• Published 25th Nov 2012
  • 886 Views, 2 Comments

Killing Me Softly With Her Wubs - Dashofrainbow235

Octavia gets two golden tickets to see the Royal Canterlot Symphony.

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Chapter 2

Killing Me Softly With Her Wubs

Chapter 2

First, after Octavia left Vinyl Scratch, she ran into Fluttershy. Octavia knew she would be too big of a pushover to decline her offer. "Good afternoon, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy smiled and waved, "Oh hello, Octavia." She said in a hushed tone.

Octavia pulled out the two tickets from her bag. "I've two golden tickets to see the Royal Canterlot Symphony. Would you like to come see it with me?" Octavia requested.

"I would love to," Fluttershy began. Octavia grinned. But then Fluttershy finished, "but I have a frog that has a frog in its throat to take care of. That's my top priority right now." Octavia sighed, rolled her eyes, and then trotted off. "I'm sorry! Don't be mad at me! Maybe next time!" Fluttershy called after her. But Octavia was already gone. Fluttershy sighed and went on her way back to her cottage.

When trotting along the boulevards of Ponyville, Vinyl Scratch ran into Twilight Sparkle and Spike who were both carrying a stack of books on their way back to the library. Spike was having trouble holding up all those books while Twilight was more than used to carrying that many. DJ P0N-3 greeted them in her usual way. "Sup bruh." She gave the both of them bro-hooves.

"Hey Vinyl. Why aren't you with Octavia?" Spike interrogated as he put the books on the ground. They couldn't tell through her sunglasses, but Vinyl was actually glaring at him. Vinyl didn't want to talk about her anymore.

"I'm not talking to her ever again. She told she didn't like Deadmare5 or any wubs in particular and that I should get a new hobby! Can you believe that?" They both knew how she loved her wubs; they could hear it being blasted through her window every morning. "Then she offered me two tickets to see some symphony with her. But it's got no wubs so I don't care for it."

"Has Octavia done anything for you lately?" Twilight Sparkle asked. Vinyl scowled.

She thought for a moment and then responded, "Well… She did come with me to see Deadmare5 last week… But she didn't like them at all!"

"How can she not like Deadmare5? They're awesome!" Spike proclaimed. Twilight scolded him.

Twilight Sparkle explained to her, "Well, maybe she just went for you. Another big part of friendship is making sacrifices for the ponies you care about. Even if what they want is different from what you want. You should—"

Vinyl started to get irritated with her. She didn't like admitting her mistakes. "Geez! Why don't you write a letter about it to Princess Celestia while you're at it?" Spike laughed because knew Twilight would do just that at the end of the week.

"Then maybe you should go…" Twilight Sparkle gave her the evil death glare. Vinyl shrugged and trotted off. "Please yourself, then!" Twilight heard her call back at her, 'I will!' Twilight shouted one more thing to her as got farther away. "It's about giving and taking, Vinyl!"

Vinyl scoffed, "I always give! I remember, just yesterday I held the door for Octavia, and, um, I poured her some orange juice at breakfast, then I washed the dishes… Oh! And I let her use the bathroom first!" Vinyl told herself. She was talking to herself once again. She sighed.

Octavia ran into Rainbow Dash who seemed to be in a rush. Although most of the time, Rainbow Dash was always in a hurry. "Hello, Rainbow Dash." She greeted.

"Hey, what's up?" Rainbow Dash asked as she landed on the ground. Octavia explained to her the whole situation and hoped that Rainbow Dash would be able to go with her.
`She took a moment to reply, "As awesome as that seems, I have a ticket to see the Wonderbolt's airshow… Which is about 20% cooler. You understand, right?" Octavia nodded. She recognized how she obsessed over the famous Wonderbolts. "Anyways, gotta dash!" Rainbow Dash soared off to Cloudsdale overhead where the airshow was being held.

"See ya around!" Octavia called. Rainbow Dash undoubtedly didn't hear her nevertheless. She had made it up to the airshow in record time. Octavia began to canter away. Then she thought that maybe Rarity would maybe go with her; she loved this sort of thing. So Octavia headed off to Rarity's boutique.

Vinyl Scratch made it over to Sugarcube corner. Right when she opened the door, she began chuckling hysterically. She wiped a tear drop from her eye and stopped her laughing. When she walked in, she had heard dubstep music being produced at a turntable. She saw that Gummy, Pinkie Pie's pet baby alligator, was the DJ and Pinkie was dancing to the music. Vinyl smiled and shook her head.

"Hey Pinkie Pie!" Vinyl called. She caught Pinkie Pie's attention and she ceased dancing. "You're partying all wrong!"

Pinkie was surprised, "But partying's all I know!" Vinyl smirked.

"Let me show you…" Vinyl struck a pose, "HOW IT'S DONE!" Vinyl stomped her hind legs, swayed her body back and forth, and swung her forelegs from side to side. Pinkie Pie liked her dance moves and did them as well.

Later, Octavia had made it to Rarity's boutique. While she was explaining her situation and other problems of her life, Rarity was constructing her dress for the symphony. "I was supposed to be first chair cellist in the Royal Canterlot Symphony! How is this my life?" Octavia whined. She was supposed to be confiding in Rarity, but she wasn't really paying attention to her. "It's all because of that fluke of a Grand Galloping Gala! As Celestia is my witness, I es, I—"

"That'll be 16 bits, darling." Rarity interrupted.

Octavia stopped her ranting, cleared her throat, and composed herself. "Oh yes, yes, of course." She grabbed from 16 bits from her wallet in her saddle bag. Octavia gave the money over to Rarity. "You know, I have an extra ticket to see the symphony, would you care to join me?"

Rarity shook her head. "That does seem like a great opportunity to wear my new dress, but I mustn't. I simply have too much work and too little time. I have to design a dozen different dresses by tomorrow."

"Oh, I understand, Rarity. As per usual, I would go with Vinyl, but as she would say, she is too busy being a butt to go with me."

Rarity raised an eyebrow in confusion. "That's too bad." Rarity remarked.

"Indeed. I'll be going to Sugarcube Corner to get a spot of tea. Thank you for the dress though!" Octavia acknowledged. She waved goodbye to Rarity and she waved back.

"Please yourself, darling!" Rarity shouted after her as she was embedding diamonds and other gems into the dress she was working on.

When Octavia made it to Sugarcube Corner, she opened the door and smirked. She laughed out loud. When Vinyl and Pinkie Pie heard her, they stopped. Vinyl scowled and crossed her forelegs. "What are you doing here?"

Octavia stopped laughing, "Well, I was going to buy a spot of tea, but I think I should apologize first for my earlier behavior."

Vinyl Scratch was surprised; she did not see that coming. She didn't think that Octavia would be the one to apologize when it was Vinyl's own fault. "No, I should be the one to apologize! I was the one who was being stubborn and selfish!"

"As true as that is, I was the one who was inconsiderate! I only told you to find a new hobby because I was jealous of you. I actually love wubs for that matter, I just would not admit to it because I was simply too headstrong and angry." Octavia retorted.

"You already do a ton of nice things for me and now it's my turn! I'm going with you to the symphony!" Vinyl affirmed.

"No, you don't have to if you don't want to." Octavia claimed. Vinyl placed her forelegs on Octavia's shoulders.

"But I do want to!" Vinyl asserted. Now Octavia smiled and Vinyl mirrored it. She held her forelegs out for a hug. "Come on, bring it in!"

Octavia was hesitant at first but then she gladly hugged her best friend. Vinyl's hug was tight… A little too tight for Octavia's sake. "You're crushing my lungs!"

With that, Vinyl released her. "Sorry!" She apologized, "Well, what are we waiting for? We have to get ready for the Royal Canterlot Symphony now if we wanna be there on time!" Octavia nodded and they ran back home to get dress for tonight.

Pinkie Pie smiled as the two united friends left the shop. It truly warmed her heart to see two of her favorite ponies (her favorite ponies are everyone), make up. "Well enough of that. Crank up the music, DJ Gummy!"

AN: For those of you who are thinking this is the last chapter, you guys are adorable and yet sadly mistaken. Keep on the lookout for chapter 3!