• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 2nd, 2021


Professor of Antiquities at Pallomare University and a consulting editor at Polo House, Inc. Publishing. (Semi-retired). Occasionally goes by the pen name 'Dragontrapper'


A polite notice. · 3:52am Nov 5th, 2020

Despite how long its been since I posted anything here - and, to be honest, have caught up on anything here - it still amazes me to get email notifications that somebody liked or commented on MMO, or that I still get PMs asking about a sequel.

I'm sure you can all sense the 'but' there.

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MMO 18.12 Patch notes · 3:46pm Dec 1st, 2018

New patch has been released, changes made include:

- Corrected narrative holes in 'Perfect Stranger' questline and related missions
- adjusted Princess Celestia's AI
- Corrected dialogue errors in the 'Carnival Games', 'Downed' and 'Experiments for Hangovers' quest lines
- Fixed issue causing Spike to lock into T-pose after interaction with Luna
- Fixed issue where Spike repeated dialogue about bribery on endless loop.
- Debuffed trout
- Removed Herobrine

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A small status update · 9:17pm Sep 17th, 2018

Just a quick status update - chapters 1 through 16 of 20 proof-read; Work has been a bear for a while, but my schedule is finally getting to something where I can actually think about working on writing again. Not going to make any guesses on completion dates since they seem to be jinxed.

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The Good, The Bad, and the Other · 10:34pm Oct 7th, 2017

First, the good news - I'm back on the grid after three months! Trip went a little longer than expected, but I should be good for a while

Now the bad news - after that long, my backlog from RL (work and otherwise) means its going to be a while before I can get back to writing on a proper schedule.

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Scheduling Delay (A quick announcement) · 10:18pm May 1st, 2017

Hello! Just thought it would be fair to make a quick announcement - Work is going to have me really busy from now until late September/Early October, so updates are going to be coming much slower. I'll also be without internet for extended periods of time (but that only matters to a few people here).

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Everfree Northwest and scheduling updates. · 1:40am May 28th, 2015

Good news and bad news.

Good news - The next chapter for 'Magical Mystery Oops' is almost finished.

Bad news - I'll be at Everfree Northwest this weekend, so it might be delayed a few days.

For those reading my other stories: 'Daring Do and the Spear of the Windigo's' is about 2/3rd finished, and I've got the prequel to 'Like Home' currently in the works.

If anyone will be at Everfree Northwest, say hi if you see me - just look for the guy in a black fedora.

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"Just keep writing..." · 1:13am Feb 24th, 2015

"...because you never know whats going to become popular" - Pen Stroke

If anything proves that gem of advice, its 'Magical Mystery Oops' - written on a lark, inspired by a (truly awesome) piece of artwork, and the only reason I was working on it was because one of my other story idea's imploded and I was looking for something else to write.

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As one story ends.... · 9:10pm Jul 28th, 2014

This weekend marked the posting of the final chapter for the NRE version of 'Sapphire Stone'. If this leaves you feeling somewhat melancholic, do not despair - I can assure you that the second book is on the way! Work has already begun on 'Daring Do and The Spear of The Windigo's', the long process of taking miss Do's sometimes difficult to read writing and transcribing and proof-reading it has already begun. In the mean time, Polo House is considering further titles for non-coporeal (or, as

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Polo House's 'A Year of Daring' - Celebrating 50 years of Daring Do (pt. 7) · 2:51am Apr 20th, 2014

Hello, my name is Booke Cypher and Polo House has been gracious enough to put me in charge of this portion of the years festivities.

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