• Published 20th Feb 2013
  • 1,013 Views, 30 Comments

The Elemental Sword - Elaine_Lunaris

A man who jouneys deep into a long forgotten dungeon, finds out what he is ment to do in life. Follow the swordsman on his jouney to protect Equestria from the darkness that plauges it. But first... he will need a weilder.

  • ...

Chapter Three: Memories and Awkward Situations

^^^^^^Twilight’s Tree House 10-am^^^^^^

The sword awoke to people talking. Thinking that someone had found him inside that long forgotten dungeon, and that last night was but a dream he opened his eyes. What the sword saw before him was not what he expected.

Looking down from his viewpoint, he saw what was talking. It was a blue winged horse with a rainbow mane, immediately he knew what this was. It was one of Twilight’s friends, the one know as Rainbow Dash. That meant that last night wasn’t a dream, and that he was trapped in a new world. He sighed to himself and looked back over to Rainbow and Twilight. Rainbow was talking to Twilight about some book? It appeared that way. He listened in to what they were saying.

“Are you sure this is the next book Twi’?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight looked towards her friend and smiled. “Yes Rainbow I am sure that is the next book in the Daring Doo series.”

‘Daring Doo and the Time Temple. It sounds like it would be a good read to say the least’

Twilight’s eyes widened as he said this, but it appeared that Rainbow did not hear him talk. Strange... he thought to himself. He would need to check on that at a later date. Twilight was now moving towards the shelf he lay on.

“So you’re awake now?”

‘Yes I am awake now, and yes I did have a good night’s rest’

Rainbow looked confused by why Twilight was talking to herself. “Twilight who are you talking to? There’s nopony here.”

Twilight looked to her friend with a puzzled expression. “You mean you can’t hear him?”

“Hear who Twi’?”

The sword intervened in the conversation ‘If I may say something Twilight. I believe that I can only talk to those I make contact with. So yes it would be a good idea to take me off the shelf.’

Twilight closed her mouth; shaking her head, she would never understand how he knew what she was going to say before she even said it. Using her magic, she pulled the sword off the shelf and levitated it towards Rainbow.

Rainbow looked towards Twilight and then back to the sword, “that’s a cool looking sword Twi’ where’d you get it?”

Twilight looked towards Rainbow before placing the sword on the counter. “You remember how the princess sent me that letter yesterday?” Rainbow nodded, “well it turns out the magical disturbance at the old castle yesterday was this sword. It appears to be a normal sword except... well look at the blade.”

Rainbow complied and looked at the sword carefully she gasped as she looked at the blade of the sword. “Those are the Elements of Harmony! How are they on a sword?” Twilight shook her head and said.

“I don’t know Rainbow, but that’s not the only weird thing about the sword. Go ahead and touch it.”

Rainbow looked nervously at Twilight before slowly inching her hoof towards the blade. When her hoof made contact she saw that the blade changed colour from purple to blue and the sword started to shift back to its original form on normality. After the sword returned to its normal state Rainbow felt somepony talk to her.

‘Hello miss Dash, it is a pleasure to meet one such as you.’

Rainbow Dash removed her hoof in shock her eyes going into pinpricks of their former selves. “T-Twi, d-did the sword j-just talk?” Twilight moved towards Rainbow and the sword, reaching out a foreleg she laid her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Yes Rainbow the sword just talked, I still have no idea what to call you though.”

‘Well since I have no idea what my name once was, we shall have to come up with a new name for me wont we?’

Twilight nodded towards the sword and then looked towards the startled Pegasus. “Rainbow, stop freaking out, we’ve encountered stranger things in our time in Ponyville.” Rainbow looked towards Twilight with an expression on shock.

“But Twilight, it’s a TALKING sword! How am I supposed to get over THAT?”

Twilight shook her head at her friend’s antics, “Believe me when I say that I was more than shocked when I also found this out. But like I said, now is not the time to be freaking out. He needs our help to find him a name.”

‘Also I wish to meet this Princess Celestia of yours; she might be able to help me to return to my normal form.’

Twilight nodded in the direction of the sword “Right first things first, a name for our new friend here!”

‘Yay.... new names....’

^^^^^^Three Hours Later^^^^^^

“What about Blade, that sounds like a fitting name”

‘Just because I’m a sword does not give you the right to make a pun at my expense. And by the way, you already said Blade, three times.’

Twilight blushed at the swords words, she hadn’t realised that Blade had already been said between the two of them. Rainbow spoke up. “UGH! This is taking forever! Can’t we hurry this up I have things I need to do!”

The swords words hung in the air ‘What is so important that you need to leave on a Saturday?’

“W-well I need to go practice my routine for the Wonderbolts!”

‘Ah yes your daily stunt routine, sounds fascinating to watch. I’ll have to look into it sometime.’

Twilight butted into the conversation before it could escalate further “LADIES we can’t argue right-”

‘I’ll have you know that I am a man. So do not call me a lady’

Twilight facehoofed at the swords words, and both ponies could hear him chuckle to himself at Twilights actions. ‘Well I think I have one, it is in one of our languages. I believe it is Latin, so how about Ultorius?’

Rainbow perked up at this “Hey that doesn’t sound half bad!” Twilight nodded to herself.

“Ultorius, sounds like a good name but what does it mean?”

‘It means Vengeful in Latin.’ Ultorius’ words hung in the air as he said them. Both girls looked at each other then back to the sword on the table. Rainbow looked scared by what he had said and Twilight looked chocked by what he had said.

‘Do not worry girls, it is just a name and I thought it sounded good for a sword.’

Both Twilight and Rainbow nodded at Ultorius and started to chat amongst themselves. Ultorius just sat there on the table, thinking back onto the past few days. All the precious loot that he had gained over the years was all stored in his magical backpack. But he could not reach it so he thought about it.

Twilight sensed Ultorius doing something with magic, she was about to question what he was doing with magic until a small pop! Was heard amongst the three, silence followed as the three stared at the backpack that had appeared on the table next to the sword.

‘Well...... that solves one of my problems.’ Ultorius stared at the backpack until Rainbow spoke up.

“Uh... Ult’ did you do that?”

Ultorius sat next to the backpack doing nothing. After a few minutes he spoke. ‘Rainbow I have no idea how I did that. I just know that I did, and that confuses me. I have never had magic before and now I do? That just doesn’t seem likely to me...’

Twilight looked at the backpack on the ground then towards Ultorius. “Why doesn’t that seem possible for you to do? Many Unicorns here are able to do that.”

‘It doesn’t make sense to me because my species as a whole have never had magic before Twilight. I mean sure we discovered Runes but those were of a race that passed long before we found them. So it doesn’t make sense for me to have it now.’

Rainbow looked at Ultorius then to Twilight. “Hey guys I think I know why Ult’ has magic now.”

Both Ultorius and Twilight looked towards Rainbow Twilight with a questioning look on her face and Ult’ just sat there. Both answered at the same time “How”

Rainbow looked nervous as she prepared to say what she thought the problem might be. “Well I mean Ult’ said that his species doesn’t have any type of magic except Runes right? So I was thinking maybe it was because of how you two melded minds and swapped experiences and information. It might not be that his race never had magic; it might be that they never had the information to ever tap into their magic to be able to use it. And since the information swap between both of your minds he gained the experience to be able to do that now.”

Twilight looked towards her friend with a confused expression on her face while Ultorius just remained silent.

Rainbow looked at the both of them before saying “What I paid attention in SOME of my classes at school.” Rainbow crossed her forelegs and turned her head away from the two.

Twilight continued to stare at Rainbow before Ultorius snapped her out of it. ‘Pay attention Twilight, all of your friends went to school remember?’

Twilight blinked at the statement and finally snapped out of her trance. She looked towards Rainbow Dash and said. “I’m sorry Rainbow it’s just that you caught me by surprise when you said that.”

‘Anyway, before an awkward crisis emerges how about you introduce me to the rest of your friends?’

Twilight looked towards Ultorius “That sounds like a good idea, Rainbow can you go get the others please?”

Rainbow Dash nodded and flew out the door to go fetch all the others.

‘Let me guess.... you want to ask me some questions now?’

Twilight looked at Ultorius before saying “Yes I would like to know more about you and your species, and especially how you came to be in this situation.”

‘Well... first let me say this. Not all of my species are the same, we are all different like you ponies..... HANG ON A SEC! Didn’t the information swap thing give you the answers to all your questions?’

He had Twilight there the information swap did explain a great detail of many things. But some things were a little complicated because they didn’t make any sense to Twilight. So she explained this to him.

'Ok.... ok, fine I’ll try to answer whatever questions you may have, we DO have a deal to uphold.’

Twilight smiled triumphantly at Ultorius’ words before saying, “Ok first question, how did you end up in that dungeon?”

‘Well that might be better explained when all the rest of your friends get here, I’ll say this though it is an interesting tale.’

Twilight could understand the logic in wanting to wait for the rest of the Elements to arrive before talking about the Dungeon he had been in. “Ok then, second question, what is your species?”

Ultorius thought about that question for a few seconds then responded with ‘My race is called Homo sapiens or more commonly called Humans’

Twilight was confused by Ultorius’ response; she had always thought that Humans were an old mare’s tale, not really a live race. “Ultorius, There’s no such thing as humans.”

‘Delve into my memories Twilight Sparkle, you will find my answer correct then. And don’t worry I’ll alert you when the others get here.’

Ultorius thought of the backpack going back to where he had got it from and with a flash of multipule colours, The backpack disappeared.

Twilight Sparkle looked into her mind in search of the answers she was looking for, what Twilight found in the memories of Ultorius was not what she was expecting. The last words she heard from Ultorius were.

'Oh nice to know that still works....'

^^^^^^Memories of Ultorius^^^^^^

Ultorius stood on a chair in front of a crowd of people, all of them crying out for the blood of the traitor. One voice rang out above the cries of the crowd “You are hereby charged with treason against the crown! How do you plead?”

Ultorius looked around at all the faces of the crowd searching for that familiar face that had helped him the last time this had happened. Again the voice called out to him “HOW DO YOU PLEAD?!?”

Ultorius turned his head around to stare at the executioner, “I plead, not guilty!”

The executioner huffed at his statement, “Any last words then traitor?”

Ultorius stared out amongst the crowd again looking at each of the faces. His gaze stopped on one familiar face. He smiled at the hooded person and the person smiled back.

“No? Okay then. By order of the crown you are sentenced to hang by the neck till death.” A deep drum began playing as the executioner moved towards the lever that was all that kept Ultorius alive.

He looked out over the crowd again, seeing the hooded person move amongst the people shifting them slightly as he/she went past them.

“Can I have one last request?” he asked the executioner

The executioner stopped next to the lever that suspended Ultorius above a small pit. The man turned around and faced him. “Name it.”

He smiled at the executioner “I wish to sing one song, before I die”

The executioner nodded towards Ultorius, “It would entertain the crowd, and you may begin.

Ultorius coughed to clear his throat and began to sing a song from one of the famous movies.

“Home is behind, the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow, to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight

The hooded person moved closer as the first part of the song Edge of Night by Pippin in Lord of the Rings the twin towers came to an end.

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
Alll shall fade
All shall fade”

As the song ended the hooded person reached the back of the scaffolding and jumped up behind the executioner. Grabbing a dagger from a hidden hold in the robes, the hooded person gripped the man’s head and jerked it back exposing his throat. She/he moved the dagger and slit his throat open, chucking him into the audience making them all scatter in terror.

I looked towards my hooded saviour with a smile. “Maria it is good to see you again.”

“The same cannot be said for you my amicus.”

“Etiam, I could not have put it better myself Maria.”

Maria nodded at Ultorius before moving towards him in order to cut him down.....


^^^^^^Ponyville Twilight’s House^^^^^^

‘Twilight, the others are here.’

Twilight Sparkle came out of her trance as Rainbow Dash entered the tree house. Shaking her head to clear the air Twilight looked for Ultorius to ask him who that was.

‘Not now Twilight, the others are here.’

Twilight nodded and moved forward to greet her friends, first entered Rainbow Dash, then Applejack and Rarity, and lastly entered Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Twilight smiled at her friends and greeted them “Hi girls, how’s everypony going?”

Applejack was the one to respond first, “Jus’ dandy Twi’, mind tellin’ us why ya’ called us here. Applebuck season is right round the corner.”

Rarity was the next to speak up “Yes darling could you please tell us why we are here, I have an order I need completed by the end of this week.”

Pinkie Pie spoke up next “So where's the new pony, oh I wonder if he likes parties!”

Fluttershy was the last of her friends to speak up “I-if you don’t m-mind that is....” After Fluttershy had said that she hid behind her mane.

Twilight looked at each of her friends in turn before saying “Well girls, the reason I called you all here was because I have somepony important for you all to meet.” After Twilight had said that, she levitated the sword into an umbrella rack and into the centre of the group.

Rarity was the first to speak up “Well dear where did you get this marvellously decorated sword?”

Twilight looked at Rarity before saying “You girls remember the letter the princess sent me yesterday?” After they had all nodded she continued “Well the letter the princess sent asked me to investigate the old castle where we defeated nightmare moon.”

‘And that Twilight was quite the feat. Well done I must say.’

Twilight rolled her eyes at what Ultorius had said, this gained her confused looks by everypony gathered except Rainbow Dash who had also heard what Ultorius had said and was chuckling to herself, Ultorius was laughing at Twilight’s reaction.

“Well after the letter was sent I went to investigate the magical disturbance that the princess had mentioned. When I arrived it appeared exactly the same as we had left it, except for one difference. This sword appeared in a flash of rainbow light on the pedestal the Elements of Harmony were on, right in the centre of it.”

After the girls had nodded at her to continue her story she cleared her throat, “After the sword appeared I heard somepony asking for help,” Twilight looked at Ultorius who said ‘Well are you going to tell them of am I?’ Twilight sighed and said what Ultorius had said “The voice asked me ‘Where am I? Hello? Is anyone there?”

Rainbow looked at Ultorius and she could feel him smile. ‘Hey Dash? Want to play a prank?’ Rainbow smiled and nodded eagerly ‘Okay here’s the plan, ever heard of a ventriloquist before?’ Ultorius didn’t think it was possible but Rainbow Dash’s smile got even bigger.

“- and that’s how we came to be here right now.” All the girls were slack jawed as Twilight finished her story about Ultorius. After a while Applejack spoke up.

“So yer expectin’ us ta believe that some magical who-ha happened at th’ ol’ castle an’ this here sword appeared on te pedestal?”

“Applejack, darling you are the embodiment of the Element of Honesty surely what Twilight says is the truth.” Applejack looked down at the ground and kicked at the floor with her front hoof.

“Ah guess so.”

Twilight looked at all the girls with as smile before saying. “Okay so the only way Ultorius can talk to you is if you touch the sword. So off you go girls.”

The girls all walked forwards towards the sword and Ultorius smiled to himself. ‘You ready Rainbow?' Rainbow smiled at him which he took for as a yes. The 4 other ponies present all placed a hoof on Ultorius, and then Ultorius and Rainbow began their little prank. As soon as he started talking Rainbow slowly shifted her lips as to give the illusion that Rainbow was actually speaking.

‘Greeting little ponies I am Ultorius the Elemental Sword.’

The girls all gasped and fell backwards as Ultorius spoke to them, all but one. Pinkie Pie had noticed Rainbow Dash using ventriloquism and she had started to giggle at Rainbow’s antics.

“Dashie stop using ventriloquism to scare us, it won’t work!” All the rest of the girls were now staring at Rainbow Dash, and Twilight had a frown on her face.

Rainbow stared at Pinkie with a confused expression plastered on her face. “But Pinkie Pie.... I’m not using ventriloquism.” Ultorius added after that ‘Yeah Pinkie she’s not using ventriloquism...’

Needless to say all the mare’s faces except for Twilight’s and Rainbow Dash’s were stuck in a state of shock and horror. Finally after a long time, Rainbow and Ultorius started to laugh; Rainbow fell on the floor while the air around the sword started to quiver.

‘HAHAHAHA.... You... should see....he he... looks on your....pfft...HAHAHAHA’ Ultorius busted into a new bout of laughter, while Rainbow Dash had fallen to the floor clutching her sides.

After a long time the two stopped laughing hard enough to hear a low growling sound from Twilight, Rainbow looked at Twilight and then at the steam coming out of her ears.

“Uuuuh, Ult’ I think we pushed her too far.” ‘Agreed’

Twilight’s mane busted into flame and she growled at the both of them. Rainbow dash as quick as ever flew out of the door with Ultorius screaming ‘WAIT!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!’

Rainbow left a rainbow trail as she bolted out of the tree house, she could hear an agonised scream as the Twilight’s house became a blur on the horizon and the scream of Ultorius died down. She stopped for a brief rest before she could hear a scream coming from the distance, getting louder and louder as it closed in on her. Rainbow closed her eyes expecting Twilight to pop up next to her and start scolding her. What really happened was that Ultorius landed next to her with an UMPH.

‘Remind me never to piss off Twilight......’

Rainbow opened her eyes to see Ultorius lying next to her on the grass. Smoke coming off his blade and the hilt a little bit on fire. ‘Um, can you hide me? Please?’ Rainbow smiled at the question “Maybe, Maybe not. Depends on what you can do for me later...”

‘Look Twilight should either be here in a couple of minutes of she could just teleport here right now. Either way we need to move, NOW.’

Rainbow nodded at Ultorius and picked up the now cool sword and started flying towards her cloud house off in the distance...... Just as Princess Celestia’s carriage flew by overhead.

^^^^^^Canterlot Castle before Ultorius wakes up^^^^^^

Princess Celestia was sitting in her room as Twilight’s message came through in a puff of green smoke. Levitating the paper in her magic she read the message on the scroll.

Dear Princess Celestia

My investigation has drawn up more questions than answers at this time. During my investigation into the magical disturbance you sent me to investigate at the old castle in the Everfree forest, I found something rather interesting that I must request you presence in Ponyville in order to fully explain this strange phenomenon to you.

Your student,

Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Celestia hummed to herself in thought; Twilight would never ask me to come to Ponyville unless it was extremely urgent. Moving off her bed and down the corridor to her sister’s room, she knocked politely on the gilded door before entering. “Luna? Are you awake?”

“Uhhhhg what is it Tia? I was trying to sleep.”

“Well I just received a letter from Twilight urging my presence in Ponyville; she would like to explain something she found in her Investigation of the magical disturbance that you felt last night.”

Luna looked towards her sister “You mean the one at the old castle that housed the Elements of harmony? And where Nightmare Moon was defeated?”

Celestia looked at Luna from the darkened doorway. The room was dark and on the ceiling was what looked like the night sky; the bed had Luna’s Cutie Mark on it and was a deep blue colour like her coat. Everything around the room reflected Luna’s ponyality? (Personality, Might need a little help with that one everypony).

Luna looked at Celestia, “Sister, are you going to Ponyville then?” Celestia’s gaze drifted around the room, then back to her sister.

“I suppose I should see what Twilight needs me to look at, it might be something important.”

Luna nodded at her sister and laid her head down to go back to sleep. Celestia excited the room, closing the door quietly and walked down the corridor to the carriages outside on the strip that had been designated for the landing and taking off of carriages.

Hoping into one carriage she told the four ponies that were pulling said carriage to take her to Twilight’s tree house in Ponyville. The guards nod and take off, flying in the direction of Ponyville.

Just as the solar princess nears Ponyville she hears a scream from the town. Looking down she sees Rainbow Dash, the Element of loyalty, fly past leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Following the trail backwards, she sees that Rainbow had come from Twilight’s home. Celestia smiled to herself, thinking of all the new antics her student had probably gotten herself into over the past few months in Ponyville.

Landing in front of Twilight’s library she excited the carriage and walked towards the door. Before the princess could raise her hoof to knock on the door a purple flash could be seen through the window. Puzzled the solar princess stops to think what could possibly be happening inside that required Twilight to teleport around. Just as she finished thinking this another purple flash could be seen from the window, plus the screaming of a mare.

The princess frowned and knocked on the door and just as quickly as the screaming started, it stopped.

Twilight opened the door to find the princess standing in front of her, with a frown on her face. She gulped and spoke, “G-good morning Princess Celestia, did you come this morning in regards to my letter?”

The solar princess frowned at her student. “Twilight Sparkle, why do I hear screams coming from your home?”

Twilight smiled weakly at her mentor, “Err, no reason princess. Just Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash.”

Princess Celestia smiled to herself and said to her beloved student, “Would you mind if I come inside then Twilight?”

Twilight looked back inside her home and back to the princess, a nervous smile plastered on her face. “S-sure Princess j-just let me tidy up!”

Just as quickly as the door was open it was closed on Celestia; a muffled scream was heard before another purple flash was seen through the window. Having had enough on her student’s antics, she opened the door with her magic and walked inside to find Twilight on top of a bound and crying Rainbow Dash. The princess’s eyes widened as she came to realise what she had just stumbled upon, Rainbows eyes looked at her pleadingly and Twilights reduced to pinpoint as she realised that Celestia had just opened the door.

Twilight’s head turned towards the princess as she said “Princess! It’s not what you think!”

The solar princess’s head swerved around the room looking at the gathered ponies. Applejack and Rarity standing in one of the corners sitting in the couch, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were sitting at the dining table and Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle who were on the top of one of the tables in the main room.

Celestia’s gaze drifted over each and everypony’s faces before responding to her students words. “Then what is going on here Twilight?”

“Well Rainbow Dash and Ultorius thought it would be funny to play a prank on me when they knew you would be arriving soon.”

The princess thought about this for a moment. Who was this Ultorius that Twilight had mentioned “Twilight? Who is this Ultorius that you mentioned?”

Celestia’s hoof bumped against something cold on the floor as she walked into the room, looking down she found a sword that had some oddly familiar gems imbedded into the white blade. And then a deep melodic voice filled the room.

‘That would be me your highness; it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Twilight has spoken highly and often of you.’

Celestia’s eyes drifted away from the blade on the floor to look around for the source of the voice.

‘Ahem, down here your majesty.’

Looking down again she found the odd sword lying against her hoof, she looked at it in confusion as she tried and failed to comprehend what was going on in Twilight’s home. Before she could say anything the voice spoke up again.

‘Princess would you mind picking me up and placing me on the table top please? Or in the rack over there, as comfortable as your hoof is I would rather be someplace where I could see everypony’s faces rather than their hooves.’

The princess’s face turned from one of confusion to one of shock as she realised just WHO Ultorius is and more importantly WHAT he is.

“Don’t worry Ulty I got you!” Pinkie said as she picked up the blade and leaned it against the wall.

‘Thank you Pinkie Pie, it is nice to know somepony here has the common courtesy to pick a gentleman off the floor and dust him off once in a while.’

Pinkie Pie giggled at Ultorius’ statement and walked back towards the dining table were Fluttershy was sitting. The table was stacked high with an assortment of sweets ranging from muffins and cupcakes to, well cake. Grabbing some plates from Twilight’s kitchen, Pinkie Pie started to hand out the sweets.

Ultorius coughed to get everypony’s attention. ‘I assume, princess that since you are here. You wish to hear my story, yes?’