• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!


News Update: 11/15/2016 · 11:08pm Nov 15th, 2016

You may have been wondering where I've been and why my stories haven't updated, I truly apologize for my absence but, sadly I've been rendered homeless since my last blog post and haven't had much time to do more than read stories over spotty WiFi connections at the various shelters I've been staying at... it's made keeping in contact with friends a real nightmare.

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Report Camlio · 520 views ·

Emergency, please donate or pass the word on! · 9:35pm Jun 12th, 2015

At 9:45 AM Tomorrow Morning, my family needs to vacate our apartment, we don’t have the funds necessary to afford somewhere else to live, this isn’t a joke we really really need money to find somewhere else to live even if it’s a crappy motel PLEASE HELP!

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Report Camlio · 445 views ·

Appologies and a contest · 9:25am Feb 19th, 2015

I am sorry everyone, and I must admit I feel terrible of life getting in my way of doing... things, with writing. But, yes I'm having an issue with trying to come up with the next chapter of pretty much all of my stories and this is where you all come in.

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Report Camlio · 522 views ·

Appologies and an Update · 5:33am Dec 8th, 2014

For those who've been waiting for the next chapter of the Vogonverse story, as well as any of the other stories that are not currently on Hiatus I feel the need to apologise once more for my lackluster focus due to the way my life's been recently. I've mainly been spending all my time RPing on Tumblr, playing World of Warcraft, or other various games between bouts of job hunting and the like.

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Report Camlio · 438 views ·

Sorry for the delay on Twilight's Vogon story · 6:04pm Oct 27th, 2014

I'd like to go ahead and apologize for the delay in Twilight's story as well as my other stories, I've recently started a new job and can't delegate as much time as I used too to writing, though what I do get tends to go towards RPing. So, I'll put some time aside this weekend to crank out a new chapter, that's a promise.

Report Camlio · 399 views ·

Holy Moly 100 followers?! · 9:35am Sep 16th, 2014

So, yeah never expected to get this many followers and you all are awesome and I love you and stuff...

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Chapter 10 Announcement! · 7:47am May 14th, 2014

Ladies and gentlemen of the Fimfiction Community, as a thanks for helping me already climb to 100+ Favorites/500 + Views/100+ Likes I'd like to announce that chapter 10 will be hosting a Q&A chapter! Mainly as I'm starved for ideas of what to do at the moment and I need help breaking my writers block. Which is where YOU can help!

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Report Camlio · 326 views ·

New chapter is up and a bit of an edit. · 9:34am Dec 29th, 2013

Greetings and salutations all you lovely people out there. Thought I'd start this off in a good way by mentioning that the new chapter of Everharted is up. Also I'd like to mention that some of you may have noticed the chapter placement of chapter 11 and the intermission chapter have been swapped around. This is because I felt it made more sense to have the intermission chapter appear before the current arc but, if it flowed better the way it was before feel free to let me know.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New year~ · 9:16pm Dec 24th, 2013

I know, that blog title it a bit usual today but, it's the way it goes I suppose. I'd like to thank everyone here who's read my stories non matter if they've liked them or not and I hope that you'll all enjoy your holidays I know I will.

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Report Camlio · 335 views ·

An important question which will influence the future of Everharted. · 4:46am Dec 5th, 2013

Good evening and I apologize for not being around as often as I could. Though the reason behind this is due to the fact that I was hoping to get the answer to an important question before continuing with the story Everharted. Now most of you have probably figured out what Twilight has alluded too if you've read the ninth chapter. If not well go read the ninth bloody chapter what the hell are you here for?

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