Brony Zonk · 7:08pm Jun 27th, 2015
Trying to help spread this around. My friends Thunder Rider, Midnight Master, and I designed a little pony-based party game.
Trying to help spread this around. My friends Thunder Rider, Midnight Master, and I designed a little pony-based party game.
First of all, I'm back. It's been a month or so(more like several), but I'm back on fimfiction.
Second, I'm going to be getting back into riffing, but most of my stories are on hiatus until further notice. I just don't have the inspiration to write, ya know?
So, my 12-year-old sister and I were staying at our father's house, and our stepmom comes home, completely drunk. She starts fighting with our father in the other room, and he pulls us both out to his car, and takes us to our grandmother's house, where we sit now.
I need to talk to someone right now.
The freakin' site errors + my laptop repeatedly breaking = not being on the site
Anyways, now that the errors have stopped, hello again, everyone! I've been busy working on my stories using my phone, and have some updates.
1. The next chapter of Guardians of Teufort is almost finished. Expect it by halfway through the next month at the latest.
2. My next riff, of Tirek Gets A Righteous Beatdown by RealityCheck, is halfway done and is my top priority. Expect it very soon.
On Google Hangouts! With my pal, kitko351! And possibly a guy named Backslasherton that I kinda know.
Come and join me! Clicky clicker clickson.
Shady's back! Tell a friend!
My laptop is finally fixed, so everything will soon be returning to normal. I'll be back to regular riffing, playing games on Steam, and beating old games on an emulator!
That also means my self-proclaimed hiatus from writing is over! More GoT!
I am Heavy Weapons Shady, and thees ees my blog post.
Hey fillies and gentlecolts! I have returned from the depths of American High School, and ready to write! The Guardians collab is officially cancelled, sadly, but my next riff is almost finished, and Gaurdians of Teufort's next chapter, code named 'Meet the DJ', is finished, and I just have to transfer it to FiMFiction. Also, if anyone would like to preread it for me, that would be freakin' sweet.
So, first things first. I have finally started riffing ponyfics again, inspired by the first story I have riffed, written by my pal UniqueSKD . If you wanna give it a look, that'd be awesome! Feel free to comment! You can find the riff here.
I'm streaming some random Minecraft here!