• Member Since 19th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 23rd, 2017


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  • 370 weeks

    I figured I should introduce myself. I'm a girl, 24 years old (I turn 25 on November 9th) and am graduating from college with a Major in the Arts and a Minor in Digital Journalism. I'll be re-applying to go back for a Major in English, though. I'm straight and currently taken, though I am not exactly sure for how long. Hopefully permanently. But I've got a really bad past experience where a fellow brony stayed with me for seven years before ditching me for my only girl friend who also liked

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  • 370 weeks
    Still waiting for S07e012...

    I do NOT ship FlutterCord, but this season has had some pretty fun episodes so far, so I'm still excited and have been anticipating it for WEEKS, now. The episode WAS scheduled to air yesterday, but that didn't happen... FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS MONTH. :raritydespair:

    Now we're being told it airs THIS Saturday?!?! I SWEAR TO CELESTIA. IF THIS DOESN'T AIR "AGAIN", I WILL BE SO BUCKING UPSET. :flutterrage:

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Introduction! · 4:22am Jun 19th, 2017

I figured I should introduce myself. I'm a girl, 24 years old (I turn 25 on November 9th) and am graduating from college with a Major in the Arts and a Minor in Digital Journalism. I'll be re-applying to go back for a Major in English, though. I'm straight and currently taken, though I am not exactly sure for how long. Hopefully permanently. But I've got a really bad past experience where a fellow brony stayed with me for seven years before ditching me for my only girl friend who also liked

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Welcome to Fimfiction. :twilightsmile:

Let me know if you have any questions about the site. :pinkiesmile:

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