• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 1,884 Views, 20 Comments

Dr. Pinkhatten - The pinaqule of pink party ponie problems - TheSexyMenhir

When Pinkie ascends to Godhood her friends strugle to keep the pink party ponie in line.

  • ...

Breakfast, subtle hints and a countdown

Ch.03 “Breakfast, subtle hints, and a countdown”

After convincing the Cakes that Pinkie wouldn’t overthrow Celestia and bring about eternal night, I swore both of them to secrecy. If even the Cakes, who were nearly like foster parents for Pinkie, reacted like this, I didn’t dare to imagine what the general populace would do when they heard of Pinkie’s transformation.

When I finally reached my home, the Ponyville library, I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. I opened the door only to greeted by the snoring of my number one assistant. The little purple dragon had apparently awaited my return but eventually lost the fight against sleep. I couldn’t help but smile at this proof of his affection for me.

Careful not to wake him, I levitated his prone form up the stairs and tuckered him in; alicorn or no alicorn, that could wait until tomorrow morning.

I was awoken by the sun shining through my window. Instantly I regretted the choice of last night. Panic, my old companion, was back, now armed with ridiculous visions of “Nightmare Pie”, courtesy of my troubled subconscious, which had been kind enough to riddle my sleep with nightmares . Just what had I been thinking, leaving Pinkie alone? I shot out of my bed and raced over to Spikes basket. Empty?

Had he been dragonnapped? Was I already too late? Had the reign of Nightmare Pie begun? Quickly I sprinted out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

My panic induced burst of speed came to a sudden and ungraceful stop. Pinkie and Spike were sitting at the dinner table enjoying their breakfast.

“Pinkie?” I asked dumbfounded.

“Good morning Twilight.” the pink alicorn answered.

“Morning Twi.” Spike added.

I stared at them slack jawed. “Aw buck it.” I thought to myself, drawing up another chair and joining in on the breakfast. I simply didn’t have it in me anymore to be surprised.

“Did anyone see you on the way here?” I asked.

“I teleported.” she replied. Ah yes of course, she had overnight mastered a skill that took me years to learn, why not? I grunted and drowned my face in a bowl of cereal.

The breakfast was surprisingly delightful: Pinkie conjured us a pot of coffee and some bagels out of thin air (and some Gems for Spike), and for a few moments we just talked about normal stuff (at least normal by Pinkie’s standards). I made a point of not staring at Pinkie’s wings or her horn, to preserve the illusion of normality for a few moments longer.

Sadly Spike shattered the dream after a few minutes, asking: “So.... should I inform the princess about this?” he pointed in Pinkies general direction.

“Yes, we’re going to throw a big alicorn party.” Pinkie happily explained.

Spike raised an eyebrow and asked: “A party? Do you really think that’s....”

“...enough? Of course it is. Princess Celestia isn’t like those Canterlot snobs, she’ll enjoy a good old fashioned Ponyville-party.” I quickly interjected, shoving my hoof into Spikes mouth.

Spike shot me an incredulous look, which I answered with utmost subtlety: “DON’T. YOU. THINK. SO. SPIKE?” Each of my words was accompanied by a short kick against his shins.

“I... uhh... yes?” he answered, rubbing his mistreated appendage.

“So you really should go and write those “invitations”, shouldn’t you?” I could barely stop myself from shouting.

Spike scampered off to find a quill and some parchment, and I gave Pinkie a big sincere smile (the twitching eyelid and messy mane only dampened the effect slightly).

Unbeknown to me, while I tried to distract Pinkie, elsewhere the seeds of chaos were sown.

Octavia stared at the pint sized pink alicorn on her doorstep. The bouncing mini-alicorn was wearing a mail mare uniform and was carrying a card, about the same size as herself. Octavia rubbed her eyes.
“Vinyl, it’s for you!” she shouted into the apartment. When she turned around again, the likeness of the Element of Laughter had disappeared. The card she had carried remained:

“Pinkie’s fantastic alicorn Party

Come as you are

When? Today at eight pm

Where? Sugarcube Corner - Ponyville

bring your friends”

Octavia looked around the corridor, only to see a large mailbag, filled to the brim with invitations, disappear down the stairs."

Back at the library, Pinkie was currently explaining the finer points of party-cannon engineering to me. By which I mean, she was writing illegible scribbles on a blackboard and I stared blankly into space, while her voice verbally assaulted my ears.

“.... and that’s how Equestria was made.” she finished her lecture.

“Huh...” I snapped backed to reality. Pinkie was eyeing me expectantly. “Uhm... Yeah... exactly what I thought as well.” If in doubt just nod and smile.

“Great, but where do we find so many flamingos?” she chimed happily.

“That.... could be a problem.” I said, trying to review the last few minutes in my brain, but any sort of context seemed to elude me.

Luckily Pinkie didn’t seem to notice my confusion: ”Well, we just have to use normal streamers then.” She rubbed her chin as if she were deep in thought: “Streamers, cake, punch, music, invitations, the party cannons are set up.... I think we got everything.”

“What? How? When?” I asked. Sure, I had been out of it for a moment, but not nearly long enough to finish with the party preparations.

“I send out the mini-me’s to do all the work.” Pinkie happily explained.

“The what now?” I questioned.

The pink party mare let out a chuckle: “The mini-me’s, silly.”

Yeah, sure, that explained everything. “Pinkie, I have positively no Idea what you’re talking about.” I said, once again finding my patience running low.

Before Pinkie had a chance to further elaborate, Spike stumbled into the room. He had the queasy look, that he always got after receiving scrolls from Celestia, on his face. “*burp* urgh... here’s your reply from the princess.”

He handed the piece of parchment over. I sighed in relief; now everything would get sorted out. I quickly scanned the contents of the scroll, mumbling to myself:” My dear student.... received message.... soon as possible.... midnight..... WAIT WHAT?.” I reread the particular sentence again. There it stood, black on white, Celestia wouldn’t arrive in Ponyville before midnight.

“Pinkie when did you say your Party started?” I inquired from my friend.

“Around eight, why?” Pinkie replied.
