• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 1,655 Views, 64 Comments

A Second Chance - nimaru

Not everyone is given a second chance at a life. And if they are given the gift, does it mean anything if they don't know it? A series of encounters with ponies of Canterlot will bring two ponies together who desperately need each other.

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Saying Goodbye

I set out leisurely, delighting in the warm sun that fell in patches through the cool early morning streets. The plants and trees were still moist with twinkling dew and the birds chirped happily; flitting from tree branch to tree branch. I was in no hurry, but soon left behind the sparsely traveled streets and found myself in front of the royal gardens.

I had been here just once before… my first day in the dream. Seeing it like this on my last was… well… a little bittersweet. But time was short and I couldn’t afford to hesitate. I stepped boldly through the ivy choked archway onto the smooth stone-cut pathways of the garden.

And then I smiled.

Before me stood a fountain, one that I’d seen many times from Dusty’s garden terrace. But only up close was I able to see its gentle curvature, the intricate bends and folds, and undeniable character… features that spoke to the hoofwork of the grumpy little pony who’d created it.

But more than that; though there wasn’t anything specific that pointed to it, I knew that she’d loved this piece. Despite her complaints and frustrated rants, sculpting was not only her talent, but her life’s joy. I didn’t doubt for a second that whatever she sculpted for the celebration would be just as amazing… probably more so.

They were right to pick you, I thought.

I walked on, thinking about how great artists conveyed emotion through their work. Before I’d come here, I only ever thought about music and song, but now I could see it in stone, in wood, and even in the garden itself.

The immense sense of calm and peace I felt walking down the rows of vibrant flower bushes was no accident. Everything was carefully cultivated for that purpose: from the species of plant, from the spacing and direction of the walkways, from the strangely musical fountains…

Wait… I actually do hear something.

Somepony was singing. The song had no words, and yet transmitted thoughts of flowers, sunshine, and growth. Though I didn’t recognize it, I did recognize the voice; and it was coming from just around the corner.

“Good morning Rose P…” I started as I stepped around the bushes where she should have been.

I looked left and right, but nopony was there... just a watering can.

“Uh…” I said to the empty air.

Next to the Azaleas, Rose Petal stepped towards me, fading into view as she approached.

I’d like to say that I hadn’t forgotten about her unique talent. I’d like to say that I didn’t jump in surprise. I’d like to say that I didn’t make an embarrassing startled noise that sounded like, “eep!” But luckily, Rose Petal didn’t seem to mind.

“Miss Snow!” she smiled, stepping forward. “It’s very nice to see you again… but…”

“But?” I asked, my heart still racing.

“Well…” she stammered. “how did you know I was here?”

“I heard you singing silly!” I explained.

“…oh,” she said frowning. She seemed unsatisfied by the answer, but didn’t question me any further.

“So what brings you by this morning?” she smiled, walking to the fountain to wash the dirt from her hooves.

“Well, I was thinking about when we first met in the mountains. You went through so much trouble to help me. I just wanted to… I want to thank you.” My voice caught a little, but I managed to hold back the tears. This was harder than I thought it would be.

Showing more perception that I’d given her credit for, Rose Petal peered back at me intently, cocking her ears forward as if she were listening for something. Finally her expression became sad and maybe a little worried.

“You’ll say goodbye to Winter Willow too?” she finally said, not quite asking.

How did she know I was saying goodbye?

“Yes,” I decided. I hadn’t really spent much time with the healer ponies, and wasn’t actually planned to see them again, but Rose Petal had an oddly insistent air about her and I saw no reason to refuse.

“I’ll come with you,” she said levelly, turning towards the hall.

“Ok,” I answered, a little puzzled by her reaction. She stayed close, guiding me, but it also felt a little like being corralled; almost as if she were afraid I’d run away. But whatever her reason, it was pleasantly nostalgic walking through the garden with her again. Just like before, we walked together to the little hall. And just like before, Winter Willow hurried outside, stumbling out the door to greet Rose Petal long before she should have known we were there.

“Rose!” she hollered. “I…”

She faltered midstride and stared at me, her face and wings falling, her voice dying in her throat. I cocked my head wondering why seeing me would make her so upset.

“She’s come to say goodbye,” Rose Petal said, leaning forward to touch Winter Willow on the chest with a hoof. I’d never seen the gesture before and wondered what it might mean.

But before I could ask, Winter Willow recovered.

“Snow!” she smiled thinly; tucking her wings comfortably at her side. “We’ve been hearing stories about you! You seem to be getting along well in the city.”

“Yes!” I answered. “It’s been… wonderful”.

For the second time, I stumbled over the words. I was clearly more upset than I had admitted to myself, but there was no helping that now. I wasn’t sure if I’d really accomplished whatever I had been meant to do, but no matter what, being in the pony dream was a one-in-a-lifetime event that I would never forget.

“Will we be seeing you at the ceremony?” Rose Petal asked.

She was standing very close to Winter Willow for some reason… almost protectively.

“Yes. I’m sure I can stay that long at least,” I said.

Rose still seemed tense and Winter Willow’s false smile was a little unnerving so I added, “Luau told me so.”

I had seen firsthoof how the ponies of the city respected and trusted Luau so I hoped sharing that detail would lighten the mood, but I miscalculated. Instead of reassuring them, the two ponies stiffened; their eyes widening slightly.

“Oh… I see,” said Rose Petal slowly.

I wondered at their reaction and why they hadn’t yet asked about my time here, my memory, my mark, or even where I was going. But I didn’t press my luck since time was growing short and there were still things to do.

“Well,” I said, “I’ll be off then. Please give my regards to the others and take care!”

“Take care Snow,” said Winter Willow.

I made way out of the garden, looking back just once to see the two ponies still staring at me sadly.

I wish I had been able to get to know you better, I thought with a little smile.


The wood shop was as busy as ever, but I walked right in without stopping. The head carver on duty smiled and nodded in my direction before yelling at a nearby apprentice.

“No! With the grain!

I giggled. Barkbiter was loud, but well-meaning. Next I came to Arabesque who was so focused on her work that she didn’t see me. Spiral Pine and the others waved or smiled, but none stopped me. They knew where I was headed.

In the back corner, by a window, was the small work area set aside for the pony I’d come to see.

“Ash!,” I called.

He looked back and pulled down the cloth that covered his snout.

“Miss,*cough* , Snow!” he replied. “It’s almost done; just a few more touches. Why don’t you just meet me in the square.”

“Ok!” I agreed, craning my neck to peek at the object on his table.

“Go on,” he teased, shifting his stance to block my view. “I promise it’ll be perfect.”

“Poo,” I complained, turning on my hoof and winding my way back to the entrance.

Once I reached the fountain, I looked at the sun again to check the time.

Still plenty of time.

I sat by the fountain’s edge and waited. And waited.

“You’re taking forever!” I said to nopony in particular.

Bored, I looked up to the castle whose tall spires shone brightly in the sun. A breeze had set the banners to waving majestically and soft puffy clouds crawled lazily in the distance. The peaceful scene belied the flurry of activity that must have been occurring that very moment in the castle’s entrance. In a few more hours, the ceremony would begin.

And the last thing I need to be ready is…

“Finished!” Ash Carver said, turning sideways to display the pack at his side.

I hopped of the fountain’s edge and hastily reached for the object in his pack, magically floating it up close so I could get a good look at it.

The hoof-carved flower before me was everything I hoped it would be. Certainly Ash Carver could have done a better job in half the time, but with his patient instruction, I hadn’t done half bad. And without his help, I’d never have been able to bleach the wood pure white or make the resin droplets that looked like dew.

It wasn’t an exact copy, but the inspiration was clear: from the intricate petals to the delicate heart placed in the center… they looked as if they belonged together.

“It’s perfect!” I squealed, jumping forward to hug him tightly.

I was so enraptured imagining the moment that I gave Dusty the rose that when I felt his hooves on my shoulders, I was slightly startled.

He pushed me back to hoof’s length and stared at me with an intensity that left me stunned and wide-eyed.

“Miss Snow…” he started. “Snow,” he repeated with more confidence.

I blinked.

“I know I’m a little young and I don’t have much to offer,” he said, his voice confident, but with an undertone that betrayed his nervousness. “But I’m doing well in the shop and soon I’ll be able to take care of both of us. So… would you…” He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before speaking again.

“Would you be my special somepony?”

What? WHAT!?

He released me and sat on his haunches, blushing as he waited nervously for me to respond. But how was I supposed to react? By the time the sun set, I would be gone… his whole WORLD would be gone and I wasn’t so naïve to believe that I could ever return. I knew that I held his heart in my hooves.

Smiling just a little, I shook my head gently. “I wish I could. I do. You’re such a wonderful pony and I care for you a lot… even if it’s not the way you hoped.”

He hung his head, but listened to the end.

“I hope that you can believe me… and that you can forgive me.”

His head whipped up and he blurted, “It’s not your fault!”

“I know,” I answered. “But that still doesn’t mean you can forgive me.”

Then calmer, he said, “It’s not like that. Sn… Miss Snow, but… I mean, it’s no surprise… how could a pony like you love a pony like me?”

His words weighed heavily on my heart. Even if he was a dream fragment, it was one that was special to me and seeing him in pain wasn’t something I could take quietly.

So I sang. And through the song, I spoke from my heart to his…

Even with care and nurturing, a dream may not come true. But every dream you neglect will surely wither away.

As the song rolled on, I realized that I too had let myself slip into despair over a crushed dream. When I arrived in this world, I was just like he was now: sure that nothing good would ever happen again. So, as much for me as for him, I sang the words we both needed to hear.

Never give up on love. Never give up on happiness!

I opened my eyes; the song’s final notes floating into the sky.

Ash Carver was crying, but smiling too. I could feel his pain, but with it; hope.

“You’re something else,” he laughed, holding a hoof to his head. Then he looked to the sky and took a deep breath.

I smiled encouragingly and waited patiently.

“Miss Snow,” he started.

“Snow is fine,” I interrupted.

“Snow,” he smiled, “I won’t be able to stop loving you… not right away. But I hope we can still be friends in the end. Even if for today… and maybe a few days I’ll need some space.”

I was so relieved and humbled by his response that I couldn’t hold the tears in.

“I’d like that,” I smiled, grateful that we were able to part on good terms.

He smiled again, took another deep breath and exhaled as he stood. Then he started walking back to the shop before pausing to look my way once more.

“Snow, your songs are magical you know,” he said, holding my gaze for a few moments before continuing. “I just wanted to say that.”

And then, heartbroken, but not broken, he walked back to the shop with his head held high.

Author's Note:

For those asking about Ash Carver, here it is. S*** is about to go down :)