• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 12th, 2017

Bobby Dole

Just writing bits when they come to me.


Chaff in My Head Cannon: Herd Mentality in Equestria · 4:26am Jul 12th, 2016

Bare with me here, this is probably going to get weird.

Ponies, and horses in general, are herd animals by nature. They follow similar dynamics to wolf packs, though it's a much more fluid arrangement. Whereas wolf packs tend to be linear, pony herds are more like tiers of dominance, with more than one pony able to be at any one tier.

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Twilight's Rivals · 5:07am Jun 25th, 2016

Had this thought going through my head and I'd like to share.

All of Twilight's rivals represent directions Twilight's life could have gone if she'd not been such a faithful student and then good friend.

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Chaff in my Head Cannon: Starlight Glimmer · 6:59am Dec 1st, 2015

So, I was really enjoying the season 5 finale right up until the ending. And that ending got me thinking, and that thinking got me kind of annoyed.

How in the hay is Starlight Glimmer able to use magic that is equal to Twilight? Twilight froze an entire battle, but she couldn't overcome one unicorn? And when she and Starlight fight they both run out of juice at the same time?

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My Head Cannon Cracked: And That's How Equestria Was Made · 3:41am Oct 2nd, 2015

Let's lay a little groundwork first.

I was checking out the front page here on fimfiction and was generally not finding anything interesting when I took note of how many 'human in Equestria' stories there were. I'm not really a fan of the genre and so, in my lame attempt at trying to get the audience in my imagination to side with me about human in Equestria stories being a kind of tired trope, I started thinking about ways of subverting the concept.

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Chaff in my Head Cannon: Fancy Pants · 2:14pm Nov 20th, 2014

There was a lot rumbling around in my head today.

Anyway, this will be short.

So, I was thinking about Fancy Pants a while ago and I was trying to reconcile why he was so successful, rich, and well connected yet still kept himself friendly and approachable.

I think it's his special talent.

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My Love/Hate Relationship with Relationship Stories · 1:18pm Nov 20th, 2014


I'm a bit of a romantic. Always have been. I love that old, clichéd story of boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after.

It's the optimistic part of me. I like when two people worm their way into each other's hearts and push past all the crap, hurt, and ugliness in the world around them to stay together and build something truly special. It's really cool watching the progression from strangers, to acquaintances, to friends, to family.

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Chaff in my Head Cannon: Sombra · 12:36pm Nov 20th, 2014

Interesting to note - all of this came to me because I was thinking about Scootaloo and how annoying it is to me that folks portray her as a crippled orphan and say that it makes her a more interesting character.

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On the Benefits of Multiple Personality Disorder · 4:39pm Oct 1st, 2014

So, in my head are the voices - more in speech pattern and phrasing than in pitch and tone - of everyone I think about. When I'm working on a story and I've got a good idea of the character's voices I'm more or less transcribing what's going on in my head rather than thinking up stories and crafting them.

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Wasting Time · 12:18pm Mar 10th, 2014

I have insomnia.

It's something I've dealt with for over thirty years, so it's not a big surprise when I have a sleepless night.

When I was a kid I would use those wakeful times to take everything in my room and clean it all up and put it all away properly. I was pretty lazy about keeping my room clean, so it was a good way to kill time. It happened about once a month.

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A Little Bit About Big Mac · 8:10am Feb 9th, 2014

Just to start off, this isn't a chaff in my head cannon post because I'm not laying out any canon - merely stating personal observations.

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