I swear, it's almost done this time! · 12:56am Mar 25th, 2017
Good news! I'm not dead! I also got three ranked cards in Dirty Bomb and I can actually use two of them.
I've heard that I write a pretty good story named Fallout: Equestria - Memories.
Good news! I'm not dead! I also got three ranked cards in Dirty Bomb and I can actually use two of them.
So you've probably noticed that I've done basically nothing. My birthday happens in a week and I'm going to spend it watching John Wick 2 and the Lego Batman Movie.
Hey guys! I just got back from a mandatory fun vacation with family. Didn't get a whole lot done, but I guess I'm ready to get shit done at this stage. To those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! To everyone else, Merry other-nondenominational-holiday!
Still very slowly plodding through the chapter, but I've mostly just been goofing off in preparation for the holidays. Instead, take a look at this thing I helped get started. Or something. Heck, I don't know. Put your eyeballs on it!
That's all.
Alright, so it's no secret that I've been updating incredibly slowly. This has to do in part that I have been almost nonstop playing God Eater Resurrection/God Eater 2 now that they've been ported to PC and because I literally have no motivation to write at the moment. I've got most of the chapter planned out and basically all of the major dialogue written but that's really as far as it gets. I just haven't found a reason to keep writing this
Hey there everyone! So I've got some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that the Intermission is done and it's basically ready to post. The bad news is that it's fairly short. Would you guys rather I post it now or would you guys prefer to hang out until Chapter 31 is almost done? For context, Chapter 31 is about 20% done on preliminary writing but is still mostly placeholder text.
Back again?
Expect Chapter 30 come like, 2 or 3 Pacific time.
As such, also expect a short intermission then the conclusion of this excuse of a game we call an expandalone.
Also: Would anyone be interested in reading a speedrun of Fallout: Equestria - Memories? Best ending, DieHard%, not glitchless.
Everything was going better than planned. I got through the part of the chapter that was giving me trouble, then...
Good news: I plinked away at the chapter a bit more. As in, we're 5% more done than before. Like, all the IMPORTANT stuff is done. Now I'm just down to fixing all the fiddly bits between dialogue and a weird little end segment that's been a huge mess. Ugh. I'm trying guys. On the bright side, I have an inkling of how the next few chapters are going to go so once I grind this bit out then the wait will probably be less terrible moving on.