• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it write.


December Update · 3:46am Dec 31st, 2018

Oof. Well, the holidays were a little busier than anticipated, but now the schedule's clear. I hope to get going again soon, and have made a lot of meta progress with outlines etc but not a whole lot of chapter writing. Going to start working back up to 1000 w/day this month.

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November Update · 12:00am Dec 1st, 2018

Tootin' along like a lil choo-choo train.

Not as fast as I'd like, but not as slow as I'd feared. Haven't written in about two weeks thanks to holiday travels and the like, but I'm gonna get back on track soon enough.

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October Update · 12:22pm Oct 30th, 2018

One chapter a month is not a great pace, but at least they're still coming. Hope to get at least two this month.

Almost to the end of act 2, act 3 starts in about another chapter and then I'm hoping that from there the rest will be a smooth ride. Could still be on track to finish the first draft by January, the second draft by, say, April, then pre-reading, then releasing it by June.


September Update · 7:35pm Sep 30th, 2018

Oof. Only two chapters this month, and while they're big, I've been slacking the last couple of weeks.

Could blame the new gym routine or busy work days, but truth is I've just been getting a little burned out on 1k a day. Going to try working back up to 500/day at least and stick with it for October.

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August Update · 9:08pm Sep 2nd, 2018

I think I'm going to start doing these monthly. Keep myself accountable, and all that. I'm currently averaging about a chapter a week:

As I feared frankly expected, the chapters are still being split for length, so it's getting kind of hefty and we're looking to shoot for the 200k mark. I'm sure they'll get edited down a bit in rewrites, but probably not to the point where I can condense them back into singular chapters.

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Progress Update · 9:04pm Aug 11th, 2018

Nope, not dead, just quiet. Work's coming along slowly and steadily:

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New Project & Future Plans · 2:41am May 9th, 2018

Right now the plan is to end up with four books in the Historical Adventures series. The final two will be much shorter than the first two (although I thought the same about LSAS when I started it, so take that with a grain of salt).

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LSAS finished · 2:06am Mar 3rd, 2018

Hey, guys, really sorry I'm late, I just got caught up watching the Pirates of the Caribbean marathon, have you seen those things?

Well, I wrote you this big, sexy third act that I think you're gonna really dig.

Boys? Let's get to it to it to it

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New Chap and TVTropes! · 3:55am Aug 13th, 2014

New post chaptered, I am the tireds. Soz bout the delay, one of my editors went off to Bronycon and I sort of put the chapter on the shelf and forgot about it for two weeks.

Also, big news, we've got a brand new TVtropes page! Squeeeeee. Still a bit bare-bones at the moment, more tropes would be welcome.

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'Cause it Feels so Empty · 2:28pm Jul 1st, 2014


Yes, I've finally begun writing new stuff. Hopefully it should be smooth sailing from here to the end.

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