• Member Since 30th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2021

Vanilla Mocha

I enjoy ponies. I enjoy coffee. I enjoy writing. So therefore, this pegasister enjoys FimFiction.


Lol what’s up · 10:56pm Oct 11th, 2019

Hey lol it me ok bye

Report Vanilla Mocha · 487 views ·

Commissions · 2:34am Nov 16th, 2017

Lol I don’t log on here much but if you want cover art check me out on DeviantArt. I’m currently closed right now but I’ll be open again soon.

Want a picture that looks like this? :

Or this? :

Maybe this? :

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 623 views ·

I just typed up a few paragraph long blog post but I was stupid and deleted the wrong tab so I'll summarize here · 10:05pm Mar 8th, 2017

1) I didn't know that the passwords are screwed up now, I wasn't here for that, and I don't plan on coming back

2) I do commissions on DA, see here for more, here's some examples of my original art without bases:

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 701 views ·

Please Read · 2:12am Mar 7th, 2017

I was looking for something not logged in on private browsing when I noticed it said I was online. I reassure you this is the real me and whoever is in my account needs to knock it off. I'm logging back out now, but I wanted you guys to know it's not me. Please see my DA if you want to talk to me. As for Skype I'm not sure if I'm gonna stay on. I don't feel well emotionally either. See ya guys.

Report Vanilla Mocha · 564 views ·

Stuff & Hiatus · 3:19am Feb 26th, 2017

I'm going on hiatus. In the mean time check this out. If you care about what I post and want to stay in touch while I'm offline follow me for updates please. If you're subbed to my YouTube click that notification bell.

Report Vanilla Mocha · 583 views ·

Family · 3:29am Feb 25th, 2017

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(Sarcastic) Shipping · 2:13pm Feb 16th, 2017

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Parody Coming Soon · 2:05pm Feb 13th, 2017

If anyone is interested, a parody featuring Luna/Nightmare Moon is coming out with the singing talents of Cowgirl VK, Red the Mel, Rose the Changeling, SudokuBrony, and Fluffysam. I am currently working on an animatic and I want to know which art style to use. I have completed one, but I didn't like it. If anyone wants to see and help me decide, let me know and I'll show you two.

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 443 views ·

Huge Storm For Galaxy · 1:32am Feb 9th, 2017

My awesome friend Galaxy Nebula posted this blog about a major storm in his area that's happening soon. Please go check it out and tell him you care for him. It'd mean a lot to him... his power might be cut off due to the storm and knowing you have friends that care is always reassuring.

Report Vanilla Mocha · 408 views ·

What's Been Going On · 4:58pm Feb 8th, 2017

Trying to finish my last story. My birthday is the 19th so I'm kinda busy with family, my brother's birthday is also this month so that's busy too. I also have Valentine's Day to look forward to with Icy, plus I've been sick and I currently feel like puking, which isn't good because I'm finally back in class today (haven't been to school all week). I also have this series on my DA called "Scrapbook" which is where I store pictures for a... ya guessed it, Scrapbook, of Icy and I

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 400 views ·