• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I make both fanart and fanfic. I draw all my cover images myself, and I take art and writing commissions!


Fixed the link to the Auntie Tia print version! · 10:12am Dec 20th, 2020

Thanks to someone flagging it up, I've now realised the link I was sharing around before was a link to the 'project' version of it on my personal account, which means anyone who clicked the link couldn't see it :facehoof:

The real link is here!

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Report Shaslan · 582 views ·

Print copy of Auntie Tia's Matchmaking Service is now live! · 11:26pm Dec 18th, 2020

The final chapter of Auntie Tia's Matchmaking Service has now been published, which means you can now purchase a print copy of the book here!

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Report Shaslan · 565 views ·

Last chapter of Auntie Tia going live tomorrow (AND a print copy!) · 11:30am Dec 17th, 2020

The last chapter of Auntie Tia's Matchmaking Service will be going up tomorrow, so if you haven't started it yet due to not liking incomplete stories, now is your moment!

I'll also be unveiling the printed copy, which will be available on Lulu! Get hype!

Report Shaslan · 508 views ·