• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 1,074 Views, 17 Comments

Out of Equestria - yoshiXII

In an accident by Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are teleported to a distant island that is far from Equestria. As they try to survive, other inhabitants begin to wake.

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Rainbow yawned. She was having the most fascinating dream. First, she had been accepted to be part of the Wonderbolts. She remembered being ecstatic about this, and Pinkie Pie decided to hold an “our-friend-is-now-a-Wonderbolt” party. Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and Soarin were there to congratulate their newest member. Everypony was there having a good time (or as good as they could have in one of Pinkie’s parties), while Rainbow was gushing over the fact that she was a Wonderbolt. She started a conversation with the Wonderbolts while emitting high-pitched squeals mixed in with shrieks of “Omigod, Omigod, Omigod”. This dream constantly invaded her sleep, making her feel ecstatic only to be let down when she woke. Then, Fluttershy came out of her conversation with Rarity and Twilight, to trot in front of Rainbow, which never happened before.

“This was not the way it was meant to be,” the normally timid pony said ominously, “Time to wake up. This is not the reality you are seeking.”

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked, bewildered, “But this was my goal since I was young. This is … my dream.” Suddenly, she realized.

Fluttershy disappeared in a swirl of colors. The dream was swept away. She looked frantically at the Wonderbolts, only to find that they disappeared as well in a colorful cloud of smoke. The land before her broke off, and instead of looking at the interior of Sugarcube Corner she was left facing a dark void. In the void, Princess Luna gazed at Rainbow with a knowing and sad look on her face. Then, the entire place went crumbling, and she started falling. Her eyes darted around, finding nothing but a dark and purple void bulging out at her. Rainbow’s life flashed before her closed eyelids, memories bringing a nostalgic and wistful feeling deep in her.

It was a weird dream, to be sure. ‘What did that Fluttershy mean? Not the way it was meant to be? Not the reality I was seeking?’ Rainbow thought. She wondered if Luna had any idea what her dream was about. She wondered if even Fluttershy had the same dream. Usually, her dreams didn’t start collapsing and end up with her falling, they were usually a stable illusion. She wondered if this was a premonition of things to come.

Shaking her head, the confused Pegasus looked to her side. Seeing the sight made her smile. Fluttershy lay there breathing slowly as the sun rose. The sun was only half visible, which surprised Rainbow since she had never woken up early enough to actually see a dawn. The dawn was beautiful, as the sun was a sliver of yellow and orange that sat there on the horizon. The brilliant light seeped into the world slowly, and the rainforest was once again fresh with life. It illuminated the place and promised a new day to have as much adventure as possible.

Rainbow sighed as she looked around. She was still on the island, and it wasn’t part of her dream as well. Now that she had a fresh mind, she was ready to tackle the day with renewed fervor. She was still a little worried that they weren’t going to get off the island, but she shoved those thoughts aside to make way for more rational thoughts.

Before the cyan Pegasus, Fluttershy slowly stretched out. The bliss of her sleep was washed over her, and was displayed on her face. It was one of those rests that should have lasted forever. The ones that made ponies lie on their beds trying to find that perfect spot of comfort to go back to the serenity of sleep. Unfortunately, Fluttershy knew she had to get up and feed her animals, and buy some more food, and—

Suddenly, she remembered what happened yesterday. Bolting upright, Fluttershy looked around her. The image of Rainbow was ignored as she remembered that she was stuck on an island, Celestia knows where, and there was little chance of survival. She sighed, laying back down again. At least her sleep was fitful.

“Up and at ‘em, Flutters,” Rainbow said cheerfully.

“Few more minutes, Mom,” Fluttershy giggled.

The rainbow-maned pony rolled onto her stomach and propped herself up using her legs. She then jumped off of the hammock as nimbly as a cat. Fluttershy took more time stretching her legs out first, before slowly rolling onto her stomach as well. She carefully placed her forelegs onto the sand, and then her hind legs.

Rainbow gazed at Fluttershy with a more serious expression now. “Did you have any dreams last night?” Rainbow inquired.

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow. “No,” She said quietly. The Pegasus wondered what could have caused Rainbow to wonder what dreams she had.

Rainbow looked bewildered, wondering what this could have meant. “It’s nothing,” She said. She could have sworn that they might have had the same dreams that night, though Fluttershy probably wouldn’t act so bold, even in a dream.

The occasional clouds floated by in the sky. The desolate ocean lapped against the shore. Rainbow gazed at the empty space around the island. Kicking at the ground, she flew up until the entire island was in view. Fluttershy was soon to follow, noticing the panic trying to escape Rainbow’s face. Rainbow was still reluctant to accept the fact that they were probably going to live the rest of their days on an island, outside of Equestria. Her nature was to fight back and to be aggressive to find a solution, though that probably wouldn’t help that much. Scanning the island, she sighed, resigned to the fact that they were stuck.

Fluttershy thought about her own predicament. She hoped Twilight would have had a caretaker to take care of the animals. ‘The beavers and squirrels need three ounces of oats every six hours,’ she thought, ‘while the birds, oh…’ tears swelled up in her eyes again. The emotions flooded past the barriers that she had kept to impress Rainbow. Rainbow, who noticed this, flew to Fluttershy and extended a hoof around her shoulder. The tears continued streaming down her face as more nostalgic thoughts came flooding back. Sniffling, she raised a hoof to brush off the tears that dominated her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and a plethora of emotions was displayed on her face.

“I-I’m f-fine,” Fluttershy sniffled, pushing Rainbow’s leg gently off.

“You sure?” Rainbow asked as delicately as possible, concern in her eyes.

Fluttershy nodded. Containing herself, she squealed something about getting some water. She flew faster than Rainbow thought she could fly to the ground. She touched the ground, hard, and flew a few feet before collapsing on the ground. After the halt, she leapt up and started dashing into the forest. Rainbow stared worriedly at her, wondering what could possibly make her friend act so weirdly.

Fluttershy ran to the nearest stream she could find. The stream was situated in a clearing that was picture perfect. The grass was growing at about knee height and a great tree lay in the middle, as an overseer. The butterflies and other creatures were busying themselves with the colorful flowers. She stared in the stream and saw her own face looking back. ‘Calm down, Fluttershy,’ She thought, ‘Everything will be all right. Just have faith in your friends.’ These thoughts calmed her as she tried to discern herself from what she wanted to be to impress everyone around her. Ever since she was small, she was always a pushover or a doormat. The shy Pegasus would never form her own opinions due to other aggressive ponies intruding in her private bubble. She would take it on word whatever Anypony said. From this, Fluttershy developed no real personality that was discernible. Even her animals could easily push her around to do their bidding.

After her thoughts have settled, she thought about her worries. The worries about her friends being panicked about their disappearance. The worries about her animals missing her. Fluttershy took a deep breath. She had to think about her own situation rather than be worried about what was going on at home. For now, herself and herself only would be top priority. Every other worry could wait until she could get home. She had to find the balance between her needs and everypony else’s needs.

Settling this in her mind, she brought her hoof down into the calm, tranquil stream flowing slowly along the rainforest. Shocked for a minute by how cold it was, she dipped down even lower until her hoof was damp with the water. Reaching up sharply, she wiped the water onto her face with her hoof, clearing away the tears, gasping at the sudden effects it had. It was almost as if the water had wiped away all the weariness that she had, and she appeared younger and healthier.
Surprised by the water’s effects, Fluttershy moved tentatively into the flowing stream. She braced herself as the stream attempted to drag Fluttershy along with it. Then, as she burrowed into the damp, soft ground underneath; she slowly relaxed as the water soothed her. She lowered her body inch by inch until the water reached the middle part of her body. Her legs were laid on her side as she lay there in the water, relishing in its magic.
“Fluttershy, where are you? Fluttershy?”
Rainbow burst into the clearing and stopped short of the bathing pony.
“Fluttershy, thank Celestia. I was searching all over for you. Are you okay?” She asked.
“I-I think I’m fine,” Fluttershy said serenely.
Rainbow tentatively crept near where Fluttershy was. Satisfied that she wasn’t hurt in any way, Rainbow started pacing around the grass next to the stream, so that her path was parallel to it. After pacing around and muttering aimlessly, she finally stood still.
“What do you think we should do next?” Rainbow inquired, gazing at Fluttershy as if lying in a stream was a complete waste of time.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Fluttershy admitted, “I was thinking about just staying here for a while.”

“Oh, come on,” Rainbow said, throwing a hoof, “We don’t have time to relax now.”

“W-well, we aren’t going to do anything today anyways,” Fluttershy said nervously, smoothing her mane, “We might as well relax now that we have the chance.”

Rainbow looked suspiciously at Fluttershy. “All right,” she said reluctantly, rolling her eyes, “But, we can’t stay here that long. Bathing should be the last thing in our minds.”

Fluttershy sighed as she watched Rainbow walk to the stream. As soon as the four hooves were in the stream, Fluttershy immediately noticed the change in her friend. Rainbow’s face appeared to have reached nirvana as she appeared to be in total bliss. All of the stress that was etched in her face dissolved. The stream almost seemed to wash away all of the worries the ponies might have had. Rainbow appeared younger as a strong, energetic glow surrounded her. As she breathed out, her mane grew and became free and wild. The tension was released from her body as she let loose.

For Rainbow, the feeling was sensational. The worries disappeared as the water washed them away. All of the muscles in her body that were tense relaxed. A slow calm enveloped her as everything else in the world was muffled. The chirps of the birds and the breeze of the wind were barely audible now that she was lost in a world of her own. It was a huge relief and felt enlightening. Everything around her now appeared hushed and soothing as the world was transformed.

Rainbow sighed as she slowly lay down on the water. She closed her eyes and she found her imagination was rekindled. Many different thoughts were passed through her mind with vivid intensity and made her think a lot deeply then she used to, seeing as how she never had time to actually think, being that she was in the sky most the time. Philosophical questions that she never thought about were now flashing by and being unconsciously answered. Time and space passed before her and she thought more and more about the world around her. About how Equestria was ruled by Princess Celestia. About how Equestria was everyponies only world. About how there was much more land beyond Equestria. About how diverse the entire world beyond Equestria could be.

Fluttershy lay there looking at Rainbow. She wondered what kind of water this must be to transfix even Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was thinking more about peaceful thoughts. Most of the thoughts were about nature and animals. Imagining new possibilities of new kinds of trees and new kinds of animals. How they would blend in together and coexist. It was fascinating to imagine all of the new possibilities of life beyond Equestria. Things like this she only thought about in dreams.

Rainbow snapped her eyes open. In Equestria ponies were the lead species. What if other lands had other lead species? What kind of new animals could they possibly see? What if this island had another dominating species? What if they think we are prey? She began to panic, but the soothing effect of the water calmed her down until the thought was at the back of her mind. ‘After all’ Rainbow thought, ‘There’s nothing to worry about in here. All we need to do is live by ourselves until Twilight or Celestia comes here. Nothing here could possibly harm us that much.’ And with that she continued imagining.

Though Rainbow and Fluttershy weren’t aware of it, quite a bit of time passed while they were lying in the stream. The sun shined directly overhead now rather than appear like butter on the horizon. The noon was brilliant, and few shadows dared venture for fear of being vanquished by the sun. Now, the sun radiated with brilliance in contrast to its tentative nature in the morning. Rainbow, who noticed this sudden change, was shocked by this. Lifting herself out of the water, she was suddenly sad that she had to leave this sanctuary. She trotted on over to Fluttershy, who was still bathed in her meditation.

“Come on, Flutters,” Rainbow said urgently, looking about her, “We’ve been here long enough. We gotta do something.”

“Okay, fine,” the pony said reluctantly, screwing open her eyes, “What’s next?”

“I … don’t know,” Rainbow realized. She gazed up scratching her chin thoughtfully before drawling, “We should probably go build a fire to scare away any nasties. Anything that will keep us sane will be good.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Before they left, they took a moment to graze on the bountiful grass in the clearing. Seeing as though the grass was literally everywhere, they knew that getting food would be their least priority. Trotting on over to the edge, they took a long glance back, as if trying to remember this place for future explorations, and then they disappeared back into the forest.

Looking back into the forest, it was like they were wearing rose-colored glasses. Every detail in the forest popped out at them. Every rock, every animal, every tree, and everything. The ecosystem was thriving, though they couldn’t see it as well as before. This time, it was as if they were communing with nature. They were now aware of everything that they might have missed before. It was astounding how they could have chosen to ignore the wonders of life.

After spending a bit of time trotting back to their hammock, they spent a lot of time wondering about their surroundings. It was like a dream. They almost felt like being rescued would be unbearable as they could learn more about life beyond Equestria. After they reached their makeshift shelter, they looked around the sand to find a good fire site. Fluttershy decided to explore further from the hammock to find it. Rainbow, on the other hand, just lurked about the hammock until she finally decided to make their fire next to the hammock. Fluttershy rolled her eyes as Rainbow called her over.

“This is the perfect spot,” Rainbow proclaimed, “Just need to get some stones and sticks.”

Fluttershy sighed. The spot was unremarkable in any way, and was as nondescript as any other patch of sand. Rainbow hurriedly kicked at the spot until a small circle emerged with small peaks along the outer edges. Though she could have done that any place else, she decided to make it close to wear they slept. For convenience. Brilliant.

Rainbow grinned at Fluttershy as she ran back into the forest. She gathered stones that lay about and with remarkable carelessness, scattered them inside the small peaks of sand in a smaller circle. The quick Pegasus galloped back to the forest and seized many dead tree branches and stacked them inside the circle of stones.

“Um, R-rainbow? Do you even know how to start a fire?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course I do,” the pony said confidently, “All I need to do is rub two sticks together. Duh, everypony knows that.” She proceeded to do just that. Grabbing the two longest sticks, she rubbed them together with ferocious intensity.

After rubbing them together for several minutes, it was clear that starting a fire was going to be much harder than it looked. No matter how quickly the speedy Pegasus rubbed them, the fire just wouldn’t start. It took a long time just to get a few sparks to fly out, and even those didn’t set the branches alight. During this time, Fluttershy retrieved a few dead leaves and set them on the sticks. After that, she satisfied herself by watching the concentrated pony try to start the fire. Finally, after about an hour, one of the sparks landed directly on the leaves and caught fire.

Rainbow, exclaiming a prideful sound, quickly blew softly on the ember. The small ember grew in size, until finally it was a hungry fire. She galloped to get some more branches from the forest. Soon, the fire was roaring and reached up into the sky. The sky at this point was a crimson red, while the sun shimmered a hue of orange as it lay on the horizon of the sea. The sunset was as beautiful as it was yesterday and Fluttershy was amazed by how much time had passed while they were busy with their task. Rainbow still hadn’t noticed how late it was already.

Suddenly, looking back at the two trees cradling their hammock, Fluttershy realized something. Those trees no longer had the veins or organs that they used to have. She could have sworn that every tree had those mysterious veins throbbing inside of them, even the trees they used to hold their hammock. What could have possibly caused them to disappear? Now the trees looked like normal ones you could probably find somewhere in Ponyville, though a bit different.

Shaking her head, Fluttershy just told herself that she was imagining things again. Taking a deep breath, she noticed how alive she really felt. This was her dream since she went to the ground, to immerse herself in the wild. Now, she really was here and it felt wonderful to learn more about the wilderness.

Rainbow looked up from her work. Looking toward the sky, she noticed the sudden change in the day. “Wow,” she said, “What an unproductive day we had. It’s already sunset and what have we got? I mean we didn’t get anything done.” Groaning, she stretched. “Oh well.” She yawned a skull-splitting yawn as she trotted toward the hammock and jumped on it, instantly asleep.

Fluttershy giggled a little. Her friend still had a child-like quality about her that was amazing. About to follow Rainbow to bed, the cautious pony stole a quick glance back into the forest. She was about to look back, until she saw a face in the shadows of the trees. She stared back at the pony. The pony looked unflinchingly back with an ominous look. The expression seemed to say, ‘You’re not welcome. Go back to where you came from.’ With a few moments of eye contact, the pony disappeared back into the shadows of the forest.

Fluttershy looked at the spot for a good, long minute. Her eyes darted back and forth, searching for any sign of a pony. Her heart started pumping faster, and beads of sweat materialized on her forehead even though it was cold. Something was not right here. What would ponies be doing on an island outside of Equestria? Millions of questions coursed through her mind that she had no answer to. She couldn’t grasp the reason of what could be happening. ‘What do the ponies of Equestria not know? What are these ponies doing on this island? Why are they here? What will they think of us?’ Fluttershy thought, ‘If only Twilight was here. She could help us figure this out.’

After standing there for what seemed like hours, Fluttershy decided that they could just figure this out in the morning. The ponies were probably friendly, as all the ponies are good friends of each other. Anyway, murder was unethical if worst came to worst. Everything should be fine in the morning, and they could try to make friends with them.

Fluttershy gave in and trotted back to the hammock. As she climbed on, the hammock emitted a soft groan at the excess weight being piled on. The scared pony lay there tossing and turning for hours. The thoughts overwhelmed her despite her reassurance. Every twig snapping, howl of the wind, or leaf crackling startled the terrified Pegasus. Throughout this, Rainbow slept fitfully, even to a point where she was snoring as loud as the noises. Fluttershy lay awake for the rest of the night, starting at any hint of sound.

“She saw me,” the jade pony said, trotting into the clearing.

“So that’s it then,” a brown pony responded, “They know we’re here.”

On the base of the mountain, a huge number of ponies were gathered them. If one were to count both the numbers of ponies and the number of trees, that person would find that they are equal. That person would also notice that all of the trees were now unremarkable and normal. Every type of pony was gathered here: Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns. They all shared the same characteristics however: a natural feel about them, organic colors for their fur, and they all had a triangle on their forehead, though that was burned on. They huddled together in a giant mass, discussing their options.

“What will they do?” A filly asked.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” A stallion replied. He rubbed his forehead with his hoof, “The message given to us leaves no room for doubt.”

“What will we do then?” A mare asked.

A grim pony trotted forward. “We’ll strike first.”

“But when?”

“Tomorrow,” the grim pony replied. “We lead the assault at dawn.”

“All of us?”

“Yes, all of us.”

“But what if they are stronger than we thought?”

“We have our strength in numbers. There’s no way they can pose a threat.”

“But what if they are really innocent?”

“No, the message was crystal clear.” The pony sighed. “These are the ones. We can’t let them do such a horrendous deed. Our only hope is to get rid of them.”

The group as a whole nodded in assent. Sadness ran amongst the ponies. Many young ponies and old ponies didn’t want to fight. They had their lives to live. What if the Pegasi were gods? What if these gods could kill their entire tribe in one fell swoop? They had their doubts, but the message was clear. They had to stop it.

All of them started preparing. The unicorns practiced their battle spells, the earth ponies readied their spears, and the Pegasi readied their armor. The tension was impalpable, though it could be sensed.

“What will we do when we capture them?” A pony asked.

“We take them to the chief,” another pony responded, nodding toward the mountain as she said so.

After about half an hour of preparation, most everypony was ready. With a bark of command from a temporary leader, the ponies got in rank. The earth ponies in their armor and with their spears made up the front lines. The unicorns made up the back lines and the Pegasi flew into the air, arranging themselves to block off any chance of escape of the two pegasi. Together, they marched or flew to the spot where they slept. The earth ponies and unicorns, when they reached there, concealed themselves amongst the outer layer of trees. The Pegasi flew up to the drifting clouds and pushed them to a close, but not suspicious distance away from the sleepers.

“What do we do now?” A filly with wide eyes asked.

The temporary leader looked at the filly solemnly. “Now we wait.”