• Member Since 21st Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2016


if you have become human enough to cry, then all the magic in the world cannot change you back


Carne Diem · 6:56pm Dec 6th, 2014

Yooo, what's the deal with this apparent dichotomy in fanfiction regarding ponies' reactions to carnivory? I don't know if it's a changing-of-the-guard in fanon, or if both "sides" are still present and active. The case is that I've seen a few authors these days writing their pony characters as being uncritical of meat-eaters and the eating/cooking of meat. Now, I'm okay with that viewpoint. But what I don't get is that the authors make a big fuss about making a statement out of it, as though

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Report Nordlichter · 453 views ·

On "Angel" · 12:34am Oct 31st, 2014

So I was thinking a bit about Fluttershy's bunny Angel. Specifically, does his name mean that ponies have the concept of angels as we know them?
I'm a pretty big fan of the idea that the show is "translated" to English; that realistically in-universe, the ponies are speaking some natural linguistic derivative of horse sounds. Perhaps it is descended down through the language of the Houyhnhnms — but that's another story.

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Report Nordlichter · 436 views ·

i'm super into scale now? · 1:45am Oct 14th, 2014

so after seeing this pretty convincing chart a while ago, i've been passing a little time every now and then using its scale to determine the size of various features of equestria.
suffice it to say, first and foremost, that satyrs are impossible.
BUT! here's something i can share with you: a golden bit.

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Report Nordlichter · 500 views ·

haven't yet seen it, but... · 5:49am May 21st, 2014

so did the tree library go to the ethereal void, watch a clip show with treelestia and then get transformed into a winged elm?

Report Nordlichter · 423 views ·

Here's a joke for you · 5:02pm Apr 22nd, 2014

Why is it called Equestria Girls drama instead of the human canon brawl?

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on physic · 11:51am Apr 22nd, 2014

you know what always bugs me is when people talk about eclipses happening in equestria. it's a geocentric system with the sun and moon diametrically opposed, right? they cannot eclipse - aside from that one time when they shared the sky due to screwy everfree magic kidnapping the princesses. so by extension, the sun and moon are likely the same size and orbit at the same altitude.

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frankly · 5:59am Apr 22nd, 2014

frankly i think the writers are painting themselves into a hole by constantly seeking to define what should be and what should not be "canon"
multiple canon approach is fine too, of course
on the adventure time wiki they have goddamn templates that denote like "this is an extended universe work" et cetera, for the comics and other materials
we should maybe try and focus less on what's hard and fast within some mundane continuity, perhaps
there can be more than one canon, it's always possible

Report Nordlichter · 350 views ·