• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2017



I'm fairly upset right now. · 10:54pm May 24th, 2014

So, as some of you may know, i was in the hospital today because apparently i nearly had a heart attack. So, i get in the ambulance, they take me to the hospital where I wait, terrified that my heart would give out. Then, the doctor shows up and starts asking me if i did drugs, which being in the medical profession myself i understand BUT! that was all he asked before leaving! He comes back and tells me I'm fine and that he only deals with "Life threatening problems". I was there for all of

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Report maxxxxxx · 283 views ·

I'm back in the hospital · 7:34pm May 24th, 2014

Here I am, sitting in the ER wearing a hospital gown with an IV and many wires. Today at 2:50pm my heart started acting up. My body went numb, I couldn't breathe and my heart was racing unevenly. I was really scared. My boyfriend convinced me to take an ambulance (i didn't think i needed one). So I get in the ambulance and they do an ECG and the emergency services guy tells my it looks like I was about to have a heart attack. I'm 21 years old and I'm falling apart all over. This even with my

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Report maxxxxxx · 263 views ·

So... I almost died today. · 11:05am May 22nd, 2014

At 5am, as my boyfriend had fallen asleep and I was awake playing Skyrim the rain became very heavy and then?.... A mother fucking tornado hit! Okay, so as some of you may know, I live in Kentucky. I used to live in Massachusetts. We don't have fucking tornados in Mass! That was the scariest moment of my life! I ran out with my boyfriend and his mom to his truck to go to the nearest place with a basement. Many very large trees were thrown about and things were destroyed in great numbers. My

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Report maxxxxxx · 225 views ·

So... A thought. Going in over my head? · 3:55am May 19th, 2014

Sometimes my ego is really strange. I either belittle myself, undervaluing what I am capable of and never trying because of that, or I over estimate my capacities and skills and get myself in over my head with something I can't handle (the latter much more than the former). This... is the second one. I, despite my lack of either skill or talent (I draw a clear distinction between the two) am going to attempt to write a book... Like a legit book. Like, a novel. Okay, so, this is the part where I

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Report maxxxxxx · 187 views ·

Another bad day. · 8:05pm May 18th, 2014

So, I'm having another decently bad pain day. I just go back from the doctors, that went no where at all. First, I didn't see a doctor, I saw a nurse practitioner, which pissed me off. Then I tell her my symptoms, and she ignores that and prescribes me a medicine that is similar to a medicine I took when I first went to the ER and did fuck all but make things worse and tells me to come back in a week. I'm really getting tired of not being taken seriously. My doctors (and more often nurses) are

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Report maxxxxxx · 302 views ·

Gahhhhh writer's block!!!!!! · 10:33pm May 17th, 2014

So yeah, I intended to get a lot more writing done this week and I did okay. Two chapters of Relic and I think I got a chapter of Then We'll Run done this week. Here's my problem, Essence of a Sunrise: That which is left Behind! So, I'm finally working on the much anticipated (anticipated by like 3 people or something) Fluttershy chapter. I've been somewhat hesitant to work on it because I want it to be as good as possible, but now every time I start on it, it just doesn't look right and it's

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Report maxxxxxx · 212 views ·

Come check out this group by a friend of mine · 3:38am May 16th, 2014

So, this group by my good friend/prereader Bassline and Melody and he wan't to help anybody who need and wants it, a truly noble ambition that I wish to help! So, pretty please for me check out this group and give it some love :) Helping!

Report maxxxxxx · 134 views ·

I wanna give up. · 6:21pm May 15th, 2014

So, my last round of blood tests came back with nothing and my doctor isn't calling me in for any more test so apparently she's giving up on finding out what's wrong with me. Meanwhile, I can't eat more than a handful of food without it hurting for hours and even that's pushing it. I think i give up on doctors, nothing is coming back with any answers and my doctor doesn't even seem to care. I'm unusually frustrated by all this. I like to think I'm normally a calm person, or at least logical and

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Report maxxxxxx · 261 views ·

I need to stop having ideas · 5:03am May 11th, 2014

So, as I am typing the next chapter of "Then We'll Run", I had an interesting Idea for a story and I want to write it! I came up with the title (possibly a temporary title) and and incomplete concept. The title will be "Relics of a Savage Past" and revolve around a map, giving the location of 7 "Dangerous relics". The torch, the hammer, the chariot, the bow, the spear and the sword and the scythe. Each one represents a different weapon from either the present or imaginable near future. Still

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Report maxxxxxx · 235 views ·

Having a bad pain day. · 6:00pm May 10th, 2014

Well, for a while i thought (what ever is wrong with me) had stabilized. As long as I didn't eat more than a a little bit of food i would only be in a little bit of pain (I also had to avoid certain foods.) But the last two days (this morning especially and even as I type this) It's gotten a lot worse. Apparently I cant eat bread either now, which is a particular bummer considering bread is a large part of my diet, more so since I've gotten sick. So, now I've got no answers from my doctors and

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Report maxxxxxx · 175 views ·