blue man". Its demeanor is cold, disinterested and passive, unless met with hostile force, or attempt is made to steal from the SCP 9613, at which point [EXPUNGED].
Despite potential benign effects of SCP 9613-Cs, testing of such is prohibited unless testing with approval of site director, as frequent use has been linked to expansion of SCP 9613 area of effect, and necessitated in additional containment procedures. Ongoing efforts are made to locate and acquire all instances of SCP 9613-Cs in general public, as current expansion rate suggest there are at least ロロ units still in public hands. Exponential increase in growth since 20ロロ suggest another site could be operational, as per SCP 9613-B remarks about GROWTH, and SCP foundation has been so far unsuccessful in its containment. Potential upgrade to Keter pending.

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