Art! Glorious Art! · 3:07am Oct 5th, 2020
I decided to commission a picture of Yang's winter furs, and it came out great. This guy is very fast.
Is nice.
I decided to commission a picture of Yang's winter furs, and it came out great. This guy is very fast.
Is nice.
I have nearly every chapter of SVUA written. The only one left to finish is a snippet chapter of small scenes.
Contributions are welcome.
As the title says, I am open to ideas or even whole stories for Searing Victory's Unusual Adventure. I made a similar blog post before I published the story (stupid timing in hindsight), and I'll put some simplified guidelines for submitted ideas here.
For a simple idea, just a little blurb about it will do. SVUA came about from a simple observation, so a chapter/arc can come from the same.
Three months ago, a reader left a comment. since then, I've been working on a side project that came from that comment.
Sometimes, you forget about what was written before. Sometimes, you get reminded of something. Then when you go back to look it over, you see other things you forgot about, and maybe even a contradictory line or two. I did that recently, and there was small stuff I'd forgotten about in I Burn that brings new writings into a different light.
The madness is starting to set in. It always happens at this time of year, and is nigh impossible to escape. Almost everywhere, it's happening.
I speak, of course, of the OVERSATURATION OF CHRISTMAS. I can deal with the lights and decor aspects easily enough. That's fine. But the music, the change of work uniform to a more Christmasy look (DISGUSTING), the madness and stupidity of people in general at this time of year, it culminates in one of the two ways to drive me nuts.
I'm starting to feel a bit of burnout with writing for I Burn. It's getting tougher to figure out what to write, and the motivation's fading a bit. I've finished writing chapter 116, but now, I'm not sure where to go from there.
A break from writing does sound nice, but there's not much else I can do to fill the time or use the creative energy that writing does for me.
I'm working on chapter 100 of I Burn, and I've decided to commission a piece of art for it. Those two facts are more coincidence than anything, really, since I came up with something that I don't think I could adequately describe in words. But still, chapter 100! And then, after that, more chapters, as usual.
Here's a picture I found that I like.
Thanks to the recent wave of positive comments, I'm feeling much more inspired to work on I Burn than I had been, and so I've put my face back into the volcano of typing.
. . .
I've read the writing in the comments for the chapter Irrational Behavior, and it seems the romance arc is not very popular. I guess I could try to defend my writing from the criticisms, but there's not much I can say. It is my first attempt at it, I will admit, so I kind of expected it wouldn't go all that well, but not like this. Honestly, part of me wants to heft the blame for it on the one who suggested it to me, but I won't do that. I'm the one who wrote it, I'm the one who published it,