• Member Since 21st Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen June 4th

G-AB Acid


I am the night's serpent · 1:52am Mar 6th, 2020

Eu sou a serpente da noite
I am the night's serpent
O vento do oeste me traz
The wind from the west beckons me
Me dá tua mão e em troca
Give me your hand and, in exchange
Te dou minha asa lilás
I give you my lilac wing

Eu sou a serpente da noite
I am the night's serpent
E vivo debaixo do chão

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It's not always that I find a story that deeply moves me · 8:02pm Dec 3rd, 2017

But this one... it’s like a dream.

If you care, please, do check it out.

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Departures · 1:50am Nov 13th, 2017

This is not an invitation to praise/bash the authors.

Inky Swirl

I've just rewatched 'Luna Eclipsed' because of the date and all, and then, because eff it, I watched the first eight minutes of Crystal Empire Part 1. I hadn't seen an episode of pony in... months.

I'm glad I did, now, but I also feel like a guilty fool.

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