• Member Since 18th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Writing graduate who loves cartoon horses and all manner of silly things. Occasionally writes serious stories. A divine Swedish woman drew this avatar.


Repercussions: An Alternate Ending · 6:33am Dec 14th, 2012

I know, I know, the story's nowhere nearly done, but a friend of mine volunteered to preread what I had of the first draft over a year ago (I'm sorry), and after reading the first five chapters (revised down to four), I received this in my PMs on Team Liquid:

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The End of my First University Course · 6:24pm Dec 6th, 2012

Update: I ended up with an A- in this class. Not bad for spending the majority of it writing about ponies.

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A Short Break · 9:13pm Nov 22nd, 2012

I felt kind of like this while I was second drafting chapter 17 of Repercussions. My editor has wisely perscribed that I take a couple weeks where I do anything except think about Repercussions. This will be my first break from writing the fanfic since I took two weeks off after I finished the first draft on January 31st, 2012, so I guess I'm a couple months overdue.

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My Writing Process · 1:56am Nov 19th, 2012

I'm not sure if anybody is interested in this sort of thing, but here we go. I've been working on Repercussions since the beginning of September of 2011, about a week or two before season 2 began. Since then, I've been trying to develop writing methods for the novel. Currently, I'm operating under a four-phase plan.

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An Apology & A Horsecrux · 11:10pm Nov 11th, 2012

Firstly, I'd like to say sorry to anybody who was dissatisfied with the content of Chapter XI of Repercussions. Not about the subject matter, but of the writing quality. Steben so aptly pointed out that I told too much. This is partly true. While writing combat, a mixture of show and tell is the recipe for success. For example, you show something happening, and if more of the same happens directly afterward, you continue to use dialogue and/or

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My Editor · 4:23am Oct 24th, 2012

Of the little feedback I've received from those few of you who've read my story -- good or bad -- one thing I've commonly heard is the grammar and presentation in my story is quite excellent. Stephen King once said, "To write is human, to edit is divine", and I am privilaged to have quite the divine editor. My writing mechanics were pretty good a few months ago, but a far cry from what you see in the work I post here.

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Nightmare Night: (Almost) All Will Be Revealed! · 2:51am Oct 20th, 2012

Does anyone even read these things?

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Doubles? · 1:16am Oct 15th, 2012

As regrettable as using this image is, it is (somewhat) justified; this coming Wednesday -- and this Wednesday only -- Repercussions will receive a double update. Yes, two chapters instead of one. Why? Let's just say chapter 8 will be... interesting, and as such, it's only prudent to provide the next chapter right away, rather than delaying it a week. Some important closure, and all that.

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Updates, updates, updates! · 7:31pm Oct 2nd, 2012

Hello everyhorse!

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