• Member Since 30th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Retired writer of almost anything. Lover of RariDash and background ponies.


Update · 4:15pm Aug 20th, 2018

So this is kind of a quick update, even though it hasn't been long since the last one. It's pretty much a quick rundown of what will be happening here soon if anyone is interested.

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Update · 8:46pm Aug 14th, 2018

Just in case this has brought out any concern to anyone that reads my stories, this next sentence will explain something.


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Update · 5:16pm Aug 10th, 2018

For anyone that really cares to look, but it's not heavily recommended to read. Just a quick update and some truthful excuses.

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Report Duelist96 · 489 views ·

Update · 8:06pm Jun 11th, 2018

So just a quick update for all of you. I'm of course back from vacation, and had to run a few personal errands and have some doctor visits. Writing is slow but steady. Guess it really is hard to get back into writing after being on break for so long. I hope to have something soon because updates are something I want to get out before I have to take another break come the start of my next semester. Although, this week will be taken away from writing as I have some chores to deal with. I'll start

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Report Duelist96 · 407 views ·

Update · 4:59am Jun 1st, 2018

So I'm just going to make this quick and simple. Got some writing done today, granted I didn't finish anything due to a few personal things that came up. Although, I guess this is kind of good since my editor was going to be unable to help during that time. So this gives me a bit more time to fix a few more scenes that I hate the look of. Also, I will be gone for the next few days on vacation, so writing won't resume until my return and then some stuff should be going up.

Report Duelist96 · 295 views ·

Update · 8:55pm May 10th, 2018

So quick thing for all of you. I'm officially done with my semester and will be getting back to writing. Although, it will be begin come the beginning of next week as I take some time to relax after all this time.

Report Duelist96 · 327 views ·

Update · 10:54pm Apr 1st, 2018

So pretty much a quick and simple update. Writing was done during my Spring Break, but sadly none of it got finished. One has ended up longer than I had anticipated, and the other I have some heavy fixes to make to it. As of right now, I'm stepping away from my writing as I only have a month and 2 weeks left of my semester. This means my time will be focused on my homework, studying, and finals preparation. I also have a decently lengthy paper to write up for one of those classes as my final,

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Report Duelist96 · 363 views ·

Update · 4:34pm Mar 7th, 2018

So pretty much this is a quick update as I wait for my next class to begin. I haven't done much in terms of writing, a few personal things getting in the way (namely depression and then having to put down my dog), but other than that, I've stayed focused on school. Although, Spring Break is about to begin, so during that time I will get some writing done and hopefully get 1 of 2 things posted while on break. The 2nd thing would be dependent on how quickly the story can be edited. That's pretty

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Report Duelist96 · 397 views ·

Update · 4:14am Feb 7th, 2018

So this will be an update and a rant blog. I'll leave the update here and the rant after the page break.

So I have stuff written done, but none of it finished. I try to work on what I can, but the classes I'm currently taking are difficult in doing the assignments. So most of the time I find myself doing homework than writing, but maybe I'll get some stuff done here soon. Fingers crossed, but no promises. I will get something out at some point.

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Report Duelist96 · 460 views ·

Some Kind of Update I Guess · 6:22am Dec 27th, 2017

So I guess I'm kind of breaking one of my rules here and creating this blog to give a status update, but given everything, I guess I should.

I'll go ahead and give a tl;dr here right now if none of you want to read what I have to say. If you do, it's all after the break.

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