• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A lot has happened, and I mean A LOT. But... I'm slowly coming back. May need help with that.


Avatar: the Last Airbender Review - The King of Omashu · 3:25am Dec 14th, 2020

Okay, gonna do another one of these before I blog more about art.

I thought the last episode was okay with Sokka and Suki being the high points and anything relating to the Aang x Katara being low. It made me chuckle here and there, but nothing really stood out to me.

As for this episode, I don't remember too much about it other than it is the introduction to Bumi. I like Bumi. I found him pretty entertaining back then and am looking forward to see if I still do.

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Avatar: the Last Airbender Review - The Warriors of Kyoshi · 2:57am Dec 7th, 2020

First, I feel the need to say that I started reviewing this one a long time ago, over a month I think. I was mostly finished with the blog, but I had to step away from my laptop for a bit. When I got back, my laptop had lost power and everything I wrote disappeared, and let me just say, that does not motivate to get back to it.

I may actually start a schedule for these reviews after that mishap.

Anyway, on to the review.

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Comic: Hearth's Warming Sweets · 12:09am Nov 28th, 2020

First off, disappeared because I needed a break and dealt with multiple family members passing away. I hate 2020.

Moving on to more positive things, I have commissioned a number of things throughout my time away with an actual mini-comic being the subject of today's blog.

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Commissioned Art: Kamushek228 - More Risque Drawings · 10:37pm Sep 30th, 2020

Gonna start with this first: I'm only posting one of the drawings here, the safest one. I'll guide you to the rest.

As I continue writing some of my stories, I find myself diving into more mature themes and scenarios (before you get your hopes up, I'm not currently writing any clop :twilightblush:). That's not to say I'll stop writing my fluff tales; I just want some more variety. Art is art, and I want to explore more of it.

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Spike's CMC Summer - Complete Art Series With Sources · 10:30pm Sep 24th, 2020

EDIT: Sources now included.

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Avatar: the Last Airbender Review - "The Southern Air Temple" · 11:39pm Sep 20th, 2020

Life can get painful and time really flies when you don't pay attention.

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Avatar: the Last Airbender Review - "The Avatar Returns" · 1:17am Aug 10th, 2020

Back at it again.

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Avatar: the Last Airbender Review. Episode 1. · 12:59am Aug 3rd, 2020

Well, this took long enough. Seriously, I really didn't notice that MONTH had passed by when I announced this. Well, better late than never.

Okay, let's get started. The rules are simple: I watch the episode on Netflix, jot down anything I think is worth noting, and then give my overall thoughts on the episode(s). What do you think? Will I grow to love Avatar, or will I still find it as "okay" as I did when I first watched the series?

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Commissioned Art: Sunbathed Spike · 12:12am Jun 30th, 2020

I've noticed that the girls have gotten most of the attention with my commissions, so I decided to commission one where the guy is the primary focus.

An aged up Spike with some admirers. I really like this one! Nice change of pace!

I... really don't have much to say about this one other than I have new body goals. Wish me luck!

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Commissioned Art: Beach Day! · 11:14pm Jun 22nd, 2020

What can I say? I love the summer and wish I could go to the beach just once in my life.

This art was commissioned by TheBrokenCOG, quite possibly my second favorite artist in the fandom (top five for sure). His style is very anime-esque with very bright colors and is extremely visually pleasing.

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