• Member Since 30th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen June 1st


I love ponies and space. And giant robots. Those are pretty neat too.

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Total Words: 4,793
Estimated Reading: 19 minutes


Hey, I'm Gilda... I think.

See, I died a little while ago. Not sure how, or why. I don't even know who I am. I'm not even entirely sure "Gilda" is really my name.

But there is something I do know. I'm dead, and I lost my memory. And now, somepony else is going to lose their life, and there's nothing I can do about it. Or can I...?

Something about this situation is pushing me to save this pony. But there's the problem of my apparent death. I'm told I have these "ghost tricks"... But they can't be real, can they?

Whatever the case is, all I know is that I must save this pony. It feels like she knows what happened to me. I want to know.

Who am I? Why did I die? Who killed me?

Well, with the power of the Ghost Tricks, I'm sure nothing could go wrong... right?

This night is looking to be a long one. I'd better piece together my memories and possess the truth before the trail runs cold.

I guess it's time to become a Phantom Detective for one night.


This fiction may contain spoilers to Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. If you plan to play this game, or already are playing this game, and want to remain spoiler-free, please refrain from reading this fiction. Thank you.


The main cast of the fiction will change gradually. As new chapters are released, the focus characters may shift.

Chapters (2)