• Member Since 28th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just here mainly to comment on and like other peoples stories. Might right a few myself because I love the show and want to give back but I am also lazy so we'll see what happens


Help Scribbler · 12:13am Apr 12th, 2023

Hey everycreature, sad news today. Prominent fanfiction writer and reader Scribbler Productions is in some trouble and might lose her channel. Below is a link to her video explaining what is going as well as what we can do to help and I urge you all to do what you can


Surgery Good, Writing · 6:31pm Dec 14th, 2022

Hey everycreature, so my eye surgery went well. I just got home from a follow up and my healing is going well, already I can see well enough to drive myself and it's still going to get better so yeah I'm very happy.

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Surgery, Books, and The Future · 12:02am Aug 22nd, 2022

So everycreature, I have a few good things going on in my life right now. Firstly I have finally been approved for lasik surgery and am getting it soon (though I can't wear contacts leading up to the surgery so I'm having to get used to glasses again for the first time in years, and remembering why I stopped wearing them). Good news number 2 I saw the movie Prey and adored it so much I had to get back into the Predator franchise and decided to check out some of the novels I hadn't read yet, one

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Slight Break · 7:25pm Apr 24th, 2022

Hey everycreature, just to let you know why the new chapter of Spinel isn't out yet. So the chapter is about Sombra's life up until now basically, a bit of homeworld a lot of Equis etc. Initially I though I'd do one chapter about my average length starting that story and finish it in another chapter but as I wrote I realized that wouldn't make for a good stopping point so to sum all this up, you're getting a chapter longer then usual, but not sure when it will come out.

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Back To Writing · 1:30am Mar 25th, 2022

So good news, I got into a hyperfocus that has led to me writing like crazy and getting a lot of work done.... the bad news is said hyperfocus is on Spinel (my girl deserved a full on spin off show!) so that is the only story that will be updating regularly right now. I will try and pour some of the excess energy into working on other stories while I can but for now it's mainly Spinel until I either get burnt out again (hears hoping that doesn't happen) oor the story outright finishes as to be

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Update · 4:57am Jan 4th, 2022

Hey everycreature, so I probably owe you all an explanation and well this is gonna be a bit.

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News That Makes Me Sad · 4:12pm Sep 29th, 2021

Hey everycreature, well as I said I went to the eye doctor today and sadly my vision still hasn't leveled off just yet. I am gonna have to wait until December 29th at least to see about Surgery and... yeah that's pretty much it. I know that's not a big deal or anything, there's nothing wrong after all I just have to wait, I'm just kind of sad that I have to wait even longer when I was hoping to get it done like next week or so.

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Report luckyboys121 · 429 views · #hiatus

Update · 10:12pm Aug 6th, 2021

Hey everycreature, decided to give you all an update as to how things are going for me. Firstly the good news, my eyes are adjusting well and I have been approved for lasik surgery. And on a more personal note I am enjoying this hiatus as I've used the time to catch up on watching anime and reading to ikeep my stress level down.

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Hiatus · 6:04pm Jun 25th, 2021

Hey everycreature, as many of you probably know already from the authors notes of the last chapter, I had my first lasik consolation today and... let's start with good news. I qualify to have it done and am now on the path to getting it. The kind of bad news, I had been using what is called corneal moldings which are basically special contacts that I wore at night while I was sleeping to stop my eyes from getting worse, and before I can get the surgery I need to stop wearing those and instead

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Story Recomendation · 12:47am Apr 6th, 2021

Hi everycreature, I know I don't do this often but a friend of mine is helping out on this Star Trek crossover and I know he'd really appreciate it if you can check it out, maybe say a few kind words in the comment section (honestly it shouldn't be hard as I think it's off to a really good start)

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