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Learn for Life


Christmas, Hannukuh, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Hearth's Warming, and other holiday wishes · 1:52am Dec 26th, 2017

You all have a happy holiday, and I will see you all tomorrow! :yay:

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For Those That Yearn for Adventure: SweetAI Belle's "Noi and Bloo's Big Adventure" · 1:48am Nov 16th, 2017

Wait this is only 1,000 words long this isn't big at all what the he— Oh, hello! Trying to get back into the swing of things, I've chosen to look at the stories of someone I've had my eye on for a while, SweetAI Belle. This particular story caught my eye because of its brevity: 1,000 words, and worked to be exactly that after extending its original 100-word form. Let's explore one of the shortest adventures we will embark upon. Ladies and gentlemen, fillies and gentlecolts,

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That Moment When Your Random Browsing Pays Off · 7:13pm Nov 11th, 2017

Me, a long time ago, watching a PhantomStrider video: I can see how Sesame Street is the best live action kids' show. I wonder what odd trivia there is about Sesame Street.

goes researching

There's a Sesame Street character in Africa who's infected with HIV? That's interesting.

They had a central actor die during its run, and instead of glossing over it they talked about mourning and moving on? That's pretty cool.

The Cookie Monster's real name is Sid? That's neat.

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Saw This in Toys-R-Us Last Night · 7:36pm Nov 9th, 2017

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Some Writing-Related Questions · 8:38pm Sep 6th, 2017

One thing that I worry about when creating a new story is whether or not everything fits and is plausible. Two criticisms that seem to plague stories on a fundamental level, or at least criticisms that I've seen, are that a story is contrived, and a story is convoluted. I have trouble telling when a story is convoluted and when it's merely complex without fault. I have trouble telling when a situation is contrived in a positive manner and when it's in a negative manner. There are no professors

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My Experience With the 30-Day Water Challenge · 8:19pm Jun 24th, 2017

I am not in this video, just to let you know.

31 days ago, I felt like shit.

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Fan Art for "A Little Cream" · 5:54pm Jun 12th, 2017

The admirably great Lupin Quill has drawn the three main Massive Magnificent Mares from my story, "A Little Cream for a Lotta Coco." Take a look at his work!

I can't link to his Tumblr, because NSFW material, but go and shower him with love.

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For those wondering if "A Little Cream" will be delayed again · 6:26pm Jun 8th, 2017

Chapter 8 is finished being written out. I will be publishing it Saturday; I’ll be using the time until then to check it for errors. So no delays this time! Woohoo, momentum!

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For Those That Yearn For Adventure #30: Cyanblackstone's "The Eagle Has Landed" and "The Eagle Is Sealed" · 10:31pm Apr 27th, 2017

The monumental moment of 1969 with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin just got more monumental, as the two astronauts discover an equine lifeform! Banished by her sister, will this new creature find friendhship in these two? Will Armstrong and Aldrin have discovered an alien species? Or will they have brainstormed an idea that's four decades ahead of its time?

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Quick updates · 7:40pm Apr 24th, 2017

Firstly, if anyone can spare a private 1-on-1 conversation tomorrow, I could use it.

Secondly, some story and blog updates:

1. A Rumble in the Distance will be getting a new chapter next Wednesday, the third.
2. A Little Cream for a Lotta Coco will have a new chapter and incident this Friday, the 28th.
3. A new For Those That Yearn for Adventure will be coming this Thursday, the 27th.

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