• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2021


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Sinonimos & Antonimos (Synonyms & Antonyms)
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
Materials: None
Skills: Pronunciation, vocabulary

This game is played entirely through speaking. Students should vote on whether to begin with synonyms or antonyms. Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning (such as strong and powerful), and antonyms are words with opposite meanings (such as strong and weak). One player begins by saying a word in Spanish. In a circular motion, participants must respond with either a synonym or an antonym of the original word. Students should continue this way until they feel they have run out of words. Then, the next player in the circle will choose a new word.

These are just a sampling of the many games you can play in Spanish. Many more ideas can be found on cheap reliable essay writing service. Have fun!

Trabalenguas (Tongue Twisters)
Level: Intermediate - Advanced
Materials: None
Skills: Pronunciation

Rehearsing tongue twisters is a wonderful way to improve your Spanish pronunciation. However, doing so requires some preparation beforehand. Students can consult the Internet or print resources to locate effective tongue twisters in Spanish. They can also write my essay for me by making phrases or sentences that utilize the same tricky letters and sounds. Each player should take a turn reciting the tongue twister. The intensity should increase with each round. Players can judge one another on speed, pronunciation, and rhythm.
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Distinguishing the Faces of Contrast: Dramatic, Situational, and Verbal Irony

Symbolism in Our Culture: Historical Background on Four Popular Objects

Level: Beginner - Advanced
Materials: Paper, writing utensil
Skills: Vocabulary

Many individuals find Pictionary to be an extremely entertaining game. You do not need to be a skilled artist to play Pictionary; in fact, it is often more fun when participants are not talented at drawing. You do, however, need teams. One member from a given team must illustrate a word for his or her team members. Players who are sketching are not allowed to write my essay paper, numbers, or letters. They cannot speak or use gestures. If the team shouts out the correct answer, they earn a point. It should be noted that Pictionary is often easiest when played with nouns.

El Ahorcado (Hangman)
Level: Beginner - Advanced
Materials: Paper, writing utensil
Skills: Vocabulary

One player silently chooses a word or expression. If the participants are beginners, it is acceptable to indicate the category to which the word belongs (i.e., actor/actress, place, sport, etc.) This player then writes a dash for each letter that the word or expression contains. When a correct letter is guessed, that letter is written over its corresponding dash. If an incorrect letter is guessed, a body part, such as a head, a torso, etc., is drawn on the gallows. In most cases, students are allotted between six and ten guesses before the stick figure is considered completely "hung." Students should be aware that knowledge of the Spanish alphabet is absolutely essential in order to play Hangman.

Learn to Speak Spanish With These Games

Learning Spanish through game play is a highly dynamic and memorable way to master the language. Games can also provide students with a pleasant break from traditional learning methods. If you do not own any board games, do not worry - the games below can easily be played at home using little or no materials!

Level: Intermediate - Advanced
Materials: Paper, timer, writing utensil
Skills: Vocabulary

Players choose between six and twelve categories, such as animals, fruits, items in a park, verbs, etc. Students who are advanced in their study of Spanish should opt for a higher number of categories. One participant then selects a letter of the alphabet. Once the letter is chosen, each player writes a Spanish word under each category that begins with the selected letter. The first player to finish shouts, "Basta!" The other players then have ten seconds before they must write my essay students. Next, all players share their responses. If another player has the same answer as you, neither person earns a point for that category. For this reason, unique answers are best. If you are looking for an additional challenge, set a timer and attempt to work under pressure.

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