• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 1,481 Views, 19 Comments

The Comet and The Rainbow - Pyrefly_91

This is my first Fic. It's about my own OC and everyone's favorite daredevil. Hope you enjoy it.

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Chapter 2- A Tour To Remember

The Comet and The Rainbow

A Tour To Remember

So for the next forty-five minutes, Rainbow Dash and I flew the course at a gentle pace, in complete silence. The quiet was driving me crazy, so i decided to break the silence and open up a conversation.

"So, you know about my record and my title. So tell me, what else do you know?" I asked

"Well," Rainbow answered, starting to think, "I know why you left Coltston."

"And how would you know that?"

"It was in all of the newspapers and magazines," she responded, softening as she remembered the somber headlines. "'Fastest Pegasus on the East Coast Quits Racing After His Parents Unexpected Passing.'"

She stopped flying alongside me and looked away. Clearly feeling ashamed of bringing up the topic.

"I'm sorry Pyrefly," she said, almost as quiet as her cream-colored pegasus friend.

"It's alright," I said, flying over to her and I put a hoof on her shoulder. "I know how to make you smile."

"How you going to do that?" She asked questionably.

"You remember how I was making fun of how you knew all about me without letting me finish my intro?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Truth be told, I'm not the only one who's reputation proceeds them, 'Ms. Best Young Flier.'"

"You know about that?" Dash gushed.

"Yup, Heard about it straight from Spitfire herself."

"You know Spitfire? What about the rest of the Wonderbolts?"

"Well, I'm acquainted with them. You see, they came and paid their respects at my parents funeral. They also asked me if I'd consider moving to Canterlot with my sister and join the team. Clearly I declined."

"The Wonderbolts asked YOU to join the team? That is so cool! I've been trying to get on the team for years!"

"Well, I can tell you one thing Rainbow-"

"It's ok for you to call me RD" Dash interrupted.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. "I thought only your friends had that privilege? Does that mean I'm in the circle now?"

"I don't think anypony would object." She said with a warm smile.

"Ok, RD,"I started, but took a second to realize how earlier I was using that name to get under her skin, but now I found myself saying it with a sense of comfort and, longing? 'Where did that come from? There is no way I could be falling for somepony so soon after moving here. Ice Dancer would kill me' I pushed the thought out of my head and continued, "like I was saying, the Wonderbolts actually asked my opinion of you after I turned down their offer."

"Really?! What did you say?"

"To start with, i told them they would need to tell me about about you first, hence me finding out about you winning the Best Young Flyer crown. After they told me about your performance, they told me about your greatest talent."

"And what's my greatest talent?"

"The Sonic Rainboom of course. Being the only pegasus to be able to do it is a showstopper in and of its self. When the told me that, I was ready to give you a stamp of approval, then they showed me some footage of some of your tryouts."

At that, Dash stopped again and looked down once more. "They did, did they?"

"They want you to join, but they are afraid you might start showing off to much. They told me they want to see you mature a little more is all. Just never give up and keep improving."

"They really said that?" A glimmer of joy rekindled in her eyes.

"Yeah, but I've been talking a lot, what i want to know now is your friends. What are there names? Pinkie Pie is one of them, right?"

"Yeah", she responded as we turned around and started back towards the starting line of tomorrows race. "She's a riot."

"Not to mention completely off her rocker!"

"I know, right?" She said, bursting into laughter.

"But again, she's just one of your friends. What's the rest of their names?"

"Well," Rainbow started," The purple unicorn is Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity is the white one. Then There is Applejack, she's the earth pony that was wearing the cowpony hat. And finally, there's Fluttershy. She's the pegasus that convinced the others to let the race happen. Me and her go way back to Flight School. And thanks for being so nice to her, she scares easy."

"No problem," I replied. "Well, I got a good feel for the course by now. Plus it's getting pretty late. Mind if I fly you home?"

"Hmm..." Rainbow thought, "Why not." She said with a coy smile.

And so, for the first time since before the tragedy that lead my sister and I to Ponyville, I found myself being truly happy. As I flew beside Rainbow, I felt at home. 'Where are these feelings coming from? Are they coming from Dash? Or have I really fallen for her so quickly?' I pushed the thoughts from my head once more. But as we came up to her front door, I couldn't help but regret having to leave her. But I needed to keep my thoughts to myself. I didn't want to scare her away before i could sort out my thoughts and feelings.

"Well," I said as Dash put a hoof on her front door, "I'll see you tomorrow. I wish you the best of luck in the race, and my the best flyer win. Goodnight RD"

But just as i turned to fly off Rainbow called my name.


"What's up?" I answered as I turn back to her. When I had gotten about half way around, Dash was right back in front of me.

"Pyrefly," she said quietly, almost scared to get any more words out. "I wanted to apologize again for bringing up why you left Coltston."

"It's alright, I swear."

"I also wanted to tell you that, for the first time, I don't know I want to win tomorrow. Not that I think I can win. What I'm trying to say is that if I do win I don't want to hurt the first pony to ever make me feel comfortable being around that one pony that I. I mean-"

I couldn't help myself. Rainbow was opening up to me, somepony she had just meet. Somepony that had apparently already fallen head over horseshoes for her. I couldn't stop myself. So without thinking, I took a step forward and planted a kiss right on Dash's lips. I lingered there for a moment, then withdrew just a quickly.

"I'm so sorry," I spit out. "I didn't mean to do that. I just-"

This time it was Rainbow that kissed me. We stood there for a few moments. RD actually lifted a hoof and put it on the back of my neck, holding me there, enjoy my presence. After what felt like an entirety, we separated, leaving me breathless.

"Goodnight, Pyrefly, I'll see you tomorrow." She turned way, but quickly glanced back at me, still awe struck about what just happened. "Oh, and thank you."

"Thank you for what?" I stammered out.

"I've been looking for somepony to be more than friends with for a long time now. I just felt that everypony here in town was more family than friend. I know we just met and all, but until today, I've never been more comfortable with somepony else before, let alone a colt. So thanks."

"Well, I gotta thank you too than. Too be honest, I had fallen for since i first saw you back at the party. I was starting to get scared that I might do something to scare you off before I had a chance to tell you how I felt. So I'm more than happy to be your very special somepony. So, thank you, and goodnight RD Sleep well, and I'll see you in the morning."

And with that, Dash retired to her cloud home, and i flew back to my own home, still frantically thinking about Rainbow.

'This really turned out to be the best day of my life,' I thought to myself, 'regardless of how it started.'

When I got home, I found Ice Dancer already asleep in her room. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered goodnight in her ear. After that, I slid into my own bed and drifted off into sleep. And that night, I dreamed of a happy future here in Ponyville. Here with Rainbow Dash.