• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
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Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


That new episode · 8:28pm Sep 24th, 2016

The episode is better than I thought it'd be. Only because Starlight actually doing something beyond horrible is not treated as a small, "No big deal" kind of problem and she actively has to make up for it because yeah she screwed up big time. It kind of has "No Second Prances" vibe to it, in the fact that where the episode is good, it's actually pretty good, but where there are flaws, they are GLARING flaws.

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New episode preview · 5:19pm Sep 22nd, 2016


Seriously fuck you Starlight. I'm REALLY questioning how people can still see you positively. You're the worst.


Added a line to "Why Bother?" · 12:39am Sep 22nd, 2016

There was a portion of "Why Bother?" that I realized didn't make much sense. And that's the portion where Luxure mentions of her finding out that Sombra was one of the later villains that she found out was defeated. How can that be though, when the very thing used to beat him was the thing she was trapped in?

Well I added a line that explains that. Turns out she's become quite the heavy sleeper due to all the practice she's had over her imprisonment. And even took up trying lucid dreams.

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New one shot and returning to writing · 5:51pm Sep 18th, 2016

Due to a whole bunch of technical problems and motivation in general, I've been holding off on writing things. I'm gonna be getting back into it, starting with this one shot I wrote.

Basically the idea behind it is that if a villain realizes they're in a kids show where bad guys can never win, what would be the point in continuing the villain schtick? They know they're being set up for failure so why try?

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I never really talked about Friendship Games and here's why · 7:03pm Sep 8th, 2016

Because to me there was practically nothing to talk about. I could sum up the movie in a single word.


The only thing I even remotely remember from the whole thing was "Unleash the Magic". That is IT.

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Buckball Season · 7:28pm Sep 3rd, 2016

I'm gonna make this really brief. Buckball Season was a pretty good episode actually. The problem with not working well under pressure is actually pretty relateable to me (not in the realm of sports mind you, I don't know anything at all about sports. To this day I haven't figured out how the hell football works and I honestly don't really care enough to find out) because pressure for a lot of people doesn't do much besides stress them out and makes things worse.

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The worst thing Youtube has ever done · 5:53pm Sep 1st, 2016

So it's no secret that Youtube has had its fair share of screw ups lately. False copyright claims, reaction videos being a thing that exist, fucking Keemstar still being here, etc. This however, is the biggest scumbag move I've ever seen come out of Youtube.

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19th Birthday · 11:57pm Aug 26th, 2016

You know that weird feeling you get when everyone in your family always comments on how much you've grown and matured and all that stuff but you don't actually FEEL that much different?

Yeah, that's me right now.

Anyway, it's my birthday today. :twilightsmile:


Odd Question/Thoughts on recent episodes · 12:50am Aug 21st, 2016

I've said before that I haven't been updating anything lately due to computer troubles (meaning having to switch between several repair shops and waiting long periods of time for updates on its condition.) Now that I have it back I'm going to try updating a few fics in addition to maybe a one shot sometime soon, possibly. This whole thing with my laptop, in addition to my dog meeting his very sudden end and scarring my emotions on a huge level has also stopped me from telling my thoughts on the

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My dog was just put to sleep · 10:39pm Aug 12th, 2016

I'm going through so many conflicting emotions now. My dog has had a bad case of heart worms for a while and has been taking medicine for it, but we were expecting him to recover. He didn't.

I'm angry at the vet for not giving him traditional heart worm treatment when we first took him in, dragging it out for months and letting him suffer like this. I'm probably just looking for someone to blame for this, I don't know I literally was only told about this ten minutes ago and I'm a wreck.

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Report Discorded SheepcityUSA · 129 views ·