• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 1st, 2014



Untitled Update · 3:58am Aug 4th, 2013

Hello! I got tired of looking at the last blog post, so I figured I'd put up a new one. A good enough reason, eh? :3

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Report 00Lizard · 366 views ·

"Random" Update · 2:03am Aug 30th, 2012

Hello dudes and dudettes. I just wanted to let you know that RandomEncounter and I have been working hard to get the next chapters of his stories out. This past weekend, we hung out at the local Mexican restaurant and got our margaritas on and discussed some Thunderstruck! We went back home and split up the writing duties, churning out a couple thousand words over the course of the weekend. And we are still not done! *shakes fist at the

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Report 00Lizard · 383 views ·