• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 5,108 Views, 100 Comments

ButterflyCakes - FlameingToast

When Pinkie and Fluttershy both get sick, they bond with each other. And soon new feelings emerge

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Confronting Feelings

Fluttershy and Pinkie weren't sleeping well. Pinkie Pie was facing the window and couldn't sleep. She needed to tell Fluttershy! It was beginning to really affect Pinkie, she needed to say something!

I'll tell her in the morning, Pinkie thought. With butterflies in her stomach, and in her thoughts; she tried to get some sleep. I also need to try and get some more pills. She shivered even under the warm covers.

Fluttershy was really warm...no. That's probably a bad way to let her know that I like her. Closing her eye's Pinkie Pie fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

At the same time, just in the other side of the bed, Fluttershy was awake as well.

Fluttershy still hadn't reached a conclusion, this worried her more than she cared to admit. What is wrong with me? Glancing over at the sleeping form of Pinkie she noticed that she was shivering.

Without thinking about it she scooted a little closer to Pinkie and reached over to the end of the bed and placed an extra blanket over her.

Lying back down on her side of the bed, a new thought entered her head. Maybe I'm over thinking this...I mean, it's about how I feel. Yawning she stopped thinking about it. If the times comes I'll trust my heart.

Falling into a much better sleep than her companion, they both lightly snored while snow began to fall outside.


The snow blanketed all of Ponyville, maybe it was more like covered it. Not only was the weather wrong, so was the amount. Nopony was outside, except for the poor ponies that had to brave the weather.

Nopony even thought about checking on Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. It crossed Twilight's mind, but she decided that it could wait till tomorrow. I mean what could go wrong over there?


Fluttershy woke up to the cold air. In the middle of the night Pinkie Pie had rolled around and stole all of the covers. Blinking at the bright sunlight she was surprised to find the ground blanketed with snow.

Oh no! Nopony would visit us in this weather. How will I get Pinkie her medicine?! Climbing out of the bed she racked her brain for a solution.

Maybe I can make some medicine from the herbs I have? It would have to do for now, at least until she could think of a better idea. Going downstairs Fluttershy began gathering the few medicinal herbs she had left, if it were earlier in the year she would have had a lot more.

While Fluttershy began brew the plants, Pinkie woke up. Slowly opening her eyes Pinkie shivered and tried to go back to sleep. Last nights decision was at the back of her mind, right now she was too tired to act on it though.

Drifting back to sleep Pinkie noticed Fluttershy was gone. Where could she be? Shrugging it off Pinkie Pie drifted back to sleep.


Fluttershy sat on the bed beside Pinkie, waiting for her to wake up. Pinkie seemed to be doing fine but Fluttershy wanted to make sure that she would be okay.

Laying down on the bed Fluttershy thought about how things would turn out. In a few days everything would become normal again, Pinkie and I won't be sick...and she won't be living with me. That last thought made her feel a little sad.

Staring up at the ceiling she returned to the thoughts of things being normal again. They won't be though. I have to confront her about this if she doesn't. Even though it would be awkward I can't just let Pinkie bottle this inside her.

Sighing Fluttershy wished that her relationship with Pinkie hadn't become so confusing. Why can't things go back to normal?

She was interrupted from her thoughts as Pinkie Pie finally woke up. Sneezing a few times, Pinkie Pie blinked her eyes open. As she was about to get up Fluttershy immediately gently pushed her back down.

"You aren't feeling well, what you need is to lie down." Fluttershy said while handing Pinkie the small cup "Drink this, it will make you feel a little better."

Pinkie drank the tea and tried to get up again, only to be blocked by Fluttershy again.

"I can't just lay down here all day!" Pinkie protested "I must've slept for about 15 hours!."

Fluttershy shook her head "I'm sorry Pinkie, but I want you to heal up as fast as you can."

Pinkie Pie sighed seeing that she couldn't beat Fluttershy. "Fine...but could you at least stay with me?"

Fluttershy grinned "Of course. So what would you like to do?"

Pinkie shrugged "Why don't we just talk."

Fluttershy replied "Talk about what?" Oh please don't let this be the time she confesses she likes me!

Pinkie smiled and tried to suppress a coughing fit, but coughed several times before replying "Whats' your favorite sweet from Sugarcube Corner?"

Fluttershy had to think about the question for a moment, there were so many delicious treats to pick from. "There are a lot of great choices, but my favorite would be the strawberry cupcakes with pink frosting."

"Those are my favorite too!" Pinkie exclaimed "They're just so sweet!"


Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy started jumping from topic to topic, but soon enough Fluttershy began to enjoy herself and started laughing with Pinkie Pie. When Pinkie Pie wasn't talking she was listening attentively, giving Fluttershy her undivided attention. At first this made her nervous, but soon she became comfortable and they lost track of time.

Fluttershy was laying down facing Pinkie, and they were laughing about a prank that Pinkie had pulled last week. Glancing over at the window Fluttershy was surprised to see that Celestia's sun was setting.

"How did it get so late?" Fluttershy murmured out loud.

Pinkie Pie yawned "Yeah I'm getting a little sleepy. Even though I slept in half the day." Ugh, I never want to be sick again...unless it's with Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded and turned of the bedside lamp. Making sure that Pinkie had enough covers and was comfortable before heading over to her side of the bed.


It was close to midnight and neither pony was asleep. Fluttershy was looking out the window at Luna's moon and how beautiful it made the snow look. Pinkie Pie couldn't get comfortable and wasn't feeling as tired as she did earlier.

"Pssst. Fluttershy, are you awake?" Pinkie whispered, rolling over to face Fluttershy.

Fluttershy whispered back "Yeah...I'm having trouble sleeping." She then rolled to face Pinkie Pie and found herself face to face with her. Both ponies blushed and looked away from each other, but neither moved away.

Pinkie Pie looked back at Fluttershy and suddenly said "I'm really glad you let me stay with you."

Fluttershy smiled softly "It was no trouble at all."

Pinkie smiled "I've really had fun staying with you."

Fluttershy chuckled "Me too. I'm almost disappointed you'll be leaving in a few days..." Did I say that out loud?

Pinkie Pie blinked in surprise "Really?" she inched a little closer to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded "Yeah, I mean you're such a fun pony. I know I'm shy, but you can make me laugh and feel comfortable around you."

Pinkie Pie blushed "Well, you're a really nice pony. It makes me happy when I get to do things with you." Pinkie gave a small smile "I mean you're my best friend and I love how you put up with my craziness, and how we have fun together."

Fluttershy stared into Pinkie Pie's eyes. She's your friend, what will everypony think! All these thoughts raced through her head. But she mentally shook her head. I'm not going to over think this! I'm going to trust my heart. What does my heart say to do though? Looking straight at Pinkie, noticing how beautiful she was, Fluttershy made her decision.

Pinkie Pie inched closer to Fluttershy "Flutters...there's something that I need to te-" She was stopped as Fluttershy closed the distance between them and kissed her. Pinkie's eyes shot open, but then she kissed her back.

Stopping the kiss,(but not wanting to) Fluttershy looked at Pinkie and beamed.

Pinkie Pie smiled "Does this mean, what I hope it means? That you like me too?" she asked hopefully.

Fluttershy chuckled "Yes, I like you Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie Pie laughed in relief, relief that Fluttershy liked her, that she could stop being nervous. Fluttershy joined in, enjoying just being near Pinkie Pie.

Eventually their laughter died down and Pinkie Pie yawned and snuggled up to Fluttershy, laying her head on her shoulder. Fluttershy blushed and stretched out one of her wings out so it covered Pinkie like a blanket, causing her to giggle.

Fluttershy yawned and gave Pinkie a small kiss on the fore head "Good night Pinkie."

"Good night Fluttershy!" Pinkie said snuggling closer to her, enjoying the softness and warmth.

Soon both ponies fell into a deep and comfortable sleep, with smiles upon their faces. As Luna's moon shone brightly overhead, and the two ponies reveled in each others warmth.

Author's Note:

For my first ever fanfiction I wanted to write a cute story, and I like how it turned out. I hope everyone enjoyed reading it, as much as I did writing it. It was fun and a sequel is definitely going to happen. When? I have no idea. Also thanks to all the people who liked, favorited, and commented. It helped motivate me throughout the entire story!
