• Member Since 17th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2021

Doom Trot

Like 2017 could possibly be worse.


Thoughts on Nintendo Switch, My Little Pony, and Happiness · 3:25pm Oct 20th, 2016

Not sure if anyone will read this, but here we go.

I just watched the first look at the Nintendo NX, which has been revealed officially as the Nintendo Switch. I have to say, I am thoroughly unimpressed. And that saddens me a little. But that shouldn't prevent anyone else from being excited by the new console.

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Hi! · 1:37am Feb 1st, 2016

Hello everyone!

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I Co-wrote a Thing · 10:17pm Mar 1st, 2015

Hello, everybody. I have been totally inactive for about a year, and I apologize for that. But wait! I helped another user co-write two fantastic short one-shots! One-shots starring Cookie Monster! If you'd like to give them a look, here's the first:


And here's the second:

Omnomnipotent 2: The Sesame Crusades

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I fix. Probably. · 5:29am Aug 13th, 2013

I hereby formally apologize to anyone who read Playing the Spy Game: Changelingshy and found it disappointing. I feel that I included themes that were unfitting and content that was irrelevant, and I am very sorry for that. As a result, a large portion of the story has been omitted, as I found it did not add to the plot. I do hope this enhances the fic's quality.

Doom Trot

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Hopeless Romance: Sequel to my most popular work · 4:52am Mar 6th, 2013

For those of you who enjoyed Caught in the Act, the first and (currently) only significantly popular thing I've put on fimfiction.net, you've probably seen its sequel. Or at least the prologue to that sequel. Now, on account of the fact that its predecessor did as well as it did (and is actually still attracting the occasional new reader), I want Hopeless Romance to be even better than Caught in the Act. I fear that I won't be able to develop it to such a standard. Now, I know what can be

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Reception troubles. · 6:37pm Dec 27th, 2012

Invest two months in a one-shot, three dislikes before a single like (This.) Post the beginning of a fic on the spur of the moment, it gets immediate positive reception (This.)

I don't even...

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"Issues," they say. · 1:36am Oct 31st, 2012

Scumbag Equestria Daily pre-readers institute strike system, so authors aren't put through a soul-crushing grind in the process of trying to get their story accepted. Constantly rejects stories without giving them a strike.

(I certainly hope no one from EqD reads that)

Seriously, though, I'm being held back by the same things over and over, despite having made rigorous changes between each submission. That is:

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Complete! · 3:08am Oct 18th, 2012

I finished something! Yay! I sincerely hope that everypony who read Caught in the Act enjoyed it!

If you didn't, please tell me what I did wrong, so I can do that same thing right in the future.

If you haven't read it, here it is!

Any and all feedback on Caught in the Act would be much appreciated, because, believe it or not, the sequel is already in the works!

Report Doom Trot · 289 views ·

Caught in the Act; Easily my best work · 2:02am Aug 30th, 2012

You know, Caught in the Act has to be one of my own personal favorites. Mainly because:

1. Readers seem to enjoy it, which is more than I can say for my other serious works.
2. It seems to flow so much better than I anything else I write.
3. I get to do Applejack's accent to death. It ain't easy to write for her, but I need the practice.

(Edit: I noticed a glaring typo on point number two, but I'm going to leave it, for the sake of emphasizing it in an ironic way.)

Report Doom Trot · 378 views ·

Assumptions · 3:46am Aug 27th, 2012

Here's my theory.

What a reader browsing stories thinks:

Poor cover art= Poor story

Good cover art= Good story

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