• Published 26th Dec 2012
  • 1,984 Views, 21 Comments

Bioshock: Forgotten Elements - Barrobroadcaster

The submerged city of Rapture recieves some unexpected visitors when an experiment goes awry.

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Ten years later...

"Shut it off! Just shut it off!", Claire yelled, her hands over her ears. The whirring of the machine filled the air around them.

"NO! This is our last chance! It has to work!!", Albert shouted back. Claire saw that he was covering his own ears though and his eyes were filled with uncertainty and fear. Claire thought she probably looked the same though.

The generator was a prototype designed to replace the one in the Hephaestus core that was shutting down. If it worked, Rapture would have a new power source.

Claire checked the power gauge again. It needed to reach a certain mark before the safeties kicked in, otherwise it would hit critical. The needle was shaking just before the green, it needed to get into the green without hitting the red.

"It needs just a bit more!", Claire said, her own voice uncertain.

"It needs a little boost! I know just how to get it.", Albert said. Claire saw Albert reach into his lab coat pocket and pull out a flask full of glowing red-orange liquid. ADAM. He was about to drink a plasmid.

"No, it's too dangerous!", Claire yelled and ran to stop Albert. Albert unscrewed the top and was about to drink when Claire grabbed his hand and twisted in, trying to wrench the flask free.

"What are you doing?! It needs it now!", Albert said. Albert fell backwards as Claire turned into him and yanked the flask free, unfortunately she now held the flask upside down. As she hit the ground, the contents of the flask poured onto her face and a small amount leaked into her mouth. A drop touched her toungue and went down her throat. She started to gag.

"What have you done?! Do you know how much that stuff is worth?!", Albert shouted. He ran over to the machine.

"We have to stop it now!", Albert shouted.

'Wait...", Claire said. She got up on her hands and knees. With one hand she reached out to Albert. From that hand, a bolt of lightning shot out and arced past Albert. It struck the generator head on.

Claire looked back at her hand, electricity crackling between her fingers. The generator's whirr grew higher and higher, the noise became almost unbearable. Electricity surged around the machine and Albert stepped back. A bright flash of light erupted from the machine blinding them. For a moment, Claire felt weightless and she thought she heard Albert scream.

Claire got up from the floor and looked around, her eyes taking a moment to adjust. Her ears stopped ringing and she noticed the room had become silent. She smelled harsh smoke in the air.

"Al... Albert?", she called as got on her feet. She looked over to the machine. Black scorch marks streaked the floor around it in an ashen circle, spreaking outward. She saw Albert lying in front of it, not moving. Black smoke rose from his body and he wasn't moving. His eyes were open and locked on the cieling. She covered her mouth and quickly left the room.

She walked outside in one of the dimly lit corridors of Rapture. She sighed to herself heavily. From her coat pocket, she withdrew a small flask full of green liquid, the antidote to ADAM. She took a sip of it. She didn't have an official name for the substance yet but she'd taken to just calling it CURE. It counter-acted what ADAM did to one's DNA, reversing the effects. They had been so close. She and Albert had been hoping to distribute CURE to the population of Rapture, returning the Splicers to normal and ending their addiction to ADAM. In order to produce that much CURE they needed to get power back to the city first, so they'd made deals with the city's current 'mayor' Trent Arnold to build a new generator for Rapture in exchange for resources they'd need to produce and distribute CURE. But Trent had goals of his own in mind for the generator and both Claire and Trent's goals had just gone up in smoke, quite literally along with poor Albert. Hopefully when Trent's goons found the generator they'd think both Claire and Albert died in the explosion.

She looked through the windows into the sea beyond. She looked up to the surface. Odd, she could see light coming from above. Rapture was too deep for sunlight to reach it, how was this possible? A figure appeared in front of the window before her, some kind of creature. It bobbed in front of the glass, almost like it was looking inside... at her. Two more creatures appeared right next to them, each about the size of a small person. They all looked in at her now. One in the middle was green, one on the left was yellow and one on the right was a pale blue.

"It's Canterlantis! It's got to be!", the yellow one spoke. Claire's jaw dropped as she saw the mouth of one of the creatures, which resembled sea horses only much, much larger, open and hear the words that it seemed to... speak.

"Echo, Canterlantis is just an old sea pony's tale.", the pale blue one said in a feminine voice. Claire looked at the flask she was holding again. Had she mixed something else into the formula by mistake? Something hallucinogenic?

"We don't know what this is yet Marina." the green one said.

"Well what the kelp is it if it's not Canterlantis?", the yellow one asked.

"Why don't we just ask?", the green one suggested gesturing towards Claire with the side of his head.

"Good idea." the yellow one swam closer to the glass. "Hey! What is this place?" the creature asked Claire.

"This... this is Rapture." Claire said to them through the glass. She didn't know why; there was no way those things could hear her though the glass. There was no way she could hear them. There was no way this was possible and she was clearly hallucinating.

"You see? I told you it's not Canterlantis." the blue one said to the yellow one. Claire blinked. She stared at the creatures with her mouth agape slightly. They had heard her, they were speaking to her. How is this possible?

"What's a "Rapture"? the yellow one asked.

"Excuse me but... what are you?" Claire decided to ask.

"Well, I don't know about these two but I'm a sea pony. Name's Slipstream.", the green one identified himself. He had a red-orange mane and examined the city as he spoke.

"Do you mean like sea 'horses'?" Claire asked, trying to gather some clarity.

"No, sea horses are those little things with the noses that float around." the blue one said.

Claire shook her head and started walking down the corridor again, ignoring whatever it was she just had a covnersation with.

"Wait! Where are you going? Tell us more about this 'Rapture!' How long has it been here?! Do you know where Canterlantis is?!", the yellow one shouted at her as she walked through the door at the end of the hallway and entered the Haphaestus core.

She walked into the room and looked up at the ceiling for security cameras. She turned around a corner and the spotlamp of a security camera turned to face her. She had a few seconds to run, she took them, running towards the camera and hiding directly under it. Its spotlamp tracked her but it had all security cameras had a blindspot underneath them. Claire used this to her advantage, pressing herself into the corner.

The intercom crackled. The voice of her boss, Trent Arnold boomed over the intercom. He cleared his throat while the intercom was on ensuring his throat noises were heard throughout Rapture, a habit of his. Whether he was unaware of this or not, Claire didn't know.

"Ms. Grace? You're not authorized to be in that part of the Haphaestus core my dear." Trent said over the intercom. Claire cursed under her breath.

"Now don't make this difficult Ms. Grace." Trent warned. Claire pulled out the flask of CURE again. She threw the bottle in the direction of the door she came in and ran around the corner. She sprinted towards the door again cursing under her breath. That one bottle had taken her months to concoct, now contents of the flask had splattered all over the floor just to buy her some time.

Claire ran through another door and into another corridor with glass walls. The hallway was long and lead to another building, part of the core. She ran to the other door, not bothering to look back. As she got closer, it felt like the ground beneath her feet began to shake. She started to slow down but kept moving towards the door. The shaking transformed into a rythmic thump-thump-thump and the door opened. Claire's heart hit the floor.

"I think this may be a tad premature but I think it's time for you to disappear Ms. Grace. Don't bother coming back to Titan Towers and consider your contract terminated. It's been a pleasure Claire.", Trent said over the intercom. Claire knew what happened to people that Trent Arnold 'fired'. She knew she was in danger now. She was almost to the end of the hallway when the door opened.

Standing in front of her in the doorway was what she feared: one of the biomechanical gaurdians of Rapture. A monster in the mock shape of a man standing at almost eight feet tall, its entire body covered in an armored diving suit. Two drills were on either side of its enormous hands and a single octogonal light shined on its head. One of the drills bloomed outward like a flower and folded back revealing a large black hand. Electricity sparked between its massive fingers and it stepped towards, two giant legs dripping with water like it had come from outside. She knew what they were called: Step Daddies.

The city's need for ADAM had driven the population to barbaric methods of production. ADAM could only be found in sea slugs but scientists found that the slugs could be implanted into young girls and then the girls could gather ADAM from the dead. The girls, dubbed "Little Sisters", harvested ADAM from dead bodies, drank the substance and then it was withdrawn from their bodies by special automated facilities throughout Rapture. ADAM was then transported to vending machines with preset programs that created plasmids and tonics of all sorts that anyone could buy as easily as one bought a soda. Splicers found it much easier to just kill the Little Sisters and take the ADAM for themselvs and so they needed protection while they performed their grim deed. The solution was the Big Daddy.

Big Daddies, like the one in front of Claire now were brainwashed men in armored diving suits that had been grafted to their bodies. Heavily armored, they followed the Little Sisters around as they gathered ADAM and gaurded them. The Little Sisters were all gone now, rescured by heroic individuals considered legends in Rapture. The remaining Big Daddies were now under the control of Trent Arnold and served as the enforcers of his will. Now called Step Daddies, it was unknown how exactly he got them under his command. And that made Trent Arnold a man to be feared.

The Step Daddy walked forward slowly, the floor underneath them vibrated with its immense weight. Claire now regretted taking a dose of CURE early; she could've used lightning to stun the beast, maybe escape. Maybe she could side step the beast, get past it that way. They did turn slowly. It was a long shot but she had to try something. She balled her fist and prepared to make her move.

She faked left and lunged right, hoping to get under the creature's left arm. The beast anticipated this and grab her with its left arm and in one motion pinned her to the wall. Her back slammed into the glass. The Step Daddy brought up its right arm. The drill on it spun filling the air with a droning whirr like the one the generator had made. Claire stared into the porthole of the monster that held her.

A lightning bolt struck the side of the Step Daddy and the light from the porthole turned red. The creature released its grip as electricity surged around its armor. Claire turned to see Albert standing in the hallway, his hand crackling with sparks.

"What are you standing there for?! Run!", he shouted at her. The beast recovered too quickly though and brought its drill up again. It was just a second too slow and Claire was able to duck around it this time. The Step Daddy's drill slammed into the glass wall behind them. Claire ran to Albert who was already running back in the direction they had came. Claire spared a glance behind her and turned her head just in time to see the Step Daddy withdraw its drill from the glass, causing it to shatter.

The door ahead of them's emergency measures kicked in and it slid down in front of them. Water quickly flooded the chamber they were in. Claire and Albert pounded on the door. As seawater continued pouring in, they turned to see the Step Deady lumbering towards them, its two drills spinning and its eye glowing red.

Author's Note:

I debated whether or not to use "Canterlantis" as a sea-Canterlot equivalent but the lost city concept fits better I think than there just being an undersea version of everything on the surface of Equestria. Of course, the sea ponies do require their own kingdom but I'm unsure of what to call it. I've heard that "Aquastria" is going to be used in future MLP literature and I don't know whether to use that directly without further details of its makeup or to just create my own. Regardless of what I make, confusion is the last thing I want to create. Perhaps 'Seaquestria' will suffice for now.