Happy Easter! · 11:43pm Mar 31st, 2018
Happy Easter everypony! I got about 52 easter eggs today. Having trouble finishing it.
Hey! It’s your favourite boxer here. Just chilling. Won’t be on much though we can catch up on discord.
Happy Easter everypony! I got about 52 easter eggs today. Having trouble finishing it.
I went out Jetsking today, it was a beautiful ocean out there! Saw some turtles and stingrays that’s about it. Swimming in the deep end was fun. Looking at all the islands was amazing! We stopped by pelican beach and I went body surfing in the water. You can pretty much see me on facebook, harvey bay was fun. I almost fell off the jetski but luckily, I didn’t and I still feel like I’m in the water on the jetski! Sorry for the baaaaad punctuation I’m just tired from
Sick with a bad cough, sore throat and blocked nose. (sigh) I’m starting to miss school already.
So this weekend, on Saturday I went for my karate grading and now I’m on my orange belt, yay! It was very hot so I can say it was a sweaty grading
but, I didn’t care I was just too focused on doing my own thing. Still, a couple of more years to reach black belt I’m just gonna wait till then.
Hey, everypony! I’m back! Also, I still have that crack in my cheek but, I’m back I won’t be writing till I’m healed for about 6 more weeks then I can write stories again. Thank you all for reading! 🐶
Your pet, Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever.
The reason why it’s because, I broke a bit of my cheek bone just a small crack and I had to go to the hospital because, I landed on my face. My right eye hurts now. So I will see you all later. This was my first concussion I ever had. I have to get away from my iPad because I’ll strain my eyes and it will hurt more. I was at school playing ball rush then I accidentally bumped into another person and landed on my face to the ground (grass).
1. PixelMoon, Peppermint Frost
If you’re too lazy to read the whole thing look down the bottom.
P. erlite
E. ntertaining
P. roud
P. ositive
E. ditor
R. eliable
M. indful
I. dealistic
N. ever mean
T. enacious
F. riendly
R. eally the best
O. ptimistic
I finally have the Nintendo Switch so if you want to befriend me here. PM me when you send me friend’s request so I know it’s you.
Nintendo Switch: SW-1655-8327-4114
Nintendo 3DS: 2896-2581-8484 (Name: Thea)