• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 9th, 2020



A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum · 8:29pm Apr 17th, 2013

So I was sitting at my computer the other day, and my father walked past and quite randomly asked me if I was a brony. I have no idea what prompted this. I've been pretty quiet about my interest in the show and the fandom -- not secretive, just not exactly open about it, y'know? -- so I was more than a little surprised. Maybe he noticed my Octavia and Vinyl Scratch figures and finally put two and two together? Anyhow, he seemed genuinely curious, so I cautiously said, "Uh, yeah, I guess." He

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Report Silvernis · 243 views ·

"Y'all" · 2:31pm Apr 4th, 2013

Isn't "y'all" plural? Call me crazy, but I always assumed it was a rustic elision of "you all," which would indeed make it plural. I don't understand why so many people write Apple family dialogue with "y'all" as a singular form of address.

Makes sense:

"Hey, girls," said Applejack, "y'all ready to go?"

Doesn't make sense:

"Twilight, y'all got a book on raisin' barns I could borrow?" asked Applejack.

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Interesting Fact That Nopony Else Gives a Flying Feather About · 1:14pm Mar 21st, 2013

Word uses curved quotes and apostrophes by default. FimFic uses straight quotes by default. Ergo, you can tell where someone wrote his/her fic by observing the style of the quotation marks. You can also tell if they copy-pasta'd it from Word to FimFic and subsequently edited it onsite.

Report Silvernis · 240 views ·

So I finally read Fallout: Equestria... · 8:57pm Mar 19th, 2013

...and wow. Just wow. I'm sorry I didn't read it sooner. It isn't perfect, but it's still really, really good.

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FFS, stop trying to fix things that aren't broken. · 8:24pm Mar 15th, 2013

I swear, it's a disease tech people have.

[/knee-jerk grumbling]

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Obligatory Reaction Post on the S3 Finale · 3:48am Feb 17th, 2013

So I finally got a chance to sit down and watch the finale. I'm . . . disappointed, but not really surprised, I guess. The well-done and nicely nuanced cutie mark swapping sequence got my hopes up at first, even when things started marching inevitably towards the Twilicorn transformation bit, but then . . . ugh. I just don't know what the point of this episode was. There was NO plot, NO friendship story, and NO meaningful character development -- seriously, slapping wings on Twilight doesn't

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Flank vs. Rump (or, I Thought of a Perfect Excuse to Use That Montoya Meme) · 4:56am Jan 19th, 2013

Dear everyone who treats "flank" like a ponified version of "ass":

Seriously, though. Check out the actual definition of "flank":

flank (flæŋk) — n
1. the side of a man or animal between the ribs and the hip
2. (loosely) the outer part of the human thigh
3. a cut of beef from the flank
4. the side of anything, such as a mountain or building

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Octavia's Long-Lost Sister? · 2:55am Dec 23rd, 2012

I expect I'm late to the party on this, but the new episode definitely seems to be suggesting some connection between the Ponyville fiddler and everyone's favorite cellist. I never noticed it back in 2.4 (low res vid, distracted by cute bearded Twi, etc.), but the fiddler is basically a yellow, violin-playing version of Octavia.

IDEA! :raritystarry: Incoming maudlin fic about musical sisters torn asunder!

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Said Bookisms · 5:33pm Dec 5th, 2012

Warning! Pedantic semi-rant incoming!

Here's a bit of sample dialogue:

"I'm so glad to be here," smiled Rarity.

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Teach us to speak as thou speakest! · 1:59am Nov 7th, 2012

You know what ruins a fic involving Luna? Bad Luna-speak. I don't know why so many writers have such a hard time getting the old-fashioned speech right (or at least passably close), but they do, and it's MADDENING. If nothing else, I'd appreciate it if more people understood that "thy" and "thou" aren't interchangeable.

Report Silvernis · 343 views ·