• Member Since 26th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Apr 14th, 2019



Be for ever · 12:39am Nov 4th, 2018

So yeah haven't done this in forever....please don't think I'm dead because I'm still here....I'm just waiting for a really big story to come to mind....lucky I haven't thought of anything....I'm kinda having a fight with my brine on what to do....it's a chance between a sunset and Sci twi...or an AU with my OC lighting tail....as you can tell...I'm brain dead....so yeah nothing yet...but I'll still be here...anyway enjoy everyone!

Report Bobiann1 · 204 views ·
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Hello? Anyone there?

Sure just send me the link and I'll see what it's like.

How would you like to join the Insane Creators Guild?

Comment posted by Bobiann1 deleted May 25th, 2018
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