Written by Neoco
It had been a rough day.
Rainbow Dash was annoyed. It was that day that she had become a hero. Ponyville’s only hero. But it just had to be that same day when it was taken away from her just as she was enjoying it. Mare Do Well. It had been because of her that Rainbow’s reputation had been ruined. After her first appearance, Rainbow hadn’t been able to do anything right and instead Mare Do Well steps in and gets all the attention. When she told her friends about how she felt, all they did was simply laugh at her. Rainbow had tried her best to gain her reputation back by helping out the locals with little things like crossing the street and opening a peanut butter jar, but that only succeeded in humiliating her even more.
It had involved a confusing chase throughout alleyways, with Mare Do Well appearing around each and every corner, but Rainbow had finally managed to confront and unmask Mare Do Well, only to find that it had been her friends all along. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. All five of them were behind the whole Mare Do Well act.
“I don’t understand,” Rainbow was saying, after they had all explained how the scheme had been carried out. She turned to her friends. “Why? Don’t you want me to be a hero?”
“Of course, we want you to be a hero!” Twilight replied.
“But a real hero doesn’t brag!” Applejack piped up.
Rainbow Dash turned away from her friends. So that was it. The reason behind the whole act: to get her to stop her bragging and boasting. “So,” she finally spoke after a moment of silence. “All five of you were in this whole act together.”
“That’s right, sugarcube.”
“And you ruined my reputation and humiliated me,” anger started to build up in Rainbow’s tone. “Just so you could get me to stop bragging.”
The smiles from Rainbow’s friends suddenly faded away.
“That-that wasn’t part of the-” Fluttershy started.
The blue pegasus turned to face them again, her eyes filled with rage. “Is that your idea of a friend!?” she started shouting. “To set me up and turn me into Ponyville’s laughingstock because I let all the attention get to my head!?!?”
“Rainbow, that wasn’t what we-”
Twilight faltered under Rainbow’s glare. “I see how it is,” Rainbow growled. She turned and sped off into the sky without another word. She could hear her friends yelling desperately after her but she didn’t care. She didn’t want to hear from her friends, or rather the ponies she had once called friends, anymore. The friends she knew would never attempt to plot her humiliation.
Rainbow raced blindly through the skies. She didn’t know where she was going. And she didn’t care. All she cared about was getting away from the five ponies who had betrayed her. I don’t care about them anymore, she thought to herself. Who needs to care about them? I don’t need them anymore!
She could feel the winds blowing fiercely against her; never before had she flown this fast. Not once did she stop, not once did she look back. Within mere moments, Ponyville was only a speck in the distance.
“Dash! Dashie, come back! DASHIE!” Pinkie Pie was shouting after the pegasus with a tone of panic in her voice. It was one of the rare times that Pinkie was not sounding like her happy cheerful self.
The moment Rainbow Dash had flew off, the rest of the mane five raced after her, shouting, pleading her to turn back. Fluttershy flew, but even she couldn’t catch up to Rainbow. Eventually, they all stopped at the outskirts of Ponyville, out of breath.
“Rainbow, this ain’t funny at all!” Applejack hollered at the pegasus, who was now a small speck in the distance. “Come back here!”
“She doesn’t know what she’s doing!” Twilight said rather to the rest of her friends than to Rainbow.
They stood there watching Rainbow fly away in panic and horror until they could no longer see her. There was a long and uneasy silence. Their Rainbow Dash, the one pony who was always there for them, was gone. Loyalty was gone.
Finally, Fluttershy started panicking. “This can’t be happening,” she said. “Oh Celestia, this just can’t be happening!”
“Settle down, sugarcube,” Applejack patted her on the back, even though she sounded worried herself too. “Ah’m sure we’ll be able to think of sumthin’”.
“I’ve seen Rainbow annoyed plenty of times,” Rarity began. “But I’ve never seen her act this recklessly before”.
Meanwhile, Twilight had been thinking of possible options instead of listening to what her friends were saying. She paced back and forth. “We should tell the weather team about this,” she finally said. “They’ll find her.”
Rarity looked at the purple unicorn. “Are you sure about that, darling?”
“I’m sure” she stated firmly. “Rainbow is in charge of the weather team. The pegasi there won’t stop searching for her until she is found”
“But-” Twilight turned to Rarity to listen to her response. “Don’t you think we should give her some time to herself? Let her calm down?”
Twilight turned away again. “I don’t think so, Rarity. Not this time. She’s not in her right mind right now. And like you said: you’ve never seen her act this recklessly before”. She looked back at the direction where Rainbow had flown. Nothing moved; everything was still. There was no sign of Rainbow flying back. Twilight was confident just moments before, but now even she was starting to doubt that the weather team would find Rainbow.
Good! If I may add, Dash can also say somethng like: "You didn't even considered, dunno, ASKING me first? Like, "hey, Dash, you kinda brag and boast too much, tone it down please? " Instead, five of you together desided to teach me a lesson of... what exactly? LESSON OF HUMILIATION!? Because I really helped ponies! Saved them and all that, and I did it before, and will do it after, your so-called Mare-Do-Well will disappear soon, unlike me... oh, scratch that, you don't want me as a hero, so DO IT YOURSELVES!"