• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 1,882 Views, 12 Comments

Ursae Majoris: Eternal Knight - Draconaes

Trixie finds herself facing a most unusual problem, and a most difficult choice...

  • ...

Chapter 22

Notes: Hopefully the format of this chapter doesn't get screwed up...

Chapter 22

The hall shook as as the vaults doors fell to the ground. Tyr dismissed his blade and quickly stepped inside. Stealth, cunning, and patience were valuable traits, but Tyr knew that he had to sieze this opportunity while he could. He saw a chest placed upon an ornate pedestal. He carefully placed his hands on either side and took a deep breath.

Opening it revealed five amulets and a star topped crown. The tome had shown them as stone spheres, or so Trixie had said, but he knew that these had to be the elements. He reached a tentative claw forward and tapped the star-shaped jewel.

He felt a shock and his senses dropped away. He was in and of and around and outside a void. A strange sensation gripped him and he felt indistinct blobs of something that he could only decide to call color, even though the word had no meaning to him.

Orange Pink Blue Green Red Purple

Alien Ooooh! Monster


Stranger! Quite different


His brain
cannot Surely it
understand matters not?
our message Can he grasp
in full any of it?



But where's

the fun in that? At least give...

him? I... suppose...
Yes it's It would be
a him... Thank you... fair.

It would give him that

be kinder


The "colors" faded and his other senses returned. He sensed 6 orbs surrounding him, each giving off a different energy. He recognized each one and decided to use the "color" they had been before as a name.

Orange spoke first: I have decided to accommodate your senses
Red: Though I question my courtesy...
Green: It has been granted nonetheless
Pink: I'm sorry for disorienting you with my earlier gift
Red: I couldn't have expected that you wouldn't be able to handle it
Orange: Enough idle banter. What are you?

Tyr could not feel his body. It seemed as though he was trapped mentally. He didn't know how he was supposed to answer.

Blue: Don't be silly! You are trapped physically and magically! Your mind is free to wander!
Pink: I can read your answer from your mind. I am limited, however, so fear not
Purple: *eeeeeeeeeyipipipip*
Green: You have no horn, and thus cannot fully understand me
Blue: Most unfortunate, really
Orange: Which brings me back to what you are

'I am a starborn.' Tyr though briefly of what his species was, mentally browsing his traits and attributes.

Blue: Oooh! A most interesting creature!
Red: Loyal, in a sense
Green: Do they even have a word for generousity?
Red: Perhaps something cliche
Blue: Like "What do you call a generous starborn? Dead!"
Green: This one is remarkably selfless, though
Pink: If only because he cares not for himself, and only slightly more for others
Orange: Such dishonest truthfulness is sickening, though.
Purple: *zrrrrrrrk*
Orange: Knowledge; understanding the world around him more clearly
Green: I think this would help him greatly
Orange: He is not honest with himself, though
Red: Shall I help him?
Pink: I might hurt him by doing so...
Blue: But what a hilarious tragedy! Doomed to succeed!
Purple: *krkryp*

Tyr wanted the elements to give him the power to stop Nyx. But their words made him nervous. He didn't want to accidentally destroy her.

Pink: Would it not be the kinder fate?
Orange: Worry not, though; you will not kill her
Green: You will sacrifice much
Red: You will fight for your people; yes, even those you call "cousins"
Blue: Ironically, you may not be very happy, though.
Purple: What do you want me to do?

Tyr was unnerved by the purple one suddenly speaking. He noticed that the others seemed slightly odd as well. He wondered how he was supposed to use these to make him a god.

Purple: Another? Well, your kind are outnumbered by the alicorns. What would you do for us, though?

'Wait, would this be a singular thing? What about the others? What about Nyx or Syn or-'

Purple: Yes. Only one for now. I think it will be you. You can substitute another, if you wish *sui afatetetete*
Green: The victimitatenergyoustole comes I cannot give more time
Pink: My courtesy is withdrawn
Orange: You've been here quite long enough
Red: Harmony is threatened. Stand firm
Blue: And have fun!


Trixie ran down the Hall of Harmony, hoping against hope that she wasn't being followed. She saw the doors to the vault laying on the ground. Tyr was within, hunched over something and surrounded by a bubble of silver energy. Two royal unicorn guards stood on either side, attempting to break the spell. Trixie galloped up to them.

"What are you two doing!? We're under attack!"

The guards jerked their heads up, just now noticing her. "But Princess Luna said-"

"Yeah? Well she said just now that all guards should gather in the throne room!" She gestured at Tyr. "I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon, anyway!"

The guards exchanged glances. "Very well. I'm deputizing you, then. Watch over this creature and stay out of danger. If things get too hot, you can abandon your post and join the other civilians in the tunnels."

Trixie bit back a retort and merely smiled. "Of course, sir! He wont leave my sight!" The two guards saluted her and ran back toward the throne room. Once they were out of sight, Trixie zapped the bubble with a spark of magic. Tyr jerked and crumpled to the ground.

"I don't know what you're doing or what your plan was or whether I should be feeling betrayed or not, but you said you would help me save Equestria from your stupid Escape and now I'm holding you to it."

Tyr groaned. "How long was I here?" He climbed to his feet.

Trixie scoffed. "How should I know?" She summoned a glowing, blue longsword, not bother with details. "Get a weapon and follow me. I'm not about to let a bunch of snobbish unicorns show me up!"

Tyr looked back at the elements. "Right..." He summoned his own blade. "Lead the way, then."