• Published 26th Mar 2013
  • 493 Views, 7 Comments

Meteor Shower Music - Son of No One

A man moves to Ponyville and opens a music shop. One day his new neighbor Rarity walks in to say hello. They start hanging out and Meteor Strike is soon roped into the adventures she has with her friends, who he starts calling his friends too.

  • ...


"Next stop, Ponyville!", the conductor called out.

Time to get ready I thought.

As I listened to the steady clickety-clack of the train I gathered all of my belongings, a medium sized suitcase, and a duffel bag. As I stood waiting for my stop I started to ponder what I would call the store.


"Welcome to Ponyville folks! Watch your step as you exit the train, and have a nice day.", said the conductor a few moments later as he opened the train door. I stepped outside and looked around in wonder,

"So this is Ponyville", I said out loud to no one in particular, as other people stepped out into the daylight.

"Yes it is! And I hope you will have a spectacular-rific time here!" said a slightly bobbing, pink haired woman in front of me.

"Um.... thank you for the welcome but im kind of in a hurry", I said walking past her.

"Wait!" she said, "Can I at least know your name so I can plan your welcome party?"

"My name is Meteor Strike, and thank you for the party, but I need to get to my new music store...... wait a minute...... instead of throwing me a welcome party, could you help me with my grand opening?", I asked, while brushing my messy brown hair out of the way of my eyes.

"Hmmmm..." she thought, "I'll help you with your grand opening, but since it is still a welcome party I would like it to be as soon as possible."

"Give me two weeks to set up the store and I'll get back to you, ok." I said

"Awsome!!, I need to start the planning RIGHT NOW", she said as she started to walk away hurridly.

"Wait!" I shouted, "Can I at least know where you live so I can get back to you on this?"

"I live at Sugarcube Corner, and my name is Pinkie Pie by the way" she responded.

"Ok, I'll see you in two weeks Pinkie Pie", I said as she walked away.

——————Ten Minutes Later——————

After asking around I found my shop, located next to a place called Carosel Boutique. My shop is a small, square, two story building, that I plan to live in on the top floor. As I walked in I looked at the walls that, I paid in advance for, looked like a rock concert was going on. They were amazingly detailed as each wall had my four favorite bands. The north wall had ACDC, the east wall had Aerosmith, the west wall had Mötley Crüe, and the south wall had, my personal favorite, Metallica.

The only furniture that's in the room is a U shaped counter in the back along with a small stereo system, some shelves on the east and west walls, speakers hanging in the upper corners of the walls, and two doors, one leading to a back room and the other to the sairs leading up to my living quarters.

*Knock Knock*

I turned around to see a blonde haired woman standing next to a lot of boxes, slightly waving throught the glass door.

Who could that be, I mean I just got here, I thought as I walked over to the door.

"Hello", she said as I opened up the door, "Are you Meteor Strike?"

"Yes I am", I responded, "Are these for me?" I asked pointing to all the boxes.

"Yep, can you sign this paper?" she asked pulling out a peice of paper and a pen.

"Oh sure", I said as I took the paper.

" It sure is empty in there." she said

"Yeah, I still need to put in more shelves and stuff", I said signing the paper. "And a sign..... could you help me bring up the boxes?" I asked.

"Ok, just show me the way." she said, picking up half the boxes.

"Be carefull with them please, they are fragile", I said taking the last of the boxes and walking towards the stairs.

"I'll be as carefull as I can", she said wobbling slightly.

Arriving in my room, which I also had paid to have furnished, we put the boxes next to my bed and I put my bags on top of it. I thanked the girl for helping me, and looked around. The walls were a dark blue, I had a normal sized bed, a 50 inch flatscreen T.V., a small stereo system with speakers around the room, a desk, some shelves, and a dresser.

"Welcome home", I said to myself.

------------One Week Later----------

I had all my boxes unpacked, my room was fully decorated, the store had all of its cases, CD racks, more shelves and a couple T-Shirt racks. The store also had some music, mainly rock and metal, posters on the windows, inside and out. I finally finished my sign, with the help of a guy named Big Mac, the sign said Meteor Shower Music in fiery red and orange letters.
As I was putting shirts on the racks, two women walked through the door. One had tom-boyish blue hair with white streaks in it, the other had kinda poofy dark brown hair.

"Im sorry but I'm not open yet, the grand opening is next week.", I told them.

"We weren't looking to buy anything we were wondering if you were hiring.", the blue haired one said, while the brown haired one nodded.

"Do you know a lot about music?", I asked them.

This time the brown haired one spoke, "I know about what makes good music and some about the songs and bands, while Vinyl here, knows what is good music and knows a lot more than I do about the songs and bands.", she said.

"What song has the lyrics, 'Torches blazed and sacred chants were phrased, as they start to cry, hands held to the sky, In the night the fires are burning bright, the ritual has begun Satan's work is done'" I sang.
Vinyl answered almost imediatly,

"Number of the Beast", she said.

"By?", I asked

"Octavia, your turn", said Vinyl,

"Iron Maiden", said Octavia

"What band sings the song, For Whom the Bell Tolls?", I asked.

"Metallica" they said at the same time.

"What three musicians had there own shows about their families?", I asked

Octavia answered this time "Ozzy Osbourne, Gene Simmons, and Dee Snider."

"What is Ozzy's real name?" I asked

"John Osbourne", answered Vinyl

"Not bad, not bad at all." I said, causing them to smile. "You're hired"

"Yes!", they shouted

"Just wear whatever, there is no uniform. The first thing you guys can help with is stocking the shelves and putting the rest of the records and guitars on display", I said pointing to the stuff behind me.

They started doing that as I walked behind the counter to pur a CD in the stereo. I seached through the box of CD's I had back there and pulled out a KISS CD, put it in the player and turned the volume up. The first song that came on was Love Gun. As the song was playing I told Vinyl and Octavia how I wanted the store organized.

"I would like the CD's to be organizdd by genre and in alphabetical order, the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games can go on the west wall, and the t-shirts can just go on the racks in no specific order", I told them. They nodded and we all got back to work.

When the day was over I sent Vinyl and Octavia back home.

"Come in at 8:30 am so we can finish fine tuning everything", I called after them.

"Sir yes sir!", Vinyl said jokingly, while Octavia was laughing beside her.

I smirked and closed the door. Turning off the lights I went upstairs to my room. They are nice girls I thought as I took off my shirt and plopped into my bed, Almost time for the grand opening of Ponyville's first music shop, as I drifted off to sleep.

-------------------A Couple Days Later-----------------

I awoke to the beautifull sounds of Dropkick Murphys playing The Boys sre Back. I got out of bed and put a pair of jeans and an ACDC shirt on, slipped on my shoes and walked downs stairs.

"Wow", I said astonished at the sight before me "You really know how to throw a party Pinkie Pie"

"Thanks!", she said "It was a bit more difficult to plan a store opening, than a welcome party but I got it done!"

"Is even music themed", I said looking around.

"Hey we helped her with setting up!", protested Vinyl

"And getting all the details finalized!", Octavia said, joining in.

"Its amazing! How long did you guys stay up to finish it?", I questioned.

"Only a couple hours after you went to sleep", said Pinkie

"Sorry to interupt but its almost time to open!", Octavia said "So get your ass in gear!"

"Hey, I am your boss you know!", I responded

"Yeah, and yet Im the manager telling the owner when we open the first time!", she yelled back, unlocking the door.

I walked over to her and took a peek out the door, my eyes bulged as I noticed how many people were waiting to come in,

It looks like half the town is here I thought.

"Vinyl are you ready?", I asked, looking over at her. She looked up from her turntables and gave me a thumbs up.

"Okay", I said "We are officially"

"Open!!", We all said together. That was Vinyls cue, the moment the people surged in she dropped the base.

------------4 Hours Later---------

The day went buy in a giant blur. All I remember was selling a lot of CD's, meeting basically the entire town, meeting most of Pinkie Pies friends, and my favorite part Vinyl trying to get all the guys who were hitting on her, away from her. The last of the people started to leave.

"Hey guys! Every friday you can come see Vinyl perform! Tell your friends!", I called after them, leaning out the door. I turned and closed the door behind me, about to lock it to close up for the day, Vinyl and Octavia left an hour ago cause I sent them home after today. I was about to lock it when I noticed a woman walking over. She had purple, curly hair and was wearing a white dress. I opened the door to get a better look, and she was beautiful.

"Um, are you closing?", she asked with a slight british accent

"Uuuhhhh", I responded unable to say anything else. All I could think about was her beautiful voice.

"Are you still open?", she repeated.

"Uhh.... Yes we are still open", I answered, stunned I opened the door more and waved her in. "Are you looking for anything in particular?", I asked as she walked in and looked around.

"I was actually looking for something, classical.", she said.

"Um... well we don't really carry anything classical, but I do have The Beatles.", I told her.

"I have not heard of them. Are they any good?", she asked.

"You haven't heard of The Beatles!?!", I asked, she shook her head "Well prepare to be amazed", I said as I picked out a Beatles disk at random from one of the shelves. I walked behind the counter put it in the player and pressed play, as I heard the familiar guitar notes being strummed I coulnd't help but sing along...........

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling
It's been a long, cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling
I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It's all right
It's all right

The song ended and I pressed pause.

"Wow, you were right they are good", she said, "You're also good at singing".

"Thanks", I said blushing slightly.

"So how much is the CD", she asked.

"Hmmm, well im not supposed to do this but since im the owner, screw it, no charge", I told her.

"Really?", she questioned

"Yup, really. As someone who has not heard of The Beatles up until today, you deserve to have it for free.", I told her.

"Really though, I must give you something!", she said. "What is your name?"

"Meteor Strike, but it's really no problem at all", I responded.

"No. I simply must repay you....... I know!", she said "I'll take you out for dinner on saturday!"

"Why would a girl like you ask out a guy like me?", I questioned, for some odd reason.

"Well, when you first moved here I saw you through my window next door and thought you were kind of cute.", she said blushing slightly. "I also like the way you flick your hair out of your eyes".

"Uummm...", was all I could say.

She giggled and said "I'll come and get you at 7:30, saturday night, kay?"

"But I don't even know your name", I said.

"My name is Rarity, and I'll see you saturday night, Meteor Strike", she said walking out the door.

So the girl next door is into me I thought Cool