• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



And Now, Back to the Ponies! · 12:56am Jun 2nd, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

As you may have noticed, after what seems like an eternally long dry spell, I have finally returned to writing! Huzzah! Graduation's over with, all my affairs are in order, and that means that I can finally get back to the really important things in life: ponies!

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Report GentlemanJ · 263 views ·

I Shall Return · 7:55pm May 6th, 2012

To the wonderful people this message concerns,

As you probably have seen at the end of Untangling the Knot, I am going on break for a while. I'm currently in the process of graduating (yay!) and still have a lot of stuff like finals and other crap to deal with (boo!). In any case, I haven't been able to write much and probably won't be able to for a few weeks yet.

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Report GentlemanJ · 250 views ·

Networking! Yay! · 5:33am Apr 21st, 2012

Greetings and salutations to all!

It has come to my attention that some people (myself included) would like to see actual pictures of the good marshal Graves. Problem is, I have what many would call "stupid hands" and can't draw a descent picture to save my life.

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Report GentlemanJ · 221 views ·

A Brief Respite · 7:13pm Apr 7th, 2012

To all those reading The Journey of Graves:

Due to the complexity of the next story, I'll be taking a week off in order to do some extra work on it. If all goes according to plan, I'll post the beginning next Friday/Saturday, and continue on with regular releases after that.

Rest assured, the stories will continue. I just need a bit of time to make sure they're best they can be. Thanks.


Report GentlemanJ · 262 views ·

Is this thing on? · 3:19am Apr 1st, 2012


Okay, not sure how this thing works, but I'm guessing people who've read my stories will see this, yeah? Let's just go with that for now.

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Report GentlemanJ · 281 views ·