• Member Since 24th Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen Jul 29th, 2022


Hobby writer, Artist, and creator of nonsense.

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Total Words: 4,956
Estimated Reading: 19 minutes


Somewhere, in Twilight Sparkle’s heart, there was a nagging doubt. Buried under what could only be described as years of study, devotion to the Princesses, and her friends, there was a tiny seed of it. It nipped at the bottom of her soul occasionally, but never badly enough where she regretted a decision. 

Twilight Sparkle is attempting to ease her own mind, but she just can't seem to escape the memories of a certain pink, pegasus filly.

Written for the 2021 Cozy Glow short story contest! The prompt was: Twilight Sparkle gathers Cozy’s belongings for disposal. One object surprises her. Editing help, and English help from the lovely Ishi!! Thank you so much Ishi!!

Chapters (1)