• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 2,049 Views, 30 Comments

As Equestria Turns - Meadow_Elune

Much like anwyere else, life in Equestria is a complex tapestry of events both good and bad.

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Tragedy at the Air Show! Do Apples Make Your Heart Flutter? Don't Give Up, Pinkie!

Dash paced nervously in her prep room. The usual pre-competition jitters were starting to get to her. Fortunately, she had a solution. She rummaged in her pack and produced a CD. Popping it into the player that rested on the vanity, she cranked it up and started losing herself in the awesome heavy metal thunder, banging her head in time with the pounding beat, the loud wailing and screaming of the electric guitar ringing in her ears. She even began singing along. Back before she had discovered her talent for racing and stunt flying, one of her foalhood dreams had been to be a rock star. To this day, putting on some rock music could transport her. She could see herself on stage, pulling off awesome riffs with the lights strobing and whirling around her. Focusing all her nervousness into the fantasy always seemed to calm her down. It was crazy, of course. In reality she knew that performing as a rock star was probably just as nerve-wracking as the performing she did. But the fantasy helped and that was all that mattered. She was so lost in the music that she almost didn't hear the knock on the door. Almost. She snorted, annoyed, as she glanced at the clock on the wall. The competition didn't start for another 25 minutes. Who would be disturbing her now? She marched over and flung the door open, planning to give somepony a tongue-lashing. However, upon seeing her visitors, her face softened.

"Eep!" cried Fluttershy, taking a step backwards. Pinkie, for her part, clamped her hooves over her ears.

Dash shouted over the din. "OH! HEY PINKS. HEY 'SHY. JUST A SECOND." She ducked back into the room and stopped the CD player before returning and waving the pair in. "What brings you two here?"

"Silly," Pinkie giggled. "You didn't think your bestest friend and your bestest filly would let you go out there without coming by to wish you luck, did you?"

"Um, yes. We, um, came to wish you luck, Dash," murmured Fluttershy. "Is... is everything okay? What was that awful noise?"

"Oh that," Dash replied, waving a hoof toward the CD case that was still laying on top of the dresser. "I always play some metal to psych myself up before a big competition. Helps me forget how nervous I am."

"Um, um... anyway," Fluttershy shifted nervously, her mane falling in front of her face. "We, um, thought we'd stop by personally. Um. For luck and all." A worried look crossed the shy pony's face. "Um, this new trick of yours. It's not, um, dangerous, is it?"

"Wouldn't be awesome if there weren't some risk, 'Shy. But don't worry, I've practiced it, like, a half-dozen times already. No way anything'll go wrong."

"Oh. Well, um, please be careful, Dash." Fluttershy still looked worried.

"Oh, relax, Flutters. My Dashie's the bestest flier ever," Pinkie stated, lifting her head and beaming with pride.

Just then, a voice came over the loudspeaker: "Attention contestants. The X-treme Flight Spectacular will begin in 15 minutes. Please begin making your way to the lineup area at this time."

"Um, well I guess we better go," said Fluttershy, turning to leave.

Pinkie bounced up to Dash. "Kiss for luck?"

"Kiss for luck," Dash said, wrapping her in a hug and giving her a passionate kiss. Just outside the still-open door, Fluttershy blushed and hid her face behind her mane, embarrassed to be witnessing her two friends in such a moment.

"Now go on," Dash said, as they broke away from the kiss. "I'll see everyone after the show, okay."

"Okey-dokey-loki," Pinkie bubbled, bouncing out the door.

Dash stared admiringly at the pink pony's flank as she bounced away, already thinking about how they would celebrate tonight after her big win.

Pinkie and Fluttershy arrived back at the suite just in time for the Equestrian National Anthem. Fluttershy gasped. The suite was simply palatial. The cloud floor was soft and fluffy, serving well as both floor and seating area. The immense window gave a stunning view of the arena. There were two also gigantic televisions, enabling viewing of the broadcast coverage (useful, as you really couldn't see everything from any one spot in the arena). For lighting, there was an opening in the cloud ceiling that ran the length of the suite, allowing sunlight in during the day, as well as two gorgeous crystal chandeliers for night lighting. As the last strains of the anthem faded off and they were about sit down, there came a tapping at the door. Twilight got up to answer. Much to her surprise, Celestia and Luna were standing there.

"Your Highnesses!" Twilight took a step back as the pair entered. Everypony turned in surprise and bowed. "We... we thought you'd be in the Royal Suite."

Celestia let out an annoyed sigh. "Oh, please. How could I properly enjoy the show with all those stuffy nobleponies trying to bury their snouts in my flank?"

Twilight blushed. "Um, Your Highness...?" She gestured with her head towards one corner of the suite, where Spike, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom were standing, snouts nearly touching the glass as they watched the show. Thankfully, the youngsters seemed too engrossed in the show to have noticed the Princess' slightly crass remark.

Celestia coughed. "Erm... sorry." she whispered to her protégé. "There was actually a bit more to it, though. I just had this strange feeling that I should be here for some reason."

After the minor disturbance, Pinkie settled in, watching the show and marveling at the prowess of many of the flyers. She had to admit, they were good. Really good. But she wasn't worried. She knew her Dashie would be better than all of them.

Come the intermission, Pinkie and several of the others made their rounds to the little fillies' room, snack stands, etc., and then hurried back to the suite.

As the second half opened, Pinkie was bouncing up and down, either from excitement or sugar overload (she had gotten a lot of snacks) and Scootaloo was pressed up so close against the viewing window it looked like she would press right on through it.

The announcer's voice crackled over the loudspeakers. "And now, everypony, please welcome our next contestant - two-time winner of the Best Young Flyer competition and the only pony to have pulled off a Sonic Rainboom twice - Miss Rainbooooooow DASH!"

Meanwhile, in the Wonderbolts' private suite, Soarin' recognized the new contestant immediately. "Hey! It's pie-saver," he blurted, turning to Spitfire.

Spitfire groaned, burying her face in her hoof. "Y'know, she did save our LIVES, too, Soarin'. A bit more important than a pie, maybe?"

"Oh. Um. Yea," Soarin' mumbled, blushing. "In any case, this should be good. Y'know, I think she may even be Wonderbolt material one day."

Pinkie was bouncing all over the place with excitement as she watched her beloved Dashie perform. Dash pulled out all the stops for her routine, using every trick she knew - the Super Speed Strut, the Fantastic Filly Flash, Lancing the Loops, even the Buccaneer Blaze, drawing 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' from the crowd. Finally, it was time for her pièce de résistance. She began her upward ascent using her Rainbow Tornado move.

"This is it! This is it!" exclaimed Pinkie, now somehow defying gravity by bouncing in place while hanging from the ceiling. "Dashie's new stunt. Oooooh, you're gonna love it!"

Pinkie was now back on the floor but still bouncing, as her Dashie approached the arena, the telltale cone starting to form around her. As the cyan pegasus passed through the arena in a rainbow-colored blur, however, both of Pinkie's right legs began twitching together. There was a pause. Then both left legs twitched. Another pause. Her whole body went into convulsions. Pause. Then her whole body scrunched up like an accordion, before expanding to twice its normal length and then returning to normal. She stopped bouncing and sat down, fear etched on her face, her eyes wide and beginning to tear up.

Dash leveled out and began her spin, continuing her forward acceleration. In a flash, she realized her mistake and cursed herself. Unlike the flat plains out west, Canterlot was located on a mountain. And mountains had foothills. Like a complete rookie, she had leveled out over a valley.

Twilight noticed Pinkie's bizarre movements and immediately recognized it as Pinkie sense. And not just any Pinkie sense, but a doozy. She walked over towards Pinkie, who was now sniffling and mumbling to herself, and heard a single word that made her blood freeze.

"... crash..."

Twilight rushed over to the Princess, panic written on her face. "Princess. She's... she's going to crash! We have to do something!"

Celestia didn't know how Twilight knew Rainbow Dash would crash - the wildly cheering audience certainly didn't seem to notice anything amiss - but the conviction in her student's voice was enough for her. She bolted from the room, calling for the anti-magic field (used to prevent cheating) to be lowered.

Dash's mind raced. Okay, you can still do this. Just gotta pull up a little bit. But as the first hill loomed, she could see she wasn't going to make it.

Even as the Princess ran from the room, Twilight knew there wasn't enough time. Her own eyes welled with tears now, as she turned towards one of the TVs, where cameras continued to track her friend. "Rainbow..."

Fluttershy crouched down and hid her face behind her mane, shivering.

As she spiraled, Dash felt her wing clip a low stone wall on the hilltop. Pain shot up her wing and she knew she had broken something. Her carefully controlled spin turned into an out-of-control whirl. As the ground loomed, she thought back to how she had promised Fluttershy and Pinkie that she would be safe. Damn! Pinks, 'shy. I guess I lied. I'm so sorry. Then, there was no more time for thought.

"No. She can't...," whispered Scootaloo. Rarity and Applejack herded the children away from the window, back towards the rear of the room. Where they wouldn't be able to see the window, or the giant screens.

Rainbow Dash's world exploded in white-hot agony.

There was a collective gasp of horror from the crowd as Rainbow Dash disappeared in a cloud of dust. The central monitor cut the live feed and switched to showing the X-treme Flight logo. "Everypony remain calm, please," the announcer requested, his voice shaking.

Pinkie felt like somepony had kicked her in the gut. She felt all the bounce leave her as her mane and tail fell flat. She screamed in anguish. "NO! DASHIE!" She ran over and slammed her hooves into the glass as though she were going to pound her way through it. She had no idea how, but she had to get to her Dashie. She felt somepony pulling her away from the glass and struggled. Didn't they understand? Dashie was down there, badly hurt... or worse. In the midst of her struggles, she felt a calming presence draw near.

"Peace, my little pony," Celestia comforted, "Peace. She lives. Were an element-bearer to perish, I would sense it."

Her words had a calming effect, soothing Pinkie just a little. She lifted her head up, still sniffling. "We have to get down there."

"Indeed." Celestia's horn began to glow. The anti-magic field had been lowered to allow emergency personnel to work. Light filled the room and its occupants quickly found themselves teleported to the ground a short distance from the crash.

The arena ambulance was approaching, pulled by a team of EMT ponies. Pinkie rushed to Dash's side. Even with Celestia's reassurance, she had to see for herself that her Dashie was still breathing. Fresh tears filled her eyes at the sight before her. Dash's coat and mane were streaked with blood, which also liberally coated the ground. Two of her legs were bent at angles that nopony's legs were meant to bend at. And her wings - her wings were the worst. They looked as if somepony had crumpled them up like wastepaper.

Pinkie was only dimly aware of the others - Fluttershy approaching, then quickly backing away, Applejack holding Scootaloo back, Twilight and Celestia coming to stand by her - all these things were vague and ethereal. All her mind could focus on was the battered and broken form of the pony she loved.

The ambulance arrived and the four EMT ponies quickly took charge. "Everypony back away," one of them barked. Pinkie, still in shock, didn't move. The head EMT repeated himself more forcefully, "C'mon, out of the way!" He grabbed Pinkie and pulled her back as the other three EMTs began attending to Dash. She struggled, but his grip was firm. Then she felt the calming presence of the princess once more. She was vaguely aware of a brief exchange between the princess and the head EMT.

"Come," said Celestia soothingly, "we must let them work. I have arranged for Rainbow Dash to be taken to my own Royal Hospital at the palace. The best doctors in all of Equestria work there." Gently, but insistently, the Princess herded Pinkie to a nearby hillock, where the others already were.

The EMTs managed to stabilize Dash and get her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.

Pinkie just stared after the ambulance as it sped off. Again she zoned out, only peripherally aware of Celestia gathering the others around her. There was a flash and, for the second time, she found herself teleported, this time directly to the palace.

Pinkie sat curled up and staring at the wall of the waiting room, whimpering softly as she had been for the past six hours. Her thoughts were in turmoil. There had been no word on Dash's condition since the group had arrived. The princesses had reluctantly gone to attend to other matters, with instructions that they be alerted as soon as there was news. Pinkie couldn't stop the flood of worries. What if Dash couldn't fly anymore? What if she were paralyzed? What if she had brain damage? Or even ended up vegetative? Or just plain didn't pull through?

She looked over to one corner of the room, where Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom had all fallen asleep nearly two hours ago and wished that she could do the same. At least then these worries wouldn't be consuming her.

Life without Dash... Pinkie couldn't imagine it. Rainbow Dash had always meant the world to her, even before they started dating. Yet now there was a very real possibility that she might never see Dash again, and there was nothing she could do about it. Pinkie couldn't remember ever feeling so helpless. She looked up as the doors to the ER opened and a doctor came out.

Before Pinkie could speak, Twilight, who had been pacing the floor, spoke up. "Doctor! How is she?"

The news was mixed. "Well, we have managed to stabilize her and set all her broken bones. We had to put rods in her wings, however, and the damage there was quite extensive. We don't know yet to what extent her flying ability will recover."

Pinkie felt like a void was opening beneath her, threatening to swallow her. She knew that losing the ability to fly would make Dashie miserable and Pinkie doubted that any amount of parties would overcome that.

The doctor's next words, however, were like a pronouncement of final doom to Pinkie. "Also, and more seriously, your friend, Ms. Dash, had severe head trauma and almost certainly has some degree of neurological damage. Right now, she's in a coma. We really won't be able to assess the extent of the damage until she wakes up. If she wakes up."

As the doctor said those four words, Pinkie felt the world give way beneath her. She heard the doctor's voice continue, but faintly, as if from a great distance.

"I won't lie, her condition is still critical right now, and things could go either way."

Pinkie let out a strangled cry, and fell into darkness.

Applejack was the closest when Pinkie collapsed to the floor. She jumped up in alarm. When waving a hoof in front of Pinkie produced no response, she began to panic, grabbing the pink pony and shaking her. "Pinkie? What's goin' on? SAY SOMETHIN'!"

The doctor quickly jumped in. He shone a small penlight at Pinkie's eyes. No reaction. He clapped his hooves loudly next to her ear. No reaction. He looked up at the remaining ponies. "She's in stress-induced shock. We'll need to get her to a room."

Twilight looked on with concern. First Dash and now Pinkie. Much more of this, and she would be next. She closed her eyes for a second, trying to calm her frazzled nerves, then spoke. "She's going to be okay, though, right?"

"With some rest, and avoidance of further shock and stress for awhile, she should be fine," the doctor stated calmly, as he placed the catatonic Pinkie into a wheelchair for transport and used the intercom to call for someone to get her to a room.

Rarity managed a gracious smile. "Well, thank you Doctor... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

"Wellhooves. Dr. Wellhooves."

"Thank you, Dr. Wellhooves. Whatever happens now, we certainly appreciate all you've done to help."

"As do we," a melodious voice declared.

Everyone turned and bowed as Celestia and Luna entered. "Dr. Wellhooves, was it?"

"Yes, your Highness."

"Dr. Wellhooves, you and your entire surgical team have our thanks. We shall be certain the hospital administration knows of your skill and dedication."

"Thank you, your Highness. Forgive me, but I must go now and oversee Ms. Dash's transfer to the ICU."

Rarity yawned, the past several hours of anxiety and waiting finally catching up with her. "Dear me, it is getting late. We should get the children home, I suppose. Scootaloo's mother will probably be wondering what's taken so long."

"She hath already been informed of what hath transpired," stated Luna. Then, turning to Applejack, she continued: "As hath thine elder brother. Ye shall all rest here at the palace tonight, and ye may depart on the 'morrow, if ye so desire."

"Thank you, your Highnesses," said Twilight, as the rest of the group got up. "I think we could all use a good night's sleep." She cast a worried look at the still unresponsive Pinkie as the nurse finally arrived to check her in. Some of us even more so. I just hope a good night's rest will help her. I don't know how she's going to avoid stress in this situation, though. And if Dash doesn't make it... She didn't even want to think about what would happen then.


The incessant rhythm of the monitor kept a sort of melancholy time in the room. Fluttershy watched the green line on the monitor at Dash's bedside. The doctors had said that if she survived the next 24 hours, Dash would probably live. Fluttershy was determined to watch over her friend as much as she could. It was the least she could do. Ever since they were little schoolfillies, Dash had always been there for her, standing up to the bullies who had picked on her for being shy, helping her learn to fly, and helping her develop her confidence. They were almost like sisters. Fluttershy wiped away the tears that were forming. Dash had done so much for her, it seemed unfair that all she could do was sit here and watch as a beeping machine counted the blue pony's heartbeats.

Fluttershy felt her stomach rumble. She looked at the clock, letting out a small gasp. She could hardly believe it was nearly noon already. As if on cue, a familiar orange face appeared in the doorway of the room.

"Hey there, sugarcube," said Applejack softly, entering the room with a couple of bags from the hospital cafeteria. "Ah reckoned y'all might be a little hungry."

"Oh. Um... thank you. I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

"Tweren't no trouble. Ah had to get lunch mahself anyhow."

Fluttershy smiled as she accepted one of the bags. Applejack was always so thoughtful. She opened her bag and blinked in surprise. "A fresh garden salad with Neightallian dressing. My favorite. Um... thank you, Applejack. How did you know?"

"Well, shucks, sugarcube, it's the same thing y'all order whenever us girls go out to eat somewhere. So ah jus' thought y'all must really like it."

"Oh. Um... thank you. I... I didn't think anypony would notice something like that." For some strange reason, Fluttershy was beginning to feel very awkward. She changed the subject, as she started on her salad. "So, how is Pinkie doing?"

"She seems to be a little better. She's responsive now, anyhow. Ah don't know if she's really come to grips with what happened still. Everypony's too afraid to say anything. We don't wanna send her inta shock again." Applejack shifted in her chair, looking towards Fluttershy. "What about you? How're you holdin' up? Ah mean, you an' Dash have been friends for a long time. This must be hard on you, too."

"Well, it is really difficult seeing her like this. Even though we're the same age, she's always been like a big sister to me. She's usually the strong one, where I've always been weak and fragile." She sighed. "I'm so worried for her. I think she'll live, she's too strong not to, but if she can't fly like she used to... Oh, I just don't know. To her, I think, that would almost be worse than death. I feel like... like I might have to be the strong one for her now. I mean, I know she has Pinkie now, but Pinkie's having trouble dealing with all this herself. And I... I just don't know if I'll be able to be strong enough." Tears were forming in the yellow pegasus' eyes.

Applejack reached over to rest a comforting hoof on Fluttershy's back. "Aw, sugarcube. You know we'll all be here for her. For both of them. And for you. We'll get through this together, just like all the other messes we've been through. And as fer bein' strong, why ah've known you, what, ten years now? You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for."

Fluttershy sniffled softly, managing to smile. For a moment, she just sat there, letting the orange pony rub her back. Truth be told, she almost didn't want her to stop. She leaned over and rested her head on Applejack's shoulder, breathing in the scent of apples that permeated her hair. She could feel the strength in the earth pony's hooves and she began to imagine what it would be like to have those strong hooves hold her and comfort her... She started, sitting upright as a blush painted her cheeks. Why was she thinking that? It must be the stress. She needed to get away for a minute and get her head sorted out.

Applejack had been lost in thought herself as she absently stroked her friend's back. She knew this was hard on Fluttershy, probably more so than anypony else. She tried to imagine how she would feel if it were Applebloom or Big Mac in that bed, hanging between life and death. Fluttershy's sudden movement brought her out of her thoughts. "You okay, sugarcube?"

"Um... um, yes. I'm fine. I just need to, um... take a walk, I think. Get some fresh air."

"That's a great idea. It can get right stuffy in here. Maybe Ah'll join you."

"No! Um... um... I mean, I, um... I appreciate the offer, but... um... but somepony should really stay here with Dash... um... in case something happens. Um... if... if you don't mind, that is."

Applejack cast a mildly skeptical glance at her friend. She thought about pressing the issue, but decided against it. It was clear that Fluttershy wasn't ready to talk about whatever had gotten her so flustered just yet.

As the rising sun illuminated the room, Pinkie slowly opened her eyes. For a moment she wondered who had sneaked in and painted her ceiling white. Then she shifted her gaze, taking in the rest of the room, and remembered where she was.

"Oh, good. You're awake." Twilight walked over to the bed. "How do you feel?"

"I guess I'm feeling a teensy-weensy bit better." Pinkie frowned, remembering what had led to her being here. "I'm still worried, though. Is Dashie...? Is she still...? Did she...?" Pinkie couldn't bring herself finish the thought.

"She's stabilized now. The doctors think she's going to live." Twilight saw relief in Pinkie's eyes. She was glad, but she didn't want to get her friend's hopes too high. "But she's still in a coma. There's no way to tell when she'll wake up."

Pinkie took a moment to process this information. Then she turned to Twilight, a pleading look in her eyes. "Can I see her?"

Twilight chewed her bottom lip nervously. "I don't know, Pinkie. Are you sure you're up to that? I wouldn't want you to have a relapse. Maybe we should ask the doctor first."

Pinkie clambered out of the bed. "I'll be okay, Twilight. I'm ready to face this now, really."

"Are you sure? I still think..."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," stated Pinkie firmly, moving her hooves in the familiar gestures that went with her strongest oath.

Twilight nodded, acquiescing. A Pinkie promise was good enough for her.

When they arrived at the ICU, Twilight had to stay behind, since Fluttershy was already inside and only two visitors at a time were allowed in ICU rooms.

Pinkie let out a little gasp as she entered Dash's room. Fluttershy turned and greeted her, but Pinkie barely noticed. It took all her gathered courage to cross those few feet of floor to her lover's bedside. Dash was laying there with IV lines feeding various fluids into her and an oxygen line running to her snout. Most of her body was covered by bandages or casts. If it weren't for the distinct rainbow colored mane, it would have been hard to tell who was in the bed.

"Oh, Dashie," whispered Pinkie, tears welling in her eyes. She sniffled, then spoke again. "Twilight says you can't hear anyone, that you don't know we're here, because you're in a really, really deep sleep while you get better. But I don't think she's right. My heart tells me you can hear me. That you know I'm here. And Flutters is here too, right in the room with me. She's been here since they brought you in. And I wanted to be, but I was just so super worried that I kinda stopped working right and the doctors had to fix me, too. But I'm here now, Dashie. And I'll be here everyday. I'll be right here by your side as much as I can. And I'll be here when you wake up. I Pinkie promise I will. And then, when you wake up and you're all better, I'm gonna throw the biggest party ever, just for you."

Fluttershy had walked over and now rested a comforting hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. "It's okay, Pinkie. And you know, I... I think you're right. I think she can hear us."

After a week, Dash was stable enough to be moved out of the ICU and placed in a long-term stay room. At first, everypony came to visit almost daily. But time wore on, fall faded into winter and winter into spring, and gradually the visits became less and less frequent. Oh, some came more than others, of course. Pinkie would spend two days in Ponyville, then two at the hospital, in a regular schedule (the princess had been nice enough to give her a room at the castle to use indefinitely). Beyond that, Fluttershy was usually there once a week, and Scootaloo often managed to come with her. Twilight would occasionally take a few days out of a month to do her studies at the castle. Applejack and Rarity were the least frequent, showing up once a month or so, but that was to be expected. They both had businesses to run, after all.

Pinkie sighed and looked over at Dash. It had been six months now. All the casts and bandages were gone. She reflected on how peaceful her Dashie looked. Too peaceful. Almost...

She shook her head, willing the thought away. Dashie would wake up. She could feel it. It was just going to take time. In the meantime, she just had to tell Dashie about the new couple in town and the super-exciting party she had thrown for them.

"Well, Dashie, the past few days have been really exciting. We had a new couple move in, the Gravys, Brown and Mushroom. They're really nice, especially Mushroom. He's pretty cool, actually. I think you'd like him. Oh, yea, they're both stallions. I think they were a little nervous about that at first, but then they found out they didn't need to be. I mean, there's other couples like that in Ponyville. There's me and you, there's Lyra and BonBon, and now with Flutters and AJ dating, that's three right there. And nopony's ever had a problem. So we got them over that silly notion real quick. Hmmm... what else. Oh yea. They have the cutest little colt, Gravy Whisk. He's Brown's. Brown was married to a mare before, but she died. That was really sad, but then he got together with Mushroom, so it was better. Well anyway, when I heard they were moving in, I just had to throw them a party of course. And I decided to try something new. It was like a buffet and a welcome party all in one. Everypony lined up to greet them, while kept them all supplied with food." She paused, putting a hoof to her chin in contemplation. "It was a lot harder than I thought though. I pooped out partway through the party, and Gummy had to drag me off. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Hmmm.... Well, anyway, everypony had a great time." She paused again, then continued in a somewhat sadder tone. "I just... wish you could have been there. My parties just aren't the same without you."

As she finished, the nurse poked her head in the door, informing her that visiting hours were over for the night. With a sigh and a final, forlorn look at her comatose lover, she trudged out of the room and made her way back to her guest quarters.