• Member Since 6th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2016


"Internet Friends" are just friends you haven't shaken hands with yet.


For my Followers and Viewers · 10:11pm May 11th, 2013

I have to say, I'm not very pleased with the reception Greyfeather has been getting over the past few days. The final insult was when I checked the story yesterday to find a fresh dislike, but no fresh views.

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Prelude · 9:26pm May 9th, 2013

“Have I ever told you how cute you are when you blush?”

“No, you... never.”

“Let me demonstrate...”


My name is Trixie Lulamoon, and right now I’m the happiest mare in Equestria.

Or perhaps I’m only the second happiest; the honor of being first probably goes to the mare I’m currently lying on top of, her belly pressed up against mine, and her lips doing much of the same. Her name is Barrel, and I just told her I loved her. I think she loves me, too.

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News on Greyfeather, Pt. 2 · 5:25am May 5th, 2013

I think that I'll be doing these kinds of posts for as long as I'll be writing and posting chapters of Greyfeather.

I've updated Greyfeather's description. While the old one wasn't bad per-se, it didn't have the punch or the clarity people look for in a description.

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News on Greyfeather · 1:54am Apr 30th, 2013

Well, as many of you probably know by now, Greyfeather was released late last week. I won't comment on the reception it's gotten thus far; I'll save those comments for after a few more chapters go up. Let me say that I'm very thankful to all of you that read it, especially those of you that thumbed it up, favorited it, or commented. Rest assured that there is much more story to tell.

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Submitted. · 4:49am Apr 26th, 2013

Well. Now all that's left to do is wait and see what happens.

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Greyfeather's First Chapter Is Almost Ready For Release, Honest · 8:28am Apr 20th, 2013

Whew! More editing work ended up happening than I expected, plus a few real-life things also happened, so it's taken a bit longer to put the final layer of polish on the chapter than I was expecting. I'll be out all day tomorrow (Saturday the 20th) and I can't say anything for Sunday, but the following week should give me plenty of time to wrap up the editing work. It's my hope that Greyfeather will be posted within the next week.

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I think I'm going to do it. · 3:42am Apr 16th, 2013

It's been long enough. We've had nearly a whole year go by without anything new from Lysis, and we can't have that, now can we?

I want to go over a few final things with a friend of mine who's been helping me when life allows, which honestly isn't very often, but after that, I'll post the first chapter of what will hopefully be a good story. And this time, I really mean it.

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In Which Lysis Posts Music 3.0 · 7:59am Mar 29th, 2013

It's been too long since I've done one of these, so I figured "why not?"

Also, still trying to write over here. That hasn't changed any. Even though my progress on new chapters isn't quick, the ideas for later chapters keep coming. Therefore, the overall quality of the story should be improving. Let's see if it's worth the wait.

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Reassuring Blog Post · 10:48pm Mar 23rd, 2013

I'm still here, I haven't given up.

I have the worst timing of just about any fic writer I know, but my fics are still getting written, despite the lack of communication from me. I'm truly sorry it's taken this long. I sincerely hope everything is worth the wait.

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We need more films like this. · 2:53am Feb 7th, 2013

The Reward

It's a Bachelor film project from The Animation Workshop, a school in Denmark.

And it's awesome.

Just wanted to share that with you all.

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