• Member Since 14th Dec, 2012
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Just sharing something really bad. · 8:06am Sep 25th, 2019

It has recently (as in today) come to my attention that somebody here with the screen name of Holly is considering suicide. It definitely saddens me when things get so bad for somebody that they decide to end it all. Here is a copy and past of the suicide blog from Holly.

This will be my final blog post, if you couldn’t guess by the title.

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Just sharing some ideas · 9:01pm Mar 29th, 2016

Hello there. Now, I have a few ideas for stories that I will share even though I don't have the time and energy to write them myself. Maybe somebody who DOES have the time and energy to write them might like these ideas enough to adopt them.

First few ideas are "Displaced Adoption Multiverse" ideas (inspired by the works of Tatsurou [sp?], but NOT a part of that author's VERY similarly themed series):

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