• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,306 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

You Know, I Didn't Actually Say What's the Worst That Could Happen

You know how there are good days and bad days? Well, sometimes there are really awesome days.

Today would be in the category of just shoot yourself because good things will never happen again.

I'm probably overreacting, but at least listen to what happened.

First of all, flying isn't as fun when you aren't used to it. I'm not talking about flying in an airplane. I'm talking about flying at high speed with the only thing keeping you from skipping over the ground is a person holding on to you. I was only able to take my mind off of it by talking with the girls.

And talk we did. I decided to verify things and make sure this wasn't some knock-off version of Powerpuff Girls. Though, there is that cool Snafu Comics version of Powerpuff Girls that I wouldn't mind this being. It turns out that it was the regular Powerpuff Girls, except that it was many years in the future. The fact that made me relax the most was that they were all seniors in high school. Good, because I didn't want to be real creepy about it. Bad, because I'm still ten years older than them and that is pushing the boundary of creepiness. Well, it wasn't like I harbored any thoughts of that anyway. It's just that when you have someone carrying you like this, there was only one place her chest would be. Take a wild guess.

Anyway, I helped them reduce some of the suspicions that they had of me. Apparently, somewhere in the gap of time they came to really distrust anyone with chaos magic. There was some unnamed monster they had to deal with that could use chaos magic. Not only that, but it nearly defeated them effortlessly. They only won by outsmarting it and turning it's own magic against it; somehow causing it to implode. They didn't want to go into detail; only giving a description that, thankfully, didn't match up with Discord.

I decided to be honest with them to an extent as well. I told them that a being named Discord gave me my magic. I also told them that he gave me the coin around my neck to help keep it stable. I pulled it out of my shirt to show them and they didn't really think that it was too impressive.

That was, until I told them it acted as a locator to the missing ponies.

Also, that it wasn't pointing in the direction we were heading.

All of us realizing what this meant, they picked up the pace. Too bad the speed in which they were moving then made me sick. It wasn't bad enough that I emptied what little I did eat, but not exactly a fun trip for the rest of the way.

As we all feared, there was a section missing in their house. It was centered on the middle of the top floor right where the middle window used to be. As the four of us floated into the hole, we all took stock of what happened.

We took a look around while floating inside the girl’s room. The place looked remarkably similar to the way it was back during the show. There was still the multicolored bed, though it was larger than I remembered it to be. There were various knick-knacks scattered around the floor and a few other items on the walls. Even the phone that was connected to the mayor’s office was still sitting on a small pedestal in a corner. However, there were a few things that were different. The hole in the wall being the first things was obvious. The next were the scorch marks on the floor. The third and most critical thing was the red writing on the wall. It read ‘I have your new friend’ and there was a picture underneath nailed to the wall. It showed an unconscious Fluttershy and standing over her was… Him.

A basic description of Him is this: he is evil. He is so evil that the people on the show couldn’t even refer to Him by name. That’s right. He is Voldemort levels of evil. I also secretly suspect him of being a homosexual, but that’s not really here nor there. I just say that because of the horrible way he dresses, I guess.

I only say this now because at the time I wasn’t thinking about that. All I saw was a picture of an unconscious Fluttershy. In hindsight, I bet she just fainted. Too bad that isn’t what I was thinking of as the cause. To me, Fluttershy is the pony I most connect to and seeing that made me angry. Very angry.

Apparently, I was so angry that I missed the girls’ phone going off. I didn’t even know until Blossom got my attention by getting in my face.

“Hey, Seth! It’s Him. It’s the guy who kidnapped your friend Fluttershy.”

I looked down at the phone in her hand. In this situation, there was only one thing my brain could think of: what would Liam Neeson do?

I brought the phone up to my ear and started talking.

“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you’re looking for ransom, I can tell you that I don’t have any money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my friend go, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you. I will find you. And I will kill you.”

I have no idea how the Powerpuff Girls reacted after that. I was too busy listening to the phone; waiting for his answer.

He started with a chuckle.

“Ohhh myyyy,” he started with a reverberating, high pitched voice, “it has been such a looooong time since I’ve heard such a passion for my demiiiiise. Don’t you worry. I can tell you where to find me. I’m at the mayor’s office. Good luck getting here!”

The line went dead and I gave the receiver to Blossom.

“Did you really mean what you said?” asked Bubbles.

“Sort of. I’ve never killed anyone before and I don’t know if I’ll start now. Right now, I’m heading to the mayor’s office and getting Fluttershy out of harm’s way.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Blossom. “Let’s get there as fast as we can.”

“I’m not going to fly there,” I stated.

“What?” Buttercup asked.

“Like I said, I’m getting there right now.”

I moved Blossom out from in front of me and gathered magic into my fists. Then, I managed to do something I’ve always thought of doing. I reached back and then punched the air.

And it cracked.

A spider-web of cracks emerged where my fist stopped and spread out to about an eight foot diameter. I reached back and punched again. This time, the cracks shattered forward. In its place, there was a view of the mayor’s office. Inside, I saw Him sitting in the mayor’s chair. Needless to say, he was very surprised. I had just smashed a portal into being from the girls’ house to the mayor’s office out of pure anger, chaos magic, and ingenuity.

I would’ve had more time to marvel at this if I wasn’t tunnel-visioned onto Him.

“That’s impossible!” he cried.

“That’s Tuesday!” I countered as I marched towards him.

He jumped out of the chair and leaped over the mayor’s desk. He managed to land in the center of the room.

“I swear if you made her cry I will make sure you suffer,” I said with a nice mirrored voice. It sounded pretty menacing, yet I don’t remember even doing anything to make my voice sound like that.

“Haaa, haaa, haaa, you are a real treat,” he said switching to a low-toned voice at the word real. “You have a great deal more rage in you than the girls do. No, I didn’t do anything to your little horsey friend. I made such a display entering their home that she went and fainted on her own.”

Upon hearing this, my rage was quelled quite a bit. I didn’t relax, however. This was Him after all. The guy could get creative like Discord, only with evil spells. Seriously. He once turned the love that the entire city of Townsville had for the Powerpuff Girls into hate, and tried to force the citizens into destroying them. There was no way I was going to give Him a chance to try that crap on me.

“Last chance. Give me Fluttershy and I will leave with her and you will never see either of us again,” I said with the mirror effect still somehow active.

“Hmmmm, very well. I’ll return your precious Fluttershy to you,” Him said with his voice back to its high pitched tone.

He raised his clawed hand and a gout of flames erupted from the floor. When the flames dissipated, Fluttershy was lying down on the floor. I somehow managed to keep my cool that time upon seeing her on the floor. I reached down and grabbed my coin. I pointed it towards her. It wasn’t glowing.

“The real Fluttershy or else that was your last mistake,” I halfway growled.

He gave off a hiss and a pillar of flames erupted this time all the way up to the ceiling. After a few seconds, the pillar disappeared and Fluttershy was standing where they once were. I pointed my coin towards her and this time the coin was glowing.

“That’s better,” I said while my voice went back to normal.

“Seth,” shouted Fluttershy. Well, I say shouted, but that’s in Fluttershy terms. She sounded about as loud as her normal talking voice, but it looked like she was trying to shout so I just went with it.

“Come on over here Fluttershy.”

She nodded and started trotting towards me. I kept my eye on Him the whole way while I looked for any sign of trickery. I dropped to one knee to keep both Him and Fluttershy in my sight.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No. I’m fine,” she said barely above a whisper.

“That’s good,” I replied. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Leaving so soon?” asked a gruff voice.

I looked to my left at the front of the office and saw a smiling Mojo Jojo.

“You again? I really don’t want to have to spank the monkey.”

I heard some chuckles from the girls and a gasp from Fluttershy.

“You shouldn’t be so mean to the nice chimpanzee. You’ll hurt his feelings.”

“That chimpanzee is anything but nice,” I stated flatly.

“Yeah!” added Blossom. “Mojo Jojo is a criminal and has tried to take over the world more times than I can count. And I can count pretty high.”

“That does seem pretty bad, but I’m sure he didn’t really mean it. Did you Mr. Jojo?”

“Uhh, yeah. I was just a poor misunderstood chimpanzee lashing out at the people who shunned me. I didn’t really mean to do it.”

“Oh come on!” yelled Buttercup.

“No,” I said. “We are not having this. Fluttershy, look at me.”

She hesitated a bit, but eventually she looked me in the eyes.

“We haven’t been friends for long, but I want you to trust me. Mojo Jojo is a bad chimp. He has been doing bad things for a long time. He has been given so many chances to be good. Even when he does take them, he chooses to be bad. I know you are sympathetic to animals, but he isn’t an animal. Not anymore. Now, he is just evil. The very moment I arrived here, he just blasted me for no reason.”

“I blasted you because you interrupted me by placing your hand over my mouth. Your hand on my mouth prevented me from talking.”

I turned from Fluttershy to respond.

“It’s not interrupting if you say the same sentence in a different way over and over again. Do you realize people tune you out when you do that? You still shouldn’t have blasted me for that. That was a bit of an overreaction.”

“It’s a personal space issue.”

“Ugh, fine. I’ll concede you that.”

I turned back to Fluttershy.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ve seen him do terrible things. Please trust me. Besides, we need to go back home. I still need to find the rest of your friends and the longer I stay here, the longer that will take. I’ve already been awake for over twenty-four hours straight as of now and I’ve only found you and Applejack. I still have four more ponies to find. Let’s go Fluttershy.”

“You are not going anywhere,” said Mojo. “You are going to stay right here and help us defeat the Powerpuff Girls once and for all.”

I looked at him with eyes filled with disbelief.

“You must be crazier than I thought if you think I would help you do anything bad to them.”

“We don’t care what you think about it,” said Him. “We just need that energy of yours.”

I saw some of what they were doing come into focus.

“You want my chaos magic. You know the girls have had trouble against it in the past and now you want to use it to defeat them now.”

“You are correct,” stated Mojo. “We knew that there was a powerful source of chaos energy somewhere in Townsville. I detected some trace amounts of it in the little pony, but I knew that she could not be the source. Then, earlier today I detected the same energy in a flash of light near my hideout. You were the only person around in the park at the time and were, in fact, standing right where the light originated from. I surmised that it was you who were the cause of the light and it was you who had the chaos energy within them and thanks to this device-“

He stopped for a moment to pull out a small device. It looked kind of like an I-Pad.

“-I knew for sure that you were a source of chaos energy. That is when I came up with a plan to use that energy to defeat the Powerpuff Girls. I knew there was only one being that could manipulate chaos energy safely enough to use it against them.”

“That would be me,” said Him in his high voice.

“I deduced that the pony would serve as bait to lure you in since she had been a target for us before you had even arrived. It would have been difficult to capture her since she was staying with the Powerpuff Girls. Then, with the good fortune of the girls leaving for some reason, Him was quick to act and take her from their home. Leaving a trail for you to find her, we led you to City Hall. The mayor and his assistant are on vacation so it was perfect timing for us to use. Unfortunately, you did not come from the Powerpuff Girls’ home to here by flying. Therefore, my perfectly prepared trap was foiled."

“Not to mention,” I added, “that the surprise seems to have fixed your repetition problem that you seemed to have. I knew you could overcome that handicap.”

Mojo seemed to seethe a little from the remark.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Him. “You are right where we needed you to be. And now we will-“

“Hold that thought for a second,” I interrupted.

I turned to the Powerpuff Girls.

“Do you three think that you can handle them without me, or should I help you out?”

“We can take Mojo and Him out, no problem!” said Buttercup.

“Yeah! We do this all the time!” added Bubbles.

“They shouldn’t be a problem as long as they can’t use your chaos magic,” finished Blossom.

“Alright then.”

I turned back to the two villains.

“Well, I don’t know what dastardly plans that the two of you have, but I don’t think I should stick around and let you use me to destroy these three lovely ladies.”

I reached out without looking and grabbed Fluttershy’s leg.

“With that said, it’s been real, it’s been fun, but it ain’t been real fun. See ya!”

I grabbed the coin around my neck and placed Fluttershy’s hoof on it. I heard someone shout ‘No!’ as we were then slowly engulfed by white light. I closed my eyes as it lasted a few seconds and then it went back to normal. I opened my eyes to see if I had returned to Equestria. I saw a pair of eyes surrounded by the frame of a pony face directly in my own.

I jumped back a little and fell on my back after forgetting that I was still kneeling. I heard some chuckles and looked around. I was indeed back in Equestria. I was instantly happy that I had gotten out of there without having to fight off Mojo Jojo and Him. I had no idea of the depths of his abilities and I wasn’t eager to find out. See the Voldemort reference to understand what I mean.

“We are glad to see you have returned safely once again, Seth,” I heard Celestia say.

“So am I. When you are facing down Him, you have to be glad to get away without any problems.”

“Him? Him who?” asked Applejack.

“An incarnation of evil. Be glad you don’t know,” I answered.

“He was really scary,” supplemented Fluttershy.

“That sounds like something I’ve faced before,” I heard a voice I couldn’t identify say.

I scanned around a bit and my eyes fell on a pony I hadn’t seen around here before. He was a tan pony with a brown mane. I looked at his cutie mark and-

I stared for a second. It was an hourglass cutie mark. I couldn’t help but ask the obvious.

“Who exactly are you?”

“Oh, hello there! I’m the Doctor!”

Author's Note:

As a fan of Doctor Who, I couldn't help but throw him in here. I don't think it'll be for more than a chapter, though.

Edit: Well, I was wrong. He'll be back a for a few chapters here and there.