• Member Since 22nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 12th

Alcher Shinz


Taking a Little Vacation · 2:50am Jun 29th, 2015

Hey all,
I just wanted to let my readers and the people I am currently editing for know that I will be away for the next week. The good thing about this is that the 14 hour drive there and back will give me ample time to actually get my second chapter finished (and maybe get started on a third) meaning that the second chapter WILL be posted next weekend. I am sorry for the wait guys, things have just been really crazy for me over the last year. Talk to y'all soon!

Report Alcher Shinz · 310 views ·

Guess Who's (Finally) Back?! · 4:38am Feb 6th, 2015

Hey all!

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Need More People Like This... · 4:14am Jul 27th, 2014

I know that I am still new to the whole narrative writing thing, and I have a lot to improve upon, but this guy hits the nail on the head.

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Hiatused · 12:18am May 11th, 2014

Sorry to all of the people who have read and are waiting for a second installation of "Diary." School has kept me really busy lately, but with finals next week, I should be able to get back to it, hopefully sooner rather than later. Again I am really sorry for this and I really appreciate all of your support on this project. I'll keep you all in the loop.

Report Alcher Shinz · 249 views ·

Progress Report · 9:23pm Apr 13th, 2014

Diary has finally hit 100 views. I wish people would comment on what they liked about it and didn't though. It's awesome that people are reading it, but seems obvious to me that it needs work.

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Report Alcher Shinz · 301 views ·

First story kicking off well! · 12:51pm Mar 26th, 2014

Thanks to everyone that has read Diary. I'm glad that you all decided that it was good enough to read. I should be coming up with a new chapter soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

Report Alcher Shinz · 245 views ·